发布时间:2022-05-13 16:47:37
Task4的题目流程和Task3是一样的,是Read/Listen/Speak三者结合,属于integrated speaking题型的。不过是关于an academic topic。
In the lecture, the professor mainly talked about the theory that_______.
To reinforce the theory, the professor gave two examples / reasons in his speech. The first one is that_______. The other one is that______.
And that’s the two examples / reasons the speaker presented to explain his/her idea. 【The conclusion is optional. 】
Chaining Behavior
Many everyday human behaviors are made up of a sequence of several simpler behaviors. In order to teach children to perform these complex behaviors, parents sometimes use a technique called chaining. First, parents identify each of the simpler component behaviors and determine the order in which these simpler behaviors are performed. Parents then start with the first task in the chain. When the child has mastered that element, parents then teach the second element together with the first and reinforce this effort. When these are performed satisfactorily, they move on to elements one, two, and three and so on, adding one behavior at a time. The behaviors are not taught in isolation; hence the term “chain.”
Question:Using the example of washing hands, explain the concept of chaining behavior.
Chaining behavior is a technique used by parents to teach children a sequence of complex behaviors. For example, professor taught his daughter how to wash her hands. He divided this complex behavior into 5 steps, and taught his daughter one step at a time. He first showed his daughter step 1 and practiced it with her for a couple of days. When she has mastered this action, he showed her step 2 and let her practice both steps for another few days until she can do both by herself. Then he added the third step after, and also let her practice for a while until she can do them all. For the last two steps, he did the same thing as the previous three steps. Finally she could finish the hand washing all by herself.
Reference Groups
Our thinking and behavior are often influenced by other people. When we admire and respect someone, we naturally try to imitate their behavior and attitudes. Groups of people whom we admire and whose behavior and attitudes we tend to imitate are known as reference groups. Reference groups provide a model –a frame of reference –that can shape how we think and behave. Over the course of a lifetime, we may be influenced by many different reference groups. As we grow older, or encounter new circumstances, our reference groups may change, and our attitudes and behavior may change accordingly.
我们不难发现,定义句是第三句话,此外还有一句关键信息句即最后一句,表示我们的参考人群是会变化的。因此阅读笔记应该记下的三个关键词是:admire, imitate, change。
听完教授的例子【听力文本见附文】,我们知道了教授前后分别崇拜和模仿了两种人,并且两个例子的结构是一致的:先是总结他们的dressing style,再是admire,然后imitate。我们其实可以对应着记下相应的逻辑主干:
我们要在60秒的答题时间中复述出来的信息其实就是三个关键词对应的两个例子的主干信息,其余的信息例如art students穿休闲服饰的场景,或是教授和co-workers经常去哪里玩,其实都是不需要说的,因为和整个概念的逻辑主干无关。
The professor explained Reference Groups in the lecture. It refers to the people whom we admire and imitate. He raised his own experience as anexample. When he began his university studies, he met some art students. He found that they often wore T-shirt, jeans, and sneakers andhe thought they were really cool. So the professor also began to wear T-shirt, jeans, and sneakers.Later, when he graduated and got a job in Chicago, he noticed that his youngco-workers would all dress up nicely when they hang out. They often wore nice clothes like fashionable dresses and button-up shirts. The professor thought they looked really classy and sharp, and he began to imitate them. So, the professor’s reference group changed from the art students to his co-workers.
Now listen to part of a lecture in a sociology class on thistopic.
【Male professor】
I have an example from my own life that illustrates this. When I first began myuniversity studies, I became friends with a bunch of art students. They wereolder and fun and very creative and I thought they were really cool. And theyall liked to dress really casually, in T-shirts and jeans and sneakers. That’swhat they wore all the time, to class, to the library, to dinner, everywhere,T-shirts and jeans and sneakers.
So that’s what I started wearing, too. And I fit right in, and I felt really cool. But then I graduated, moved to Chicago, and got a job. And I started working with some really bright, young people who’d already been working in the company for a few years, who were already handling major responsibilities forthe company, really impressive. And sometimes some of us would get together onthe weekend, maybe for a concert or a baseball game or something. And at first,I just wear a T-shirt and jeans and sneakers. That was, you know, how I wasused to dressing. But I soon noticed that my co-workers preferred to dress up a little bit. The men would wear a nice pair of pants, uh, button-up shirt. The women might wear a fashionable dress and some nice shoes. They dress in clothes a lot nicer than what I was used to wearing.
And I started thinking, you know, that looks really classy, really sharp. And so I started to dress the same way they did, you know, nicer, a little more formal. And, I don’t know, somehow my T-shirts and jeans and sneakers didn't seem as cool anymore.
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