发布时间:2022-05-13 16:56:10
例如TPO 10Question 5:
1. Student A:
Is there a problem with the electricity?
2. Student B:
Yeah, this storm’s smacked up power all over the city. And they aresaying it might be several hours before we have electricity again.
3. Student A:
Oh no! I have a history paper due tomorrow, and I’ve been writing iton my laptop computer and the battery is running low. I’m going to needelectricity soon.
4. Student B:
Well, you know, Jefferson City still got electricity, and there is alibrary there where you can plug in your laptop. You could go over there andwork on your paper. It’s only about a 20-minute drive.
5. Student A:
That’s a good idea. Of course I’d have to pack up all my stuff and itis raining outside.
6. Student B:
Yeah, that’s true. Well, why don’t you just ask the professor for anextension? You know, tomorrow when you go to class, just ask him if he’d giveyou an extra day to get the paper done. I’m pretty sure he’d agree, you know,with this storm and all.
7. Student A:
Yeah, that’d sure be a lot easier. But then he did tell us when hegave us the assignment that he wouldn’t grant any extensions.
8. Student B:
You don’t think he’d grant an extension in this case?
9. Student A:
I’m not sure. It’s a little risky. He might just say that we shouldn’thave waited until the last minute.
10. Student B:
Yeah, but maybe if other students had the same problem, you might beable to convince him.
11. Student A:
Yeah, I mean it’s not our fault the electricity went out, hm...
该题中,1和2两句话为两人见面的寒暄和回应,问题是在第3句话中提出来的,即The woman needs electricity immediately to finishher paper. 第4句为对方提出的第一个solution并加以解释,紧接着第5句就对该solution提出了质疑,即不足之处。因此对方在第6句中就详细阐述了第二个solution, 7-11句均是围绕第二个解决方案的不足进行的讨论。
托福口语Task 5详细解析
托福口语Task 5答题顺序如下:
Task 5听力部分是两个人的对话,一定是一男一女,一般是同学关系。其结构全部都是:其中一个人,他/她有一个problem。在说完这个problem之后,会给出两个solutions。这两个solutions或者是此人自己提出的解决方案,或者是另一个人给出的建议。在每一个solution之后,有problem的这个人都会对这个solution进行评价。一般来说每一个solution都会有缺点,有的也有优点。
后面一个男生给她的solution 1:再把那个男生追回来。女生说哎呀不行,太丢脸了。
solution 2:再找个新的男朋友。女生说哎呀不行,显得我太花心了。
1.第一句话说The man/woman has a problem:她的男朋友跟她分手了。
2.There are 2 solutions.【这样不需要说这两个建议是谁提出的,比较省事】
3.The first one is~~再把那个男生追回来。
4.The second one is~~再找个新的男朋友。
5.I prefer the first/second one或者the former/latter one随便你。在这里就假设是the second one
因为两个solutions都有负面评价,你要支持2,可以说2好,也可以说1不好,所以先说1不好。If I再把那个男生追回来,太丢脸了。如果听力当中给出了2好的一面,可以说上,也可以自己编,比如说If I再找个新的男朋友,可以找个有钱的/长得帅的……之后如果还有时间,可以说一下关于2不好的那一点。Although再找个新的男朋友显得我太花心了,it still worth it. 强词夺理一个哇咔咔~~我的价值观就是拜金主义/帅哥控,怎么地吧我不在乎~~
例1:来自TPO 3的题目。
听力部分,一上来,一个女人说了她的problem,她获得了一个奖,想去award ceremony,但是类在同一时间有一个biology exam。后面第一个solution,她可以不参加生物考试,写一个5-page paper来代替。这个solution 是有好处的,因为她有a lot of ideas去写,但是。。哎呀不行写个paper太浪费时间了,比考试浪费的更多啊。男生给了她第二个solution,找个人替她去ceremony。但是哎呀不行~我爸妈可想看着他们的大闺女站在领奖台上摆一个拉风的pose了,我可不想让他们失望啊T-T
具体的答题步骤如上文所述,需要注意的是,because一句后面如果你还有时间要说although那一句,一定要注意意思表达通顺啊!你可以选择写一个paper不去考试,后面说Although it will take a lot of time, it still worth it. 但是,以前在上课的时候捏有位同学选的是第二个solution, 后面生生加了一句Although~~这样会让我的父母失望,it still worth it. 。。不要这样啊亲!听上去有点邪恶呢= =
给你一个sample answer:
The woman has the problem that she has a time confliction between award ceremony and biology exam. The solution is that she can choose to take exam or replace it with a 5-page paper in order to attend this ceremony. In my opinion, I prefer the latter one. Because invited to an award ceremony seems to be real honest especially for a student. The experience of accepting this award far outweighs the trouble of writing 5-page paper. Nobody should miss this moment of standing the stage and receiving this award from the institute. On the other hand, her parents can witness her achievement in person and share the joy at this ceremony. 【52s】
这一个sample answer就是我所谓的超超超满分的答案了,后面一大堆都是我即兴发挥现场编出来的,如果大家hold不住的话就还是一本正经跟着套路走吧~基础练熟了再来卖弄卖弄。
话题安排:同时涉及两个人必须想出一个共同的解决方案, 涉及一方说出问题,另外一方或双方同时想出两个解决方案。
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