
发布时间:2022-05-13 17:23:01



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

It is important to learn about other cultures.

Use details and examples to explain your opinion.


I strongly agree that it’s important to learn about other cultures because for one thing, it really helps you understand the different ways that people around the world will think about similar issues. For example, when you greet someone in America, you shake their hand firmly. However, when you greet someone inJapan, you bow to them; and the lower you bow, the more respectful it is.

The second thing is that when you learn about other cultures, it helps you become more tolerant of others. My wife is Chinese and her culture is very differentfrom mine in almost every way, but through that, it’s helped me to become more patient and understanding with everyone in my life.

That’s why I agree that it’s important to learn about other cultures.








1. 犯错就是不断成长的过程。很多人因为害怕犯错,不敢尝试,所以一直无法进步;反之,只有勇于犯错,才会找到成功的路,比如爱迪生。

2. 敢于犯错的孩子更有勇气面对生活。因为这样的孩子明白生活不是一帆风顺,所以会笑对挫折。


Some parents think that they should prevent their kids from making any mistakes. Others think that allow their kids to keep trying and make mistakes. Which one do you think is better?


It goes without saying that the latter one is the right way to cultivate a child. Firstly, the process of making mistakes is the process of growth. A lot of people cannot make progress in their life simply because they are afraid of making mistakes; In contrast, if you dare to fail, you will eventually have a chance to succeed. And I believe one of best example is Thomas Edison, who had failed thousands of times before he successfully invented electric bulb. Moreover, children who dare to make mistakes are more likely to be optimistic about life, especially during difficult times, because they understand life is not plain sailing.


I think kids should be allowed to make mistakes. We can learn from our mistakes and improve ourselves. The competition is getting more and more intense. That is why we need to prepare ourselves to meet the requirements that we may encounter in the future. Dealing with and learning from mistakes could be very important. My dad is a good parent. When I was a child, I kept making mistakes. He is very patient and allows me to try anything. He teaches by example and uses words instead of big sticks.





A big cooperation is planning to invest in a factory in your hometown. This factory will create many job opportunities for people, but also bring a lot of pollution at the same time. Do you agree or disagree?


这道题是典型的是否同意某一事情的题目,同意的话就说该事件的两个优点,不同意的话就说该事件的两个缺点,通常情况下说优点会相比较于说缺点更好说一些。投资开厂的优点有:1 可以吸引更多的资金投入进来,创造更多的就业岗位,拉动GDP,并且带动家乡的经济发展,提高百姓的生活水平. 2 可以让家乡的资源得以充分利用,并且能够以成品的形势走出去,从而提升家乡的知识度,从而之后吸引更多的关注,获得更多方面的资金支持。




As far as I’m concerned, I long for that for a while. There are a couple of reasons to name.

To begin with, citizens in my hometown will live a higher-level life. After the investment in the factory, more capital will be distributed to create jobs and bring the GDP to a higher level. In return, local citizens can get more salary by working.

Moreover, my hometown may become well known and in the concerns of the government. Resources here are taken good advantages of and increasing products will be sold. Consequently, the town will have a higher reputation and the government officers may offer help to the development In conclusion, I can’t agree more.


I don’t like factories. They bring a lot of pollution. It is bad for our health. For example, in Beijing, you see a lot of factories and cars. They are almost everywhere in our city. They produce toxic gases and pollutants. That is why that air quality is so bad. Many people get sick or even develop lung cancer. there used to be a shoe factory near our neighborhood. The water was polluted by factory waste. When they were dumped into rivers, they didn’t disappear. They just caused problems for the people downstream. The water was undrinkable. That is why I would say no to such plans.





