发布时间:2022-05-13 16:47:39
Imagine your life ten years in the future. Talk about one way you think your life will be different in ten years than it is now. Use details to explain your answer.
2.Having a great job
3.Save up some money for a more relaxing life
4.Learn stuff and see the world
5.Reading all kinds of books
6.Expanding knowledge base
7.Pick up an musical instrument
8.Be able to play a song or two when I’m blue
9.Appreciate the beauty of the world
The life in ten years occurring in my imagination is living in a all new circumstance, being a freelancer, and owning more time to enjoy my life rather than being tied to work day and night. I can read more books, from classic literatures to romantic novels, from historical records to contemporary affairs, expanding my knowledge and broadening my horizon. Besides that I can also take up a musical instrument, at least be capable to playing several songs when I am blue. Music always helps me feel the beauty of the world. This is what I imagine my life will be in ten years.
I imagine my life ten years in the future to be free. My life will be different in one way from now that I don’t have to be tied to a job. I can travel around the world, go anywhere, see different things, meet different people, broaden my horizon and thus feel the world. I don’t have to confine myself to just one place. I can go to France, South Africa, South America and Islands in the Pacific. In addition, I can be a freelancer, live on my royalties. I will have plenty of time to write novels and read all the masterpieces. This is what I imagine my life will be in ten years.
使用natural pauses。很多考生在准备口语的过程中都希望能让自己的口语答案听起来更接近英语为母语的人所说的英语,自然的停顿词语可以帮助达到这个效果。常见的natural pauses有:"well", "urn", and "you know"等等。但注意适度使用这些词汇。
及时纠正自己答题的错误。许多考生害怕答题时错误多会影响自己的成绩,就刻意在犯错后掩盖自己的错误。其实在发现自己的错误后立即纠正反而是一种好的解决方法,让考官明白刚刚的错误其实只是口误,如"... I really like standing in, I mean, ON the mountain."
适用于所有口语考试的最好技巧就是练习了。如Dale Carnegie所言,"The FIRST way, the LAST way, the NEVER FAILING way to develop self-confidence in speaking is-TO SPEAK."
独立口语题【Task 1 & Task 2】
小贴士1: 尽可能使自己的答题完整些,在未完成自己要表达的一个要点前,不要急着转到下一个要点。
小贴士2: 在独立口语题中要获得高分的一个很大的关键是充分并有逻辑性的表达自己的观点。但这并不意味着你需要给出非常多的要点,按照一般中国考生的英文语速,两个要点足以在规定时间内达到很好的效果。
小贴士3: 答题时不一定要遵循真实想法,可以适当给出合理的“白色谎言”,一切答题均以方便自己作答为主。
小贴士4: 许多考生喜欢在答题的第一句话给出类似"I have three 【or whatever】 reasons to support my idea"这样的topic sentence, 但却又往往出现规定时间内无法完成自己的要点作答。因此,建议考生可在topic sentence时以"I have a couple of reasons to say."这样抽象的概念取代。
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