
发布时间:2022-05-13 17:13:57




Now days both scientists and tourists can go to remote natural environments such as the South Pole. Do you think the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?


Unknown natural is always brimming with seductive scenery. Plenty of researchers and travelers make trips to distant natural places, such as the Mount Qomolangma, Antarctica and the North Pole. I am of the opinion that this has more disadvantages than advantages.

Discover of new areas always bring some irreparable destruction. Before the South Pole is in the sight of public, it was once an uncharted territory. Since its discovery, hundreds of explorers and scientists had taken adventures to this wilderness. At the same time, their scientific expedition may leave some geographical environment destruction there. And it is quite troublesome to make up such destruction.

Although travelers extremely enjoy the breathtaking natural landscape, they bring along tremendous risks. One of the most common phenomenon of travelers is producing pollution to local areas. As reported in many cases, holidaymakers have left behind tons of waste in the Antarctica over the last century. This will not only threaten the survival of many creatures, including endangered species such as penguins and seals, but also cause irreversible damage to the ecosystem.

In addition, we cannot avoid the fact that untouched environments are scientifically proved to have considerable oil and gas reserves.Currently, the world fuel supply is running out in the next fifty years, and no countries will help themselves from the temptation of these fuel sources. The greed of people will drive them to drain out the resource in these regions, and by then places like the South Pole will be truly deserted.

In conclusion, I confirm that travelling to virgin land will bring far more losses than gains.



Some people think the cheap air flight gives ordinary people more freedom. However, others think the cheap air flight should be banned because it pollutes the air and brings many other problems. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


Air travel, once a privilege of the wealthy, has been gaining popularity worldwide over the last few decades. The number of people traveling by air has been growing by leaps and bounds. Some environmentalists, however, propose that air travel be limited, on the ground that it may give rise to a series of problems, including pollution and exhaustion of the world’s valuable energy resources. To my mind, it does not make much sense to restrict air travel.

The most important and obvious reason is that no other vehicle can travel as fast as an airplane. In other words, air travel may be the only and easiest option when it comes to long-distance trips. For example, if a student from China wishes to go to the United States for further studies, the only means of transportation that could send him to the destination is undoubtedly the plane. Also, for people traveling on a regular basis, such as those engaged in transnational business, air travel would mean less time on the road. This will certainly enable them to better prepare for their future tasks, such as business negotiations, both mentally and physically.

In addition, air travel offers the comfort that cannot be found elsewhere. Most people, who have the experience of traveling by air, are bound to miss the snacks and drinks served on board, as well as the smiles on the faces of flight attendants. In some cases, you could even enjoy a favorite movie while on a plane, completely unaware that you are hundreds of thousands of feet above ground.

Last but not least, it is important to bear in mind that air travel is simply a personal choice and should be respected. This clearly means that any attempt to restrict air travel would be seen as a violation of human rights and is both groundless and unjustified.

In summary, despite the various problems arising from air travel, it should not be limited or eliminated. What we should do is to give full play to the function of air travel, by maximizing its benefits while trying to come up with practical solutions to the existing problems, such as developing fuel-efficient airplanes and alternative energy resources.



Some people think that sport is very important for society. Others, however, argue that it is nothing more than a leisure activity. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


What are the purposes of sport games for individuals and the society? Some people think they are no more than a way of the leisure among the audience. Personally, I believe there are more meanings involved in sports than entertainment, and my reasons would be explored as below.

The first social role sports games play is in educating young generations. In fact, it is mainly through watching team sports like football and bad basketball that children can gradually grasp the essence and values of cooperation and competition, as well as acquiring qualities of teamwork and strategic thinking. In addition, to the spiritual extent, sports can provide a precious source of encouragement and inspiration to the unfortunates. For example, in eyes of miserable people struggling in unemployment, homelessness or illness, those great sports games and athletes are mental placebo which can give bravery, consolation, dreams, brightness, hopes and visions back to them. In other word, with the enlightenment of sports games, people can embrace active attitudes towards challenges in life.

What is more, large-scale sports events are also an economic catalyst for local society. For one thing, during the period of Olympics and World Cup, the inflow of tens of thousands of athletes, coaches, officers, journalists and audience would drastically boost domestic economy, such as the consumption of hotels, restaurants, commodities and souvenirs. For another, many sporting venues which are in operation after the event is over can be city icons and ideal attractions for tourists. Expectedly, with a consistent thriving of tourism, many kinds of industries and new job vacancies can be activated.

Admittedly, I have to concede that entertaining is also a part of the nature of sports games. In fact, most of professional sports, from tennis to football to boxing, are amusement-oriented. During watching them, viewers can relax mental stress and have pleasure and excitement, as well as getting rid of worries and anxiety. Moreover, main goals of companies behind sports are to seek profits, so that sports games are nothing but a tool for making money by exciting the audience. Therefore, sports games are mere a leisure option for the public, with no difference from pop music, movies and video games.

In conclusion, the contributions sports games make to the public should never be underestimated. Although they fulfill a mission of making money by relaxing people, their positive influences on people’s minds and social economy are far more meaningful and valuable.





