发布时间:2022-05-13 16:57:24
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One should never judge a person byexternal appearances. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
What do you feel when a handsome gentleman or a beautiful lady passes by? Then how about afat short person wearing a dirty shirt? You feel differently? Yes, most people do. It's very commonfor people to judge a person by external appearance, because it's easy and direct, and it's instinctive. Appearance is a very important aspect of a person and reflects one's personalities.So metimes you can tell the person's characteristics from his appearance. However, in most cases,you can't tell exactly what the person is like just from the external appearance, and ethically, weshould not judge a person just by one glance at his external appearance.
"Beauty and beast" and "Snow white and seven dwarves" are two stories that are almost knownby everyone. Although there are fables, there are deep meanings inside them. What you can learnfrom them is that people that are not so good-looking can be very good people internally. Andactually there are tons of examples in reality. Napoleon is a very short guy, but he was one of themost famous people in the history. Theodore Roosevelt, former US president during World WarII, is handicapped; but he is one of the most successful presidents in American history. So howcan you tell about the people from their external appearance?
Moreover, there are other undeniable facts which show that a beautiful person may be rotteninside. There are many prostitutes on the busy streets. It's obviously that they are very beautiful,but are they really righteous people? A beautiful appearance is a good thing, but a righteous heartis more valuable. Finally, as we can see, it's out of question that we should not judge people justfrom their external appearance. The most important standard is their internal personality.
Some people are always in a hurry to go places and get things done. Other people prefer totake their time and live life at a slower pace. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons andexamples to support your answer.
Life is short. Haste makes waste. What's your hurry? These three sayings characterize the way Imanage my day to day chores. I don't want to rush through things; I prefer to take my time.Life is short. You never know what may happen tomorrow so it is important to enjoy today. Ofcourse, some people will say that's why it is important to cram a lot into a day. But then, howwould you possibly have time to enjoy all of those experiences. By doing a few things slowly anddoing them well, you can savor the experience.
Haste makes waste. We are not machines. We can't rush through things mechanically. If we do,we might forget something; we might take shortcuts. By taking our time, we can do a chorecarefully, completely, and correctly.
What's your hurry? Where's the fire? I don t see any need to rush to the next experience. There'sstill a lot to see and learn from the chores around you. Taking care of your baby brother forinstance can be very rewarding. You could simply keep him near you while you watch TV andwrite a letter and talk on the phone. Or you could devote your whole attention to him and observehis reactions to his environment. You can observe carefully, if you are trying to do four things atthe same time.
To twist a common saying, "Don't just do something, sit there!" Take life easy and savor eachminute. Life is shorter than you think.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Games are as important for adults asthey are for children. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
The young of most mammals, including humans, like to play. Scientists claim that with lions, forexample, play fighting prepares the cubs for their future life as a hunter and killer. The question iswhether games and play teach humans about life. Many people believe that games accustom theplayer to life-skills such as perseverance and competitiveness.
However, I disagree with the title statement because I consider games to be mainly for children. Inchildhood, we do not have responsibility for the world. The child is always eager to grow up -tobecome a year older t or to reach the legal age of an adult. Children find happiness in games bypretending to be an adult in the real world. The problem is that games are optional; they containtoo much happiness and too little hardship to ever be real. An adult, by contrast, finds meaning inhis life by accepting that there are greater things in the world than his own happiness.
One of the dangers of games is that some people attempt to translate the rules of a game ontoreality. The modern example of this problem is television and computer games. People in the Westare now growing concerned that children and teenagers occasionally imitate violence which theysee on the screen.
Death is fun on a computer game; and unstable teenagers who “zap” people in computer gamescan forget the value of life. American films are often accused of making violence glamorous.This is not to say that games did not deceive people before the invention of television and themicrochip. Success as a sports-star can lead a player to self-importance. If a football player ismade captain of his team and receives praise from the local press, he might be tempted to assumethat he is “the boss” in other areas of his life, such as within friendships. Also, he might besurprised to find that sport is simply not important.
Finally, gambling should also be mentioned as a dangerous game. Although gambling and theacceptance of luck are acceptable features of many cultures, a selfish gambler can neglect hisfinancial duties towards his family. Eventually, gambling can become a drug which destroys life.To an extent, life for most people is precarious enough to include some degree of winning andlosing, and of adventure. Also, an unexpected opportunity or lucky find is one of the joys of life.But sooner or later we have to settle down and face the grind of adult life.
Some people prefer to work for themselves or own a business. Others prefer to work for an employer. Would you rather be self-employed, work for someone else, or own a business? Use specific reasons to explain your choice.
There are many advantages for people to work for themselves and have their own business. Forexample, you don't need to worry about getting up too late for work; you don't need to worryabout the relationship between you and your boss; you may go to work at any time you want,because you are the boss of your own business. You may lead a more spontaneous and free-stylelife. In spite of this, personally, I would like to work for someone else.
No matter what kind of business you own, a domestic or international company, or a small onelike a snack shop, you have to take care of many things such as a license, rent, your personnel,your competitors, product-market, even the weather if you own an umbrella shop.
That is what I don't like. I don't like a complicated life. I mean, I am just a normal female whohasn't much ambition either in my life or in my career. I am used to having a simple life, a regularlife with discipline, without much risk. What is most important for me, besides work, is that I canstill have free time the things I enjoy doing, and don't need to think about the business all the time.For me, being a business owner might have too much risk and stress.
Of course, being an employee, you are subject to discipline, and pay attention to your boss, butthat's a part of life, just like for others, paying attention to their own business, earning a lot ofmoney, and having risk are parts of their lives.
In a phrase, I would rather to work for someone else. I just want to have my own simple andregular life!
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