发布时间:2022-05-13 16:53:42
TASK1 Independent Speaking, Personal Preference
题目:Talk about a country or culture that you would like to learn more about. What is the country or culture and why would you like to learn more about it.
高分词汇:definitely, suppose, in that case
The country I want to learn more about is definitely America. And there are a couple of reasons to list. The most important thing is that, you know, the USA is the freest country in the world, so it must be really nice of living there, and since I want to have that kind of experience, so I’d like to learn more about it first. Furthermore, I’ll go to the postgraduate school in the USA, so I suppose it’s good for me to understand what that country looks like or feels like, in that case, I can fit in my school life better. So that’s why I want to learn more about America.
“This response is sustained and the speech is generally understandable. At times, though, the speaker’s pronunciation makes it difficult to understand the meaning of her ideas. She really gives only reason why she likes shopping.
This reason is used repetitively without much elaboration. Shopping is something she likes very much and makes her feel better. She could have added complexity to her ideas by saying something like “when I go shopping, I usually go withfriends and we have a good time together without thinking about jobs, or school work.” She also makes some basic grammatical errors and uses a limited range of vocabulary.”
这是对于一篇Middle level的口语回答的评价。从中可以发现几个问题:
1. 发音:事实上,托福口语考试在发音方面仅仅是要求考生的发音是准确的即可,不论对于某个单词的发音是不是有浓重的口音,只要这个单词的元音发准确,重音不说错即可,因为只要满足了这两条就可以达到“make one’s ideas/meaning understandable”的要求。这一条成为影响我们取分的首要因素。
2. 内容:文中评价该考生的口语是仅仅提出了自己为什么喜欢购物的原因,但也只是在简单地重复说自己喜欢购物,却没有用更多的内容对这一原因进行阐述。这是导致考生失分最核心的因素。考生普遍强于说理却疏于举例,而ETS考官,或者西方人的一个固有观念就是“口说无凭,举例为证”。因此,在回答的过程中,要求speaker用相当的篇幅通过一个具体的事例来证明或解释自己之前提出的观点。
“The speaker is fairly fluent and easy to comprehend. However, there is some hesitancy or choppiness, which seems to occur as she searches for ideas and do not because of linguistic breakdown. In this response, the speaker has moredifficulty using effective pause structure. She has a tendency to complete one thought and immediately begin the next, without pausing in between. At times she then stops and restarts the next idea, giving a somewhat rambling quality tothe response. Minor but systematic grammatical errors occur but do not interfere with overall comprehensibility. The speaker states the woman’s problem clearly and with ease. Despite minor grammatical errors, she supports her opinionwith fairly sophisticated reason.”
这段点评对考生极具参考价值,它告诉我们如何在自己发音及语言组织能力还有欠缺的情况下依旧取得高分。这是对一篇high level的回答做出的点评。我们从评论中不难看出,考官对于这段口语还是心存不满的,但是最终还是给了一个较高的分数。
1. 流利程度:流利与否是第一项评分点。流利不仅仅是指我们的在回答过程中是不是出现了长时间的break或者是无话可说,同时也要求考生不要一直不停地重复同一个词【这是一个非常常见的现象】甚至是重复刚才说的短语、句子。
2. 逻辑性:与写作一样,口语的回答也需要条理清晰,并且在说的时候要通过一些关联词将你听到的内容进行整理复述,使得听这段口语的人能够很容易就明白了你讲的是什么,这样就想他传达了一个强烈的信号:我听懂了。在上面这段文字中,ETS的考官向我们推荐了一个方法“pause structure”,即在回答完一个内容的时候做一个小小的停顿,告诉听者,下一个内容/观点要开始了。这样就可以弥补回答中逻辑词的发音不准或者是误用、漏用带来的失分。
3. 优势之处:尽管这段回答中存在上述诸多的错误和不足,但是仅仅一下一点就足以力挽狂澜,追回失分。
4. 准确性:综合口语考察的一个重点就是考试是不是能够准确、完整地复述出conversation或lecture中的内容。这是考生在综合口语中最大的失分原因。通过对点评的解读,不难发现,需要做的是“state … clearly and with ease”。只要做到了这点,把题目要求复述的内同清晰并以一种简单的方式说出来了,那么尽管回答中存在一些小小的语法错误【despite minor grammatical errors…】,也不会影响取得高分。
5. 语法:语法问题并不是一个主要的失分点。也就是说口语是靠内容取胜的,而不是华丽的句子。内容出彩的情况下,语法上的失误可以被原谅;但是内容部完整或者说得不对的时候,语法便会成为考官扣分的又一理由。
1. 我没有经验。
I have no experience.
I don’t know much about that.
I have no experience这句话听起来古里古怪,因为您只需要说:那方面我懂得不多,或者这方面我不在行,就行了。I am not really an expert in this area.
2. 我没有男朋友。
I have no boyfriend.
I don’t have a boyfriend.
3. 他的身体很健康。
His body is healthy.
He is in good health.You can also say: He’s healthy.
4. 价钱很昂贵/便宜。
The price is too expensive/cheap.
The price is too high/ rather low.
5. 我们下了车。
We got off the car.
We got out of the car.
6. 车速快了。
The speed of the car is fast.
The car is speeding. Or “The car is going too fast.”
7. 这个春节你回家吗?
Will you be going back home for the Spring Festival?
是的,我回去。Of course! 【这一句是错的】
当然。Sure. / Certainly.【这种说法是正确的】
以英语为母语的人使用of course的频率要比中国的学生低得多,只有在回答一些众所周知的问题时才说of course。因为ofcourse后面隐含的一句话是“当然我知道啦!难道我是一个傻瓜吗?”因此,of course带有挑衅的意味。在交谈时,用sure或certainly效果会好得多。同时,of course not也具挑衅的意味。正常情况下语气温和的说法是certainly not.
8. 我觉得右手很疼。
I feel very painful in my right hand.
My right hand is very painful. Or “ My right hand hurts【aches】.”
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