
发布时间:2022-05-13 17:18:45




Competitiveness is considered to be an important quality for people in many societies. How do you think it affects individuals? Is it a positive or negative trend?



In this essay, I shall look at the importance of success to people and at whether ambition is positive or negative.

I think that it is usually beneficial for people to want success in life, mainly because it can encourage them to do things in better ways. If a person wants to be successful at their studies, this desire for success usually has the effect of making them study harder. However, this is not always true. We can see this in IELTS, where some students have hired other people to take the test for them. The importance of success has encouraged them to try to cheat. If this is successful, it means that the successful people are not the ones who are the most capable and hard-working. Instead it means that those willing to behave in illegal or immoral ways will succeed. Of course, these people are a small minority, but they cannot be allowed to succeed.

Consequently, we can see that ambition can be a positive characteristic, pushing people to study harder, work harder and create positive relationships with other people. These things push society forward, both economically and socially. However, there have to be rules. These rules need to ensure that people have a fair chance. Some of these rules can be created and enforced by institutions such as universities, when deciding on admissions for example. Others need to be enforced by government. This is why it is so important for governments to deal with corruption. If they do not, the most capable people are unsuccessful, affecting the whole country.

To conclude, I think that it is good for people to want success and have ambition, so long as they do not cheat to succeed.



It is said that work is the most important thing of people's life. Without the success of career, life will become meaningless. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the opinion?



Generally, the meaning of life varies considerably according to each individual's value and mental outlook. In such a society where materialism is highly appreciated, there is a tendency that career achievement is the most important in one's life. Personally, I am not totally in favor of this viewpoint.

There is no denying that for an adult,the success of career means a lot. First, by achieving success in one's job, one can easily obtain a sense of fulfillment by knowing that one's work is valued and one can contribute to the society. Besides, the reward from one's work can bring financial independence which is essential to secure one's survival in this world. Moreover, while an individual is seeking career advancement, he or she is likely to improve or develop working skills through training or self-learning. Therefore a sense of progression and purpose is rewarded, which in turn adds one's self-confidence in his later career life.Besides, a sense of belonging to a team or a working community is also generated while one works together with his colleagues towards the same goal.

However, admitting that career achievement is vital for people does not mean there is nothing else which can be valued in one's life. On the contrary, most people believe that a fulfilling life is by no means defined only by success of their work, but depends on multiple factors. Some people might regard the intimate relationship between close friends and family members as the essential element of their life. For them, a good relation with their beloved people is the source of power that can spur them to overcome any difficulty or adversity the confront them in their life. Others find that religion is the only way to true happiness, as it brings them tranquility and comfort after a tiresome day which money or any material success cannot offer.

In a word, the definition of life differs as people's outlook and mindset varies considerably. For someone, a sense of achievement from work can make one's life more meaningful, but there are still many people who are fully convinced that a good relation, a healthy body, a peaceful mind or even the process of pursuing beauty and happiness is equally vital in their lives.



Throughout history, people have dreamed of living in a perfect society, but people have not agreed on what an ideal society would be like. What do you think is the most important element of a perfect society? How can people work towards achieving an ideal society?



In terms of the primary factor that a perfect society should be attributed to, I strongly believe it must be the education. In this essay, I would give possible reasons and methods of how to perfect a community.

The main benefit from the education is about forming of good qualities of the public. In fact, it is mainly through education, from elementary school to university, that every citizen can be well enlightened and equipped with professional knowledge, skills, advanced technologies, as well as the concepts about social laws, rules and morality. With these abilities and virtues, these graduates will enhance the social productivity, the creativity in jobs, and make the community gentle, charitable, self-disciplined and law-abiding as well.

In addition, education is also the root of scientific development, which plays a core role in the modern civilization. For example, new technological innovations and breakthroughs in science subjects of university education like physics, electronic engineering, chemistry and biomedicine bring human world thousands of practically valuable products, including personal computers, the Internet, cell phones, marvelous architectural miracles, advanced medicines, vaccines and diagnosis. In other words, if the high-level education were absent, there would be an inevitable stagnancy and even decline in the level of the social economy, productivity, convenience, health and safety.

In order to construct a perfect society, I think all kinds of social parts, from the government to companies to individuals, should lay emphasis on the education. Firstly, the government should not only increase the educational budget, but also make the admission of the university free for all youngsters. Secondly, it is a responsibility of a company to offer employees with further education opportunities. What is more, on the personal level, people should cultivate a habit of reading. This is an ideal way of self-education that ensures readers can consistently acquire new knowledge, skills and concepts, thus keeping pace with the ever-changing society.





