发布时间:2022-05-13 16:53:44
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Children should be required to learn practical skills in school,such as cooking or personal finance, in addition to academic subjects. Use details and examples to explain youropinion.
I totally agree with the statement. School isn't just a place for kids to learn math, physics or chemistry. Children need to learn some practical and useful skills. Like, if children can learn cooking at school, they not only learn thebasic survival skill but also a skill that can help them become more sociable. In a party, children can cook for friends. At home, children can cook for parents and relatives. Also, if children can learn personal finance at school, they’ll learn how to budget their allowance and develop a good habit of spending money. Therefore, I think children should be required to learn practical skills.
I agree with this statement. Well, learning about academic knowledge can hone our ability of critical thinking and broaden our knowledge span, which is very important for us, still mastering essential practical skills can help us live abetter and easier life. Financial management skills can be applied to our daily life in so many ways, from paying the bills to balancing bank account and so on. As for cooking techniques, cooking at home is a much healthier lifestyle,also when you invite friends over for a little get-together; it can be a great show-off. Still another practical skill that is quite essential for our generation is driving. I don’t need to expand on how convenient it would be if youhave a driver’s license. Also, it is a symbol of us entering adulthood.
1. 独立口语:托福口语中Task1&2为独立口语,就是两道开放性话题,很多考生都会头脑空空,建议大家不要去背那些万能模板,不但千篇一律,说出的内容也是十分空洞。平时可以多看一些英语名著或杂志,把里面好的素材词句摘抄并背下来,这样考试的时候才会“有话可说”。
2. 综合口语:托福口语中Task3-6是综合口语,要求学生先进行阅读和听力,再根据相关信息作答。大部分考生的作答往往结构混乱,甚至没有围绕主题。针对这个问题,考生可以在平时复述听到的英语,“影子跟读法”能有效地解决这个问题。
1Describe the disadvantages of shopping online. Please include details and examples in your explanation.
Task1 – What are the possible disadvantages of shopping on line?
Well, there are lots of drags shopping online, the most noteworthy one is that you cannot try the product in person, cuz you can only check the pictures or videos of a product online, and after placing the order, you might find theyfall short of your expectation, thus you have to return it, and that will cost you lots of time. Besides that, online stores have a bad reputation for crappy stuff, like fake iphones, or they even sell refurbished iphones as new ones,and lots of people got ripped off buying these stuff online.
Although thought convenient to many people, shopping online could mean quite a lot of trouble. First, as a matter of fact, we can’t really feel and examine the product we are seeing. The result could turn out okay, also it couldturn out far worse than our expectation. And instead of enjoying the moment of receiving a package in the morning, it could lead to the trouble of negotiating with the on-line store, sending back the package, and getting refund, etc.
Hence, shopping on line could be as inconvenient as one can imagine. Besides, it’s easy to get addicted when there’re always sales and promotions on line. Some people think it saves money, but to my experience, a lot of my friends justend up buying tons of stuff that they don’t even need. So sometimes it’s just better to step in a real supermarket or department store.
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