发布时间:2022-05-13 16:59:25
托福TPO15口语task5题目 Listening Part:
Listen to a conversation between two students.
【man】 Hey, Kerri, what’s the matter?
【woman】 Well, you know I’m in the choir, right? And we have a concert in an hour, just an hour from now?
【man】 I know, I’m going, really looking forward to hearing you sing. What’s the trouble?
【woman】 Well, we’re all supposed to wear white shirts and black pants at the concert. You know, so we all look the same.
【man】 Right?
【woman】 Well, I wore my white shirt to dinner and I spilt spaghetti sauce all over it.
【man】 Oh, no!
【woman】 Yeah, there’s a huge red stein on it. I can’t wear it for the concert now. It’s the only white shirt I have and there’s no time to go to the store to buy another one.
【man】 Wow! What are you gonna do?
【woman】 Well, I just called the choir director and he’s obviously unhappy about all this. But I told him about another shirt I have, it’s not exactly white, not white like the others, sort of off white, sort of cream-colored? And hesays it’s OK for me to wear it, but…
【man】 But it’s not exactly the same color as the others.
【woman】 Right. I’ll feel kind of funny. Some people in the audience would probably be able to tell.
【man】 Hmmm. Don’t any of the other choir members have an extra white shirt you could borrow?
【woman】 No, I’ve already asked around. But my roommate has one.
【man】 Great, use hers.
【woman】 Well, the thing is, she’s out of town. I’ve tried calling her but haven’t been able to reach her. She probably wouldn’t mind, but, you know, I’ve never borrowed her stuff before and I really don’t like taking things without asking.
托福TPO15口语task5题目 Question:
Briefly summarize the problem the speakers are discussing. Then state which solutionyou would recommend. Explain the reasons for your recommendation.
托福TPO15口语task5 答案解析:
1. Listening tip
【1.1】 Problem: woman needs to perform in a concert but her white shirt is stained with spaghetti sauce
【1.2】 Solution 1: wear another shirt that’s off-white to the concert
【1.2.1】 Pro: the director says it’s okay; it’s close to white
【1.2.2】 Con: she will look different than the other. That’ll make her feel funny knowing the audiences can tell the difference
【1.3】 Solution 2: take her roommate’s white shirt
【1.3.1】 Pro: it’s white. She’ll look exactly the same as the others
【1.3.2】 Con: no way to get permission from her roommate before the concert. It’s not nice to take her stuff without asking
托福TPO15口语task5 范文:
The woman’s problem is that she needs to perform in a concert but her white shirt is stained with dinner sauce. The first solution is for her to wear an cream-colored shirt to the concert, or she can take her roommate’s white shirt and use it first. I think the first solution is better for the following reasons. First of all, a cream colored shirt will look almost the same as a white shirt under the bring stage light, very few people will be able to make out the difference. Also, the second solution is not a good idea because it’s not polite to take other people’s belonging without asking.
Task 5
IntegratedSpeaking: Problem-Solutions
男生本以为他课都修完了可以毕业,结果还差一个literature course
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