发布时间:2022-05-13 16:50:19
在托福综合口语的TASK4中,题目涉及的学术范围主要都是与留学的相关科目,分为生物、心理学和市场营销三种类型。涵盖的范围主要包括生命科学【Life Science】、社会科学【Social Science】、自然科学【Physical Science】和人文科学【Humanity】。
托福TPO22口语task4题目 Reading Part:
Irrational Commitment
When people have devoted time or resources to a certain project, they generally want to see it succeed. However, they may grow so attached to the idea of a successful outcome that even if it starts to look like the project will fail, andthe disadvantages are outweighing the benefits, they will nevertheless increase their commitment to the project rather than give up. This is known as irrational commitment. This tendency to continue with a project when it would makebetter sense to quit can be especially strong when people feel they may be judged by others for their eventual success or failure with the project.
托福TPO22口语task4题目 Listening Part:
Listen to part of a lecture from a psychology class.
【male professor】
So, I have a personal example. Some years back, my wife and I were looking for a house to buy. We found this great old house out in the country. But my wife had her doubts about it. She noticed the house wasn't in very good condition. Itwas a little run down and probably needed some repairs. But, I really fell in love with the architecture of the house, the unusual way it was designed and built, so I convinced my wife that we could hire people to fix it up and, youknow, make the house nice.
We decided to buy it and live there after the repairs were finished. Well, the workers we hired to repair the house soon discovered things were worse than I thought. It turned out that the roof was damaged and needed expensive repairs.
After the roof was repaired, the workers discovered the house had electrical problems. Most of the wiring was bad and would have to be replaced, at a huge cost.
Well, at this point, my wife reminded me of her earlier doubts about the house and wondered if we could ever get it in good shape. But I just became more determined than ever. I paid for all the wiring to be replaced by an electrician.But it gets worse. The electrician noticed that insects had eaten some of the walls and they would also have to be torn out and replaced. This was going to be more expensive than all the other repairs. But by this point, I feltdetermined to keep going. I kept thinking, “I have to do it. If I stopped now, my wife will think I was wrong for not following her advice.”
托福TPO22口语task4题目 Question:
Explain how the example from the professor ’s lecture illustrates irrational comment.
The irrational commitmentis a tendency to continue a project even if the project is more likely to fail than succeed. This tendency can be especially strong when people feel that others are judging the success or failure of theirprojects. In the professor’s personal example, he wanted to buy an old house. But his wife said it was in no good condition and didn’t want to buy it. He convinced his wife to buy the house and decided to fix the house before they livein. However, house turned out to have many problems, the professor had to spend huge amount of money to fix the damaged roof and electrical problems. Then his wife reminded him of her earlier doubts. But he became more determined thanever. Even if the problem ofthe house got worse and took more money to fix, he just kept going, because he didn’t want his wife to think he was wrong for not following her advice. In other words, he didn’t want his wife to judge hissuccess or failure.
Integrated Speaking:Term& Examples
[名词解释]Ecological trap:human change the landscape when animals need to find a suitable habitat, they may follow the sign which turns to be harmful.
例子:例如Mayfly一般在水中产卵,他们会依赖太阳在水中的反射来判断是胡泊还是地面,而最近很多的mayfly 在paved pebble 上产卵,就是因为paved pebble 通过阳光折射的模式和水面折射的模式相似。
[Question] 用Mayfly在水中产卵的例子解释对这个概念的理解。
标题:ecological trap【生态陷阱】
定义:Normally speaking, correct signals as to where suitable habitats are will be given to animals. But because human have changed nature, consequently, those signals lead animals to dangerous habitats.
正常来说, 动物会接收到提示适宜栖息地的正确信号,但因为人类改变了自然,所以信号会讲动物引入危险的栖息地。
例子: For example, Mayflies usually lay eggs in water, and they can know if they are on the ground or on a lake by judging for the reflection of sunlight for water. Recently a lot of mayflies lay eggs on paved pebbles because the way the sun light reflects on paved pebbles is the same to that of water surface.
Integrated Speaking:Term& Examples
[名词解释] Plant domestication:野外生存的植物不适合人类食用,人类会选择合适的植物种植。例如一种有毒的植物亚分类,比较稀少的,动物和人们会domestic 。有种seeds有毒后面就没毒了,人类和动物不喜欢吃它们就没有破坏很多;后来发现它没有某种化学成分后味道变得sweet而且能安全食用,人类便开始种植。
[Question] 用seeds的例子解释对这个概念的理解。
人类的需求对于植物数量的影响,比如一种有毒的植物亚分类,animal domestication 比较稀少的,动物和人们会domestic 教授用omens 【不会拼】来举看最初omens的seeds有毒后面就没毒了,人类和动物不需要不喜欢它们就没有被破坏很多;动物觉得挺好吃的人也觉得挺好吃的人就开始种了,并且防止动物吃后面omen的数量开始thrive了
植物驯化【plant domestication】
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