发布时间:2022-05-13 16:53:07
Talk about an important news event that happened recently in your country. Describe the event and explain why it was important.
The China Tennis Open 2012 concluded in Beijing on 7, October with a wealth of global stars' participation. Chinese superstar Li Na managed to defeat the defending champion. I think the meaning is multi-fold. But the most important thing is, just as this year’s Olympic Game slogan suggests, inspire a generation, I hope it will be a good start for Chinese people to take part in sports and benefit from sports. Especially those young people, who are currently buried in books or drawn by work, sports will improve their health and their state of mind.
Recently, there was a news about a little girl run over by a van and within 7 minutes, 18 people walked by without giving a hand. Finally she was saved by a scavenger. The news is very important because it shows that our society is apathetic. People aren’t willing to help others and they fear to help others. This is pathetic. This news sparked an awful lot of discussions on the Internet and increased the public awareness of an issue that we are gradually losing our virtue. Our virtue has been sapped by our apathy. What should we do to save the society and save ourselves?
brave - someone who isn't afraid of danger.
Example sentences:Mario is a coastguard. He is very brave. His job is to rescue people.
chatty - someone who talks a lot.
Example sentences:Maria is a very chatty person. She is always on the phone to friends.
clever - good at learning things.
Example sentences:Gerard is very clever. He always gets top marks in class.
cowardly - 【mildly negative】 someone who is afraid of things. 【often described as "a bit of a coward"】
Example sentences:Sylvia is a bit of a coward. She really hates going to the dentist!
easy-going - someone who is easy to get along with.
Example sentences:My husband is very easy-going.
friendly - someone who is nice to other people.
Example sentences:The people in my office are really friendly! I love working there!
funny - used to describe someone who is amusing.
Example sentences:Salem is really funny! He's always entertaining us with jokes and stories.
generous - someone who shares their time or things with others.
Example sentences:My parents are very generous. They bought me a car for my birthday!
grumpy - bad-tempered.
Example sentences:My boss is really grumpy. He isn't an easy person to get along with.
hard-working - someone who works very hard.
Example sentences:My brother is very hard-working. He hardly ever takes a day off.
honest - someone who is truthful and who doesn't cheat or steal.
Example sentences:Amina is a very honest. She always tells the truth.
kind - someone who behaves in a caring way towards other people.
Example sentences:Most of the people I've met here have been kind.
lazy - an inactive person who avoids work.
Example sentences:Pete is very lazy. He rarely gets out of bed before mid-afternoon.
loud - someone who talks really loudly.
Example sentences: Rosita is really loud! When she talks, she drowns everybody else out.
lucky - someone who often has good fortune.
Example sentences:My brother is very lucky. He's always winning prizes in competitions.
mean - 1】 Someone who is a nasty person. 2】 Someone who doesn't like spending money.
Example sentences:Phillip is very mean. He never pays for his share of things.
moody - adjective used to describe someone who behaves differently every time you meet them.
Example sentences:Nina is very moody. Yesterday she said hello; today she just ignored me.
nasty - a mean, unpleasant person. 【the opposite of nice】
Example sentences:I don't really know any nasty people. Most people I know are very nice.
neat - a person who is very tidy.
Example sentences:My flatmate Jorge is very neat and well organised. His room is always tidy.
nervous - someone who is easily startled by things.
Example sentences:Anna is a very nervous person. She gets scared easily.
nice - someone who is friendly and kind. 【the opposite of nasty】
Example sentences:My best friend Lin is a really nice person. She is always there for me.
polite - someone who has good manners.
Example sentences:Abdullah is a very polite boy. He always says please and thank you.
popular - somebody who is liked by many people.
Example sentences:My cousin Ali is very popular. He has a lot of friends.
quiet - used to describe someone who doesn't talk very much.
Example sentences:Helen is a quiet person. She isn't very talkative.
rude - bad mannered, impolite.
Example sentences:James is a very rude person. He always pushes in front of people in queues.
selfish - used to describe someone who only thinks about themselves.
Example sentences:Jeremy is very selfish. He never helps out with the housework.
serious - someone who is always very sensible 【the opposite of silly】.
Example sentences:Eric is very serious person. He never joins in when we play silly games.
shy - quiet and a little bit nervous around other people.
Example sentences:Claire is very shy. She doesn't speak much in class.
silly - someone who is a bit foolish, or who doesn't behave in a serious way.
Example sentences:Gina is a bit silly. She messes about in class when she should be working.
smart - 1】 someone who takes a lot of care over their appearance 2】 someone whois very clever
Example sentences: 【1】Anna is very smart. She is always neatly dressed.
stupid - 【very negative and very impolite - sometimes used as an insult】 someone who is not clever.Be careful when using this word! Using neutral adjectives to describe people is much safer.
tidy - someone who is very neat and well organized.
Example sentences:My sister is a very tidy person. I'm the opposite; I'm really untidy!
unlucky - someone who often suffers from bad fortune.
Example sentences:Sabrina is very unlucky. Things always seem to go wrong for her.
untidy - someone who is very messy.
Example sentences:I'm a very messy person. I always forget to put things away!
vain - 【negative】 someone who is a bit too fond of their looks.
Example sentences:Paulina is really vain. She spends far too much time looking in the mirror!
wise - someone with a lot of common sense and knowledge.
Example sentences:My grandfather was a very wise man. He taught me many things.
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