发布时间:2022-05-13 16:46:52
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People are never satisfied with whatthey have; they always want something more or something different. Use specific reasons tosupport your answer.
Many of the world's religions share a belief that when a person is able to look at and confess his orher problems that person can begin to travel the road to emotional recovery. A problem cannot besolved until it is clearly recognized. I agree with the above statement because I believe thatdissatisfaction and suffering forces people to change.
History presents many examples of dissatisfaction and change. The history of China in this century might be seen as one of dissatisfaction and progress. Sun Yet San was discontented withthe decaying imperial order, and so he created “revolution”; Mao was dissatisfied with the courseof events and so he intensified the revolution; finally, Deng pushed the Chinese economy towardsfree-market economics. Hence, China progressed towards its new-found “superpower” status.In a not dissimilar way, during the eighteenth century many Americans became annoyed withdirect British rule, and so the United States fought for and gained political independence.
On a personal level, dissatisfaction can lead to change within friendship and marriage. Perhaps itmight even be said that true love cannot remain static. Matrimony and friendship are explorationsof the higher emotions: they are pilgrimages towards the city of true values. If husband and wifeare prepared to confront and discuss their problems, a blue period can give way to many years ofhappiness. Sometimes, for instance, a spouse may not recognize that the source of maritalunhappiness is that the other partner has developed a need to have children. Whatever else maybe said, most people would agree that children change the lives of their parents.
The best method of utilizing dissatisfaction is to change things before they get out of hand. Anintelligent man will constantly monitor his emotions; an intelligent politician will understand themood of his people. Some people might suggest that the transition to independence for Canadaand Australia was much smoother than that of the United States because Britain allowed thosetwo dominions to evolve with time. To take the idea further, a good parent or an astute politicianwill even anticipate potential dissatisfactions and therefore take precautions.
I agree with the above statement because, I believe that we mature through dissatisfaction.Without the ability to recognize our discontent, we could collapse into illness. Suffering sharpensour senses.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should read only those booksthat are about real events, real people, and established facts. Use specific reasons and details tosupport your opinion.
How could anyone suggest that people should only read about real events, real people, andestablished facts? For one thing, that means people wouldn't be reading half of all the great booksthat have ever been written, not to mention the plays, short stones and poetry. For another, itwould mean that people's imaginations would not develop as children and would remain dulledthroughout their lives.
Reading stories as a child helps develop our creativity by teaching us a lot about how to use wordsto create mental images. It opens our world up, exposing us to other times and different ways ofliving. Reading histories of those times would serve kind of the same purpose, but it probablywouldn't stick in our minds as sharply. Reading an essay about poverty in Victorian England is notthe same thing as reading Charles Dicken's Oliver Twist. The images of a small boy being sold aremore horrifying than simply reading the statement, "Children were sold into labor" because anovel makes that small boy seem real to us. Reading fiction makes a more lasting impression onour minds and emotions.
Besides, storytelling is an emotional need for human beings. From earliest times, humans havetaught their children about life, not by telling them facts and figures, but by telling them stories.Some of these stones show what people are like 【human nature】, and help us experience a widerange of feelings. Some make us think about how we should act. Telling a child that it's wrong tolie will make little impression, but telling him the story of a little boy whose nose grows longerevery time he tells a lie will make a big impression.
Fiction is too important to our culture, our minds, and our emotions. How could we ever give itup?
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important for students tostudy history and literature than it is for them to study science and mathematics. Use specificreasons and examples to support your opinion.
I have always considered that general knowledge is the best choice for me and universal learningthe perfect means to support the phrase "knowledge for the sake of knowledge itself". But if Ihave to choose between the above-mentioned subjects I would definately concentrate on art and literature which I consider fit better my personality.
Art and literature have a lot in common in that they require a different,quite often universalapproach to the world around us.They concenterate not so much on the black and white aspectsof living but on the colourful side of life; on tints rather than brightness.Maths and science studythe form, the physical shape and its laws, but it is art and literature that fulfill this form with thatultimate meaning that only the human soul can sense.
And it is the human soul that has so many faces, so many aspects and interpretations to allthings.That is why I appreciate the subjectivity of art and literature-the numerous realities theyimpose are closer to our inner world than the strict powers that rule that of science.One is free to tolerate, to critisize, to accept the form of art but not obey them.
It is believed that Order came from Chaos.And if we can associate science and maths with Orderit sounds logical to claim that Chaos has a lot to do with art and literature.The well of ourunconscious brings forward the strangest powers and they show more of the universe than mathsand science do.For Chaos is the beginning of life.
Having in mind the above, I definately support art and literature as a better means for achievinguniversal knowledge.What is more, while maths and science closely deal with laws, they cannot inany way teach us about that "thin red line" separating bad and evil, while art and literature Istrongly believe can.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? All students should be required tostudy art and music in secondary school. Use specific reasons to support your answer.
I agree that all students should be required to study art and music in high school. 'I've read thatyoung children who study art and music in grade school do better in their other studies. Thatargument aside, we should study art and music for its sake alone. We should study art and musicto learn more about ourselves, our culture, and our world.
Both art and music feed students' imaginations and help them express themselves. There's areason our ancestors in caves drew on the walls and made music with drums. Wanting to expressourselves is natural. It gives us an avenue for our emotions and fears. It may not always be musicother people want to hear or art others will appreciate, but the activity itself is enjoyable. Itshouldn't matter if the end result isn't perfect. In the process, we learn what we like and dislike.Studying art and music means more than drawing or playing an instrument. Students usually go toart galleries and concerts, too. By studying the pictures on the museums' walls or by reading theprogram notes at a recital, students will learn what society has decided is worthy of praise. Theylearn what is important in their own culture.
Students may also learn about other cultures by looking at art and listening to music from othercountries. When they do that, they'll see similarities and differences with their own. They'll learnabout what is important in other societies. Students will also learn how the art and music of othercultures affect our own.
By studying art and music in high school, students begin to understand themselves as well as theirown culture and other cultures. What could have more value than that?
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