
发布时间:2022-05-13 17:14:12




  Which one would you like to choose for your final project:presentation, paper,video


  Personally, I'd like to choose presentations for my final project. They are great because you can dwell on the important aspects of your discussion with pictures and good captions, and also you can add in some visual aids and make a very spectacular layout to keep your audience listening. I remember last semester, our group chose to do a presentation instead of taking a final exam for the linguistic course. We spent like a month to select materials, take video clips of interviewees, design our power point presentation and stuff. And it turned out that our presentation was a great success and has left a deep impression on our professor and classmates. Until now, Dr. Lee is still proud of us.


  Do you agree or disagree with this statement that we should help our friends only when they ask for help.


  Personally I don't really agree with this statement, coz sometimes friends would be a little shy, or embarrassed to literally ask you for help, especially for Chinese people. We usually are introverted and don't want to bother others with our own trouble. So I would voluntarily ask if my friends need my help when I notice that they meet with trouble. Like once I saw my BBF Jing was upset about something, so I just asked what happened. And it turned out that she wanted to buy a present for her cousin but she was kind of in a financial crisis. Learning about this, I lent her some money to pull trough the crisis. This is what friends should do.





Your foreign friend is considering coming to your country to visit, but he/she does not know how to plan the trip. What suggestions do you give him/her?


立场:suggest my friend to visit Sanya, a coastal city in the southern part of China

1、惊讶于那里的美景【比如:蓝天、白云、碧水、各种热带植物】→ 爱上那里的美味海鲜【比如:龙虾很肥美、蛤蜊很有味道】

2、最不该错过的是水上运动 → 比如:深水潜水 → 深入海洋底部,观赏多彩的地貌风景和生物


1、惊讶于那里的美景:be fascinated by the beautiful views

2、各种热带植物:various tropical plants

3、爱上那里的美味海鲜:fall in love with the delicious seafood

4、龙虾很肥美、蛤蜊很有味道:lobsters are fat and clams do have much flavor

5、最不该错过的是水上运动:the last thing one should miss out is aquatic activities

6、深水潜水:scuba diving

7、深入海洋底部:go deep into the ocean





A big cooperation is planning to invest in a factory in your hometown. This factory will create many job opportunities for people, but also bring a lot of pollution at the same time. Do you agree or disagree with this plan?



1、工厂的建立可以提供很多工作岗位 → 增加家庭收入 → 提高生活水平,同时,还能负担得起让孩子接受更好的教育

2、当地政府可以提供技术支持 → 帮助工厂在排放有毒气体或液体之前进行净化处理 → 减少对环境的破坏



2、生活水平:life quality

3、负担得起让孩子接受更好的教育:afford to provide kids with a better education

4、提供技术支持:offer technical assistance

5、排放有毒气体或液体:release toxic gases or liquids

6、进行净化处理:go through the purification process



Which of the following choices would do like to get career advice from, parents, teachers or your friends who have been working.

As for the career advice, for me definitely I will choose to get advice from my parents.

The main reason is that my mother has been working as an interviewer in her company’s human resource department for over 10 years. She has affluent experience and I think she may pass on many useful things to me, such as how I can evaluate my personality and my skills, how I should put my specialty into my job, how I should keep a balance between what I like to do and what I can do, even how I should perform well in a job interview and so on. My mother happens to be expert in this field. So several years later, when I have my job hunting, I may consult my mother directly.


People have different choices to kill their time and relax themselves, which of the following creative activities is your favorite one, drawing, writing or designing.

Personally, I like drawing best.

The main reason is that I am adept in drawing and drawing can well ease my mind and relieve my body. I have been learning drawing a decade ago. Whenever I sit in front of the drawing board, not only I can draw what I see, what I perceive and what I like, but I can also feel the inner peace, hours of drawing, I have to be calm, be innovative, be clear on my mind, be concentrating. At that time, I can be away from the daily routine and troubles in my life, and after the drawing, seeing the drawing, I can get a sense of accomplishment. So that’s why my favorite creative activity is drawing.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement that the elderly should not do some risky sports as the youngsters.

In my view, I don’t think the elderly should do some risky sports.

Generally speaking, the physical constitution of the elderly is not as good as that of the youngsters. Their bones might be brittle and some chronic diseases, such as the hypertension, the cardiopathy and so on, may bother them. If the elderly do some risky sports, such as the ice hockey, speed skating, bungee jumping and so forth. Their blood pressure might be increased to a dangerous high level; they may tumble down and their bones might be injured. All these things might be bad for their health and might even result in serious results.

So personally, I don’t think the elderly should do such sports.


Some people think famous people and celebrities are far away from the general public; some people are just crazy about various celebrities, from your perspective, do you think whether the news media should often write stories about celebrities or not. Give your specific explanation in your response.

In my view, I think the media should write stories about celebrities, coz people can learn a lot from them and those celebrities may pass on the positive impact on the people.

Taking the Chinese business giant Jack Ma【Ma Yun】 for example, you can easily find his books, his videos, his interviews in the bookstores or on the Internet. From the bottom of my heart I have to thank to the media, I am a sophomore and my major is marketing, just because of these things, I learn a lot from him such as how I can find the business opportunity, how he manages his team, how he tries to satisfy the market and the customers. Although the model is far away from me, yet I think those books and interviews are beneficial to me as well as to those who are interested in business.





