发布时间:2022-05-13 16:45:30
托福写作通用例子一Franklin Roosevelt/富兰克林罗斯福:
简介:富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福【Franklin D.Roosevelt,1882年1月30日--1945年4月12日】,美国第32任总统,美国历史上连任超过两届【连任四届,病逝于第四届任期中】的总统,美国迄今为止在任时间最长的总统。罗斯福家族在美国大约有近 300年的历史,美国第26任总统西奥多·罗斯福是富兰克林·罗斯福的堂叔。.
Franklin Roosevelt was the 32nd presidentof the United States who rose to prominence during the Great Depression. Duringthat time, President Hebert Hoover’s economic program was unsatisfactory andineffective and kept millions of people under poverty and hunger. In the midstof despair, Franklin Roosevelt, who had long been questioning Hoover’s economicprogram, was elected as the President to combat the economic crisis. Heassembled a group of elites and constructed a more effective economic programcalled New Deal. The new program provided money and supplies to needy familiesand created jobs for the unemployed. As a result, President Roosevelteffectively rekindled hope to millions of despondent Americans. New Deal provedto be an important turning point in the history of America. It made a powerfulstart of a strong government role in the nation’s economic affairs thatremained and developed to the present day
托福写作通用例子-Thomas Edison/托马斯爱迪生:
简介:托马斯·阿尔瓦·爱迪生【Thomas Alva Edison,1847年2月11日—1931年10月18日】,出生于美国俄亥俄州米兰镇,逝世于美国新泽西州西奥兰治。发明家、企业家。爱迪生是人类历史上第一个利用大量生产原则和电气工程研究的实验室来进行从事发明专利而对世界产生重大深远影响的人。他发明的留声机、电影摄影机、电灯对世界有极大影响。他一生的发明共有两千多项,拥有专利一千多项。
Thomas Edison is considered to be one ofthe most prolific inventors in history, holding 1,093 US patents under hisname. He is one of the first inventors to apply the principles of massproduction and large teamwork to the process of invention, and therefore isoften credited with the creation of the first industrial research laboratory.To find a long lasting material for the light bulb, Edison and his team workedfor many years and experienced more than 1,500 failures through the process.However, their research was not hampered by setbacks and their hard work wasfinally paid off in 1879. Using a small carbonized bamboo filament, Edison andhis team were able to produce a light bulb that was able to last over 40 hours.After soughting further improvements, Edison finally filed for US patent 223898in November4, 1879. His invention of the light bulb not only revolutionized thenascent electric industry, but also made electricity viable to mankind.
托福写作通用例子-Jack Welch/杰克韦尔奇:
简介:杰克·韦尔奇【Jack Welch】是通用电气【GE】董事长兼CEO。在短短20年间,这位商界传奇人物使GE的市场资本增长30多倍,达到了4500亿美元,排名从世界第10提升到第1。他所推行的“六西格玛”标准、全球化和电子商务,几乎重新定义了现代企业。
Jack Welch was the former CEO of GeneralElectric. He joined the company in 1960 and worked as a junior engineer. Aftera year at GE, he was displeased with the strict bureaucracy regarding pay risewhich led to a mere 00 increase in his salary after his first year. Welch,who then harbored thoughts of leaving the company, was convinced by ReubenGutoff to stay. He then started questioning the decisions made by theauthorities and moved up the ranks quickly. When he became the CEO of GE in1981, he worked to streamline the company by trimming inventories anddismantling the bureaucracy that almost led him to leave the company. Eachyear, he would fire the bottom 10% of his managers, while rewarding the top 20%with bonuses and stock options. By pushing his managers to perform, theperennial problem with regards to perceived inefficiency was effectivelyeradicated. When Welch left GE, the company had gone from a market value of billion to more than 0 billion at the end of 2004, making it the most valuableand largest company in the world.
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