
发布时间:2022-05-13 17:17:43



Some people believe schools should only teach students subjects that will be important to their students‟ future careers or jobs. However, I reject this notion and instead believe that schools should teach students a wide range of subjects.

The first reason is that by learning a wide range of subjects, students can get a general knowledge of many different fields of study. People should know how the world works, which they can do by studying many different subjects. Personally, while I do not like every school subject I take, I recognize their importance. I will never major in science, but I still think it is essential for me to learn chemistry, biology, and physics. By studying these subjects, I can learn about what the world is made up of and how things work. This information may not be enough to use for any future job, but it is important for my development as an educated person.

Additionally, we must remember that changing careers would be incredibly difficult if people had little or no knowledge about other subjects. Without this basic knowledge, people would find it virtually impossible suddenly to quit one career and begin another. I have read about businessmen who quit their jobs to become teachers and scientists who decide they want to run a company. Fortunately for them, they have some basic knowledge from taking many different classes, so they can make these changes. If people only study one subject at school, however, they will practically never be able to change even if they strongly dislike their chosen career.


Resources of time, money, and facilities must be restructured. The school day should allow for more in-depth project work beyond the 45-minute period, including block scheduling of classes two hours or longer. Schools should not close for a three-month summer vacation, but should remain open for student activities, teacher development, and community use. Through the practice of looping, elementary school teachers stay with a class for two or more years,deepening their relationships with students. More money in school districtsshould be directed to the classroom rather than the bureaucracy.

New school construction and renovation should emphasize school design that supports students and teachers collaborating in teams, with pervasive access to technology. Schools can be redesigned to also serve as community centers that provide health and social services for families, as well as counseling and parenting classes.

Reality Check: The school year at the Alice Carlson Applied Learning Center, in Fort Worth, Texas, consists of four blocks of about nine weeks each. Intersession workshops allow its K-5 students time for hands-on arts, science, and computer projects or sports in addition to language arts and math enrichment.


With the masses increase in affluence and awareness, college students tends to be spoiled with all kinds of well-equipped dorms. Private Jacuzzi, big screen TV set and even tanning salon are not rare on some college dorms. When it comes to the question of what the school should build in the dorm, I personally would say it is in the students’ best interest to build an entertainment room for the following reasons.

Admittedly, a quiet study room can provide a place for students to focus on their academic assignments and an exercising room affords them the opportunities to keep fit and stay in good shape, nonetheless, these facilities are redundant since an above-average university has at least one decent library and a recreation center for students and faculty members. Thus, it is not necessary to include such facilities in the campus dorms, and there are obvious benefits to build an entertainment room with home theater sets and video game consoles.

First off, an entertainment room provides students a chance to get away from busy life and study and switch off. As is known to all, college life can be overwhelming, students are constantly under lots of academic pressure, like presentations, group projects, final exams, so on and so forth. Barely do they have chance to release their pressure, fortunately with an entertainment room, they can watch movies or play video games together. As the saying goes, “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. Indeed, recent research on the correlation between leisure time and students’ academic performance conducted by National Association of Psychiatrists shows that a student with certain amount of time spent in doing entertainment activities are observed to have higher grade than those who don’t. Consequently, entertainment room helps to improve students’ academic performance.

Additionally, an entertainment room provides a chance for students to catch up with their peers and bond more with one another. When playing video games or watching movies together, not only can students escape from their busy schedule, but also they can get a chance to talk to other students who also live in the same dorm building. Students who happen to live in the same dorm might have totally different majors and areas of concentration, so connecting with each other can help students to gain more exposure in other fields. Plus, students can use their moments in the entertainment room to get to know others who are from different regions of the country or even from other part of the globe, by interacting with people who are from distinctive culture backgrounds students can broaden their horizons and have unique perspective on different things. Without an entertainment, students living on the same floor might be strangers for four years, which can be a nightmare.

In conclusion, it is more advisable for the university to build an entertainment room since it provides students a chance to switch off, and also students can catch up with their peers and bond more with one another.





