发布时间:2022-05-13 17:23:46
托福口语Task 1:Whose career advice would you like to take the most?
1. An old friend 2. Family 3. Teacher
Personally, I would like to take career advice from my parents and other family members. First off, nobody knows me better than them, my families know my personality, interest, and even my quirks. Thus, family members know what type of career that fits me the most. Additionally, lots of families members have rich life experience including both good and bad ones. Thus, I can learn from their good experience and avoid their bad experience.
托福口语Task2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: people are less likely to take risky adventures when getting older.
Well, personally, I would say it is true that people are less likely to take risks when getting old. First off, When people are young, they are healthy and active in order to fulfill their tasks, however, our health gets worse with the passing time, lots of seniors around 60 years suffer from cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure and stuff, so people are not willing to climb mountain or do competitive sports. Additionally, old people have a large family and they are loved by so many people, like wife or husband, children and grandchild, and they know that if have any problem like bad health condition, their loved ones will be very sad, thus they are unwilling to take risks.
Task1 1 确定要陈述的specific topic 然后扩展2-3个sub points and supporting details 注意时态和时间一定要有sub point
根据这个要求,表明自己观点的短语由in my opinion , as far as I am concerned , I would like to choose, I prefer XX to XX【 1句话】
之后就是说明原因的句子, 当然在说之前,我们需要说一个总结性的话语。 例如,my reason for making such a choice is as follows , / there are 2-3 reasons for my choice / the reasons are as follows等.在给出具体原因的过程中,我们需要用一些过渡性的副词或者连词,例如, firstly /first, secondly /second , lastly 【2-3句】
原因陈述完之后,考生需要对自己不选择的一方做一个理由陈述,例如,of course , XX is also reasonable to some extent / XX is ok ,but xx 【说不选择方的缺点1个足够】【1句话】
总结全文,重新陈述自己的观点。In a word /in conclusion , ….【1句话】
In my opinion/ as far as I am concerned/, I absolutely /totally/ fully agree/ support xx【复述原文中的一个观点】 --------------。There are 2/3 reasons .
First/firstly -------------------------【陈述你所选择观点的第一个优点】
Second/ Secondly ----------------------------------【陈述你所选择观点的第二个优点】
Lastly -----------------------------------------【陈述你所选择观点的第三个优点】
Of course , XX 【你不支持的观点】is ok / fine ,but /however/ yet 【讲自己所不支持观点的缺点】
In a word / In conclusion,-----------------【重申自己的所支持的观点】
例如: 喜欢一个人学习还是跟很多人一起学习?
集体学习优点:1. cooperative 【锻炼团队能力】2. funny【一个学习容易厌倦】 3. efficient 【相互交流,学习方法和内容掌握起来更快.】
当然,在理由不充裕的情况下,采用例证法, 使自己的观点更加由说服力。
Task3: 涉及生活的方方面面:
Take notes: like this
Female Male
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广大托友们一定要注意在做Task4时,它并不要求你发表自己的观点,不要在你的陈述中加入“I think------”或者是“In my opinion”,这是多此一举!而且它也不要求你必须具备听力或者阅读材料中所涉及的相关学术领域的专业知识,你只需要合理地结合两部分给出的信息,然后依据这些信息进行充分有效地回答!
指示词:First Second Third Fourth
Finally Then Next After that
Most importantly Another Furthermore Moreover
Before The first The second The final point
过渡词:but however and despite
Consequently expect for although even though
In addition to rather than instead of alternatively
On the other hand in conclusion in short to sum up
For example in particular namely for instance
Eventually meanwhile at the same time while
Just as what’s more as well as but also
Whereas nonetheless in contrast provided that
Because since as a result therefore
Task5 Task5与Task3 、Task4相比较它在难易程度上又有所提高,因为它是要求大家在听完一段conversation/lecture之后直接表述,少了阅读部分的信息支持
Task5主要是关于Campus situation topic,属于summarizing a problem and solutions这类题型。
目类似,IBT口语第六道题目的出题模式是listening –speaking。听力的内容一般是关于学术方面内容的节选,Using points and examples from the talk, explain XX 【某种现象或定义】presented by the professor。
在托福考试听说读写个部分中,口语肯定是中国考生得分最低的部分。很多考生阅读能够轻松得到二十多分,但口语只有悲惨的十几分。究其原因,当然一方面是由于我国的英语教育一向以来轻应用而重应试。许多在学术界赫赫有名的大家,都是毕生精研语法,以能写几个谁也看不懂的长难句自夸于世。真要开口说英语,只怕要羞死狄更斯,气煞泰戈尔。为什么?因为他们也听不懂。语法搞得再清楚,说的英语却没人能听懂,这样的英语学习又有什么意义呢? 另一方面,中国考生在托福口语部分失分惨烈,也是由于对于这种考试的要求和难点没有进行充分的了解和准备。所谓知己知彼,百战不殆。要破解新托福口语部分,我们必须首先了解中国学生在面对新托福口语考试时觉得最困难的部分在何处:
托福口语部分共有六道题,每道题的难度递增。以最容易的第一题来说,准备时间只有15秒,回答时间只有45秒。这对于很多没有充分准备的考生来说,根本还没来得及思考,准备时间就结束了。刚要开始回答,第一个句子还没来得及展开,回答时间就结束了。我们知道:People are very, very emotional. 正常情况下,人们是很容易受到自己情绪影响的。第一道口语题一旦发挥失利,必然会影响到后面的表现。每道题之间衔接紧密,基本没有让考生喘息调整的时间。因此很多考生都是从第一题开始一败千里,甚至考完了试都不敢回顾自己在口语部分的表现。
在口语部分的评分细则中,考生回答中的“details, examples and specific reasons” 被明确的规定为评分的重要标准。这一规定的确是一针见血。有很多考生,凭着多年的考试经验,背了一大篇模棱两可的句子。如: “Generally speaking, in current world we have some conflicting theories…”等等。打算在考口语时用这样一堆“stock language”滥竽充数。但是,这一在其他考试中行之有效的手段,在托福口语考试中却不会有好的效果。一旦参与评分的美国教育考试中心的两位raters不能在回答中找到具体的细节,该考生的回答立刻会被评为劣等。
这一点要求考生在回答时,不能只使用单一的“this is a book.”, “that is a pen.”这样的句型。想要取得一个好分数,考生所使用的词汇和句型必须要能匹配得上自己的教育背景。要能表明该考生在真实的北美学术环境中可以很好的进行学术交流。
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