发布时间:2022-05-13 16:49:23
1.torse and turn toss and turn.
-Last night Itouse and turned tossed and turned 翻来覆去【睡不着】 in bed ,too exhausted to sleep.
2. trade in ——将某物折价,作为部分款项买东西-It’s going to cast costa fortune to get my car fixed.
Why don't youjust trade it in for a new one?
3.turn down ——使减少音量高度或力度。
-Look, I amsorry to bother you about this, but could you turn that music down.
Sorry, I didn'trealize you could hear it.
-I have troubleconcentrating when my roommate plays loud music.
Why don't youjust ask him to turn down the volume herry?
-He wasapproached by three companies with job offers, but he turns them all down.
-I heard Johnwas turned down for the graduate fellowship, she must be upset.
She was that,but you know John, she got over it pretty quickly.
-Did you hearthat Michel turn down that job.
Yeah the hourswere convinient convenient but she would have been able to make ends meet.
4.tune in ——调频道,收听收看。
-Thank you fortuning in today
5. try out for ——为了什么参加竞争。
-Did you get thepart you tried out for in the play?
That role wasgiven to someone else, but I got the better part
6.turn in——交给某人,递给某人。
-Gerry ,did youturn in your locker【有锁的储物柜或有锁的其他东西】 key.
No I got Sam todo it.
-Now that Ifinally turned in my thesis, I plan to take it easy for a while.
7. turn off ——关掉
-I turn off thelights all ready for bed.
-I missed thebus again today, because I turned the alarm clock off in my sleep, I don't knowwhat to do.
Try putting itfar enough away from your bed then you'll have to get up to turn it off.
8.turn one's back on ——不愿帮助
-He’ll turn hisback on me if I ask for money.
9.turn out ——结果是,发现是
-This coursewasn't supposed to be hard.
But it sureturned out to be, didn’t it.
10.under the whether ——身体不适
-It’s good tosee you Mary, how have you been Actually, I have been feeling under the whetherrecently.
11.under warrenty ——在保修期内
-Is this radiostill under warrenty warranty?
It should be, Ibought it only six weeks ago.
12.up to——该由什么决定, 视为什么责任
-Do you think weshould urge Bob to study Spanish? We’ll have to leave that decision up to him.
-Should we callMarcia and tell her about the meeting I am not sure; it’s up to you.
-I am afraidthat Alan is not up to such a difficult task.
13.up to one's neck ——非常繁忙 -Come swimming with me.
Sorry, but I amup to my neck in work.
14.upside down ——上下颠倒 -This calculator isn't working right.
I think you'vegot the battery in upside down.
15.wait until the last minute ——等到最后一刻。
-I can'tremember the due day for a final paper.
I think it isthe last day of class, but professor Murdock said not to wait until last minuteto hand it in.
1.set in——开始,发生。
-our exercisesaren't enough to increase metabolism before fatigue 【疲劳】sets in.
2.set out for——动身,出发。
-Which hikingtrail did Karol's group take?
I think they setout for the lake.
3.set up——建立,开设。
-I think I'vegot six experiments this experiment set up right now.
You only thinkit's right? In chemistry, you’ve got to be sure 【你仅仅是认为?,对待化学,你必须有十分把握才行】。
4.share a common outlook——有共同的观点。
-Jeff and Alanshare a common outlook on life.
5.show off——炫耀,展示,展览。
-What a show off.
6.show up——1 显现出来。
-How would thesnale snail show up in the photographs if they were transparent? - 到来,出现。
-Did David showup at the game?
-The speakershowed up late for his statistic lecture.
-Mike promisedhe'd help on this rush job, but he never showed up.
Some friend heis.
7.sick of——对什么厌烦,厌倦。
-he is sick ofhis job.
8.sign up——报名参加,参加
-I am in a chemistrymajor, but I enjoy join and the course description says that any student cansign up.
-I am signing upfor a non-credit【不记学分】 string on sanble stringensemble【弦乐合奏】 course that needs meets once a week onWednesday nights.
-I signed up fora month-long course but Katy signed up for the one that's eight weeks.
-Hi, I’d like tosigned up for the film selection committee, is this the right place.
Yes it is, thereis lot of fun people on that committee, but you have to put a lot of hours, Ihope your schedule isn't too tight.
9.sit in on——列席,旁听。
-Maybe I shouldsit in on his class some time.
10.six of one and half a dozenhalf-a-dozen of the other -半斤八两,没什么区别。
-I can't decidewhether to take anphology anthropology【人类学】 or geologythis term It’s six of one and half a dozen half-a-dozen of the other.
1.strengthen straighten out——扯平,结清。
-I almost forgotI still owe you ten dollars from the other night, do you have change for a twenty
Oh, not at themoment, let’s just strengthen it out some other time
2.switch off——使什么断开,切断电源。
-Switch off thelight, would you?
3.take care of——照顾,照应。
-What would youdo with your cat when you leave for vacation?
I am having Kentake care of it
4.take for——当成,误以为。
-IthoughtPamsaidthemathtestwasn'tuntilMonday我想PAM说过数学要到星期一才考 Alan ,youshould know better than to take Pam's words for anything 不应该把他的话当真
5.take for granted——认为理所当然,想当然的认为。
-We take forgranted some of the other invitions inventions that enable people to live andwork in skyscrapers
6.take forever to do——永远做不完。
-this calculousproblems are not only tough they take forever to do
7.take it easy——回避艰苦劳动或担忧轻松愉快,生活很舒适
-Holding down ajob, going to class, studying sometimes it can become too much for one person,take it easy
-Now that Ifinally turned in my thesis, I plan to take it easy for a while -in the meantime【同时】 ,you should try to take it easy
8.take one's time ——从从容容,不着急,慢慢来。
-Take your timeand you 'all spend less money
-Bruce said hewould meet us
Well, He isreally taking his time getting here
9.take over——控制和接管 ,接替或负责。
-We got someoneto take over herry's job
-Can you takeover for me here; I have a client coming to see me Well I can't have my handsfor
well I kind of【相当于 sort of 表示 a little ,somewhat 有点儿有些 have my hands full 【=tied up ,occupied 忙】
10.take up——开始做或学;以什么为职业或爱好。
-Robber wants totake up drawing
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