发布时间:2022-05-13 16:49:32
1. The data they present suggest that the animals portrayed in the cave paintings were mostly the ones that the painters preferred for meat and for materials such as hides.
2. When he grew older William Smith taught himself surveying from books he bought with his small savings and at the age of eighteen he was apprenticed to a surveyor of the local parish.
3. Scientists felt that they could get an idea of how long the extinctions took by determining how long it took to deposit this one centimeter of clay and they thought they could determine the time it took to deposit the clay by determining the amount of the element iridium 【lr】 it contained.
4. Wildman and Niles make a summary comment: "Perhaps the most important thing we learned is the idea of the teacher-as-reflective-practitioner will not happen simply because it is a good or even compelling idea."
5. Even the kind of stability defined as simple lack of change is not always associated with maximum diversity.
6. Even if the new population is of a different species, it can approximately fill the niche vacated by the extinct population and keep the food web intact.
7. Their seed heads raised just high enough above the ground to catch the wind, the plants are no bigger than they need be, their stems are hollow, and all the rigidity comes from their water content.
8. By contrast, in the United States an estimated 97 million birds are killed each year when they collide with buildings made of plate glass, 57 million are killed on highways each year; at least 3.8 million die annually from pollution and poisoning; and millions of birds are electrocuted each year by transmission and distribution lines carrying power produced by nuclear and coal power plants.
9. A recent Douglas biographer states:" The deer which once picturesquely dotted the meadows around the fort were gone [in 1832], hunted to extermination in order to protect the crops."
10. Scientists first identified this impact in 1980 from the worldwide layer of sediment deposited from the dust cloud that enveloped the planet after the impact.
1. While rock between two consistent strata might in one place be shale and in another sandstone, the fossils in that shale or sandstone were always the same.
2. The Greeks were wedded to the sea; the Romans, to the land.
3. Greek civilization had quality; Rome, mere quantity.
4. Darwin held that many more individuals are produced than can find food and survive into adulthood.
5. Also, skilled artisans did not work by the clock, at a steady pace, but rather in bursts of intense labor alternating with more leisurely time.
6. Can smiling give rise to feelings of good will, for example, and frowning to anger?
7. Consider Darwin's words: "The free expression by outward signs of an emotion intensifies it.
8. For example, some early societies ceased to consider certain rites essential to their well-being and abandoned them, nevertheless, they retained as parts of their oral tradition the myths that had grown up around the rites and admired them for their artistic qualities rather than for their religious usefulness.
9. Because some paintings were made directly over others, obliterating them, it is probable that a painting’s value ended with the migration it pictured.
10. This opinion holds that the pictures and whatever ceremony they accompanied were an ancient method of psychologically motivating hunters.
1. Many of her dances represented elements or natural objects—Fire, the Lily, the Butterfly, and so on—and thus accorded well with the fashionable Art Nouveau style, which emphasized nature imagery and fluid, sinuous lines.
2. Her dancing also attracted the attention of French poets and painters of the period, for it appealed to their liking for mystery, their belief in art for art’s sake, a nineteenth-century idea that art is valuable in itself rather than because it may have some moral or educational benefit, and their efforts to synthesize form and content.
3. At the Paris Exposition in 1900, she had her own theater, where, in addition to her own dances, she presented pantomimes by the Japanese actress Sada Yocco.
4. They are formed by glaciers—large rivers of ice that begin inland in the snows of Greenland, Antarctica, and Alaska—and move slowly toward the sea.
5. Recent expeditions have taken ice samples from green icebergs and ice cores—vertical, cylindrical ice samples reaching down to great depths—from the glacial ice shelves along the Antarctic continent.
6. The ice shelf cores, with a total length of 215 meters 【705 feet】, were long enough to penetrate through glacial ice—which is formed from the compaction of snow and contains air bubbles—and to continue into the clear, bubble-free ice formed from seawater that freezes onto the bottom of the glacial ice.
7. Advocates also point to people who believe that the forces of nature are inhabited by spirits, particularly shamans* who believe that an animal’s spirit and energy is transferred to them while in a trance.
8. The researchers Peter Ucko and Andree Rosenfeld identified three principal locations of paintings in the caves of western Europe: 【1】 in obviously inhabited rock shelters and cave entrances; 【2】 in galleries immediately off the inhabited areas of caves; and 【3】 in the inner reaches of caves, whose difficulty of access has been interpreted by some as a sign that magical-religious activities were performed there.
9. At the same time, operators of the first printing presses run by steam rather than by hand found it possible to produce a thousand pages in an hour rather than thirty.
10. Limestone may be found in the Cambrian or 300 million years later in the Jurassic strata but a trilobite-the ubiquitous marine arthropod that had its birth in the Cambrian-will never be found in Jurassic strata, nor a dinosaur in the Cambrian.
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