托福Tpo25 Task1 口语

发布时间:2022-05-13 17:23:59


托福tpo25 task1 口语题目


Students often want to get better grades in their classes, explain what students should do in order to improve their performance in the class.

托福tpo25 task1 口语答案解析:

Students often want to get better grades in their classes. Explain what students should do in order to improve their performance in a class.

本题属于近期比较流行的suggestion类题目。由于之前的经典题目经常就考生本人提问,比如describe a place you would like to go when you’re with friends/describe a famous person you admire等等,遇到给他人提建议类的题目时,可能会措手不及。但是这类题目通常本身不抽象,本着‘从自身经验出发’的原则就很容易下手。


1】 Focus in class

2】 Take good notes

3】 Communicate with instructors and classmates as much as possible

4】 Go to the library to search for background information

5】 Be prepared before class

6】 Review notes every once in a while

7】 Find a tutor if necessary

8】 Make sure to go over the study guide provided by the instructor before exams

托福tpo25 task1 口语范文一:

If students want to improve their performance in class, I would suggest the following two ways. First of all, ask questions more frequently, especially the professors. When a student confronts with tough math problems after the new class and cannot figure them out individually, he could try to contact with the professor to explain the concept as well as several solutions to the question. Secondly, practice often. As an old Chinese saying tells us, “Practice makes perfect”. For example, if he does more practice in the concept of Newton’s law of motion in physics, he would deeper his understanding of it, as a result, increasing his ability of solving such physical problems. These are two ways I’d like to advise to get better grades.

托福tpo25 task1 口语范文二:

I suppose that most of the students in our country want to get better grades, and for me I will use 2 specific ways to improve my performance in classes. And the first one is preparation before classes, I will do a lot of readings, suchas science reading, something related to classes. Before the professors talk about their topic, and it will help me during the classes because it will help me understand the classes better. The second one is that I will listen verycarefully during the class. Sometimes if I could not listen very carefully, I will use some electronic devices to record what professor says.


1. Should government give financial support to build museums and theaters? State your opinion and explain why. 【05. 12.17; 07. 9.29; 08.2.16考题】

Sample answer:

In my point of view, government should provide fund to build museums and theaters because they serve as exhibition centers for people to know about the history and culture of the country.

The range of museums is fantastic—there are museums of ancient history and archaeology【考古学】, of natural history and even museums for such things as transport and crime! And because the museums are constantly holding new exhibitions, there is always something different to see.

Theaters offer people a big place to enjoy a variety of operas and plays of different regions. Even the world's best group come occasionally. Meanwhile, the building of the museums and theaters will enhance the cultural exchange between countries.

They are also one of the contributing factors that promote the national economy.

That's why I think it's a good idea for government to help with the building of museums and theaters.

2. Should a city try to preserve its old, historic buildings or destroy them and replace them with modern buildings? 【07. 1.14考题】

Sample answer:

I think old buildings should be protected and maintained for the following reasons. First, old buildings carry a place's history, tradition, local custom and even some unique character. They were designed to be preserved as they were in early times. They serve as a mirror to remind modern people of their past that they should be proud of. Second, most old buildings are tourist attractions which interest visitors from all over the world. If they are damaged, they might go back with regret. In addition, tourism is always a big support to economy. Therefore, we should try to bring the funding into the budget to do whatever is necessary.

3. Some people prefer to get information through printed materials like books. Other people like to do that via the Internet. which way do you prefer and why? 【Which do you prefer, e-reading or traditional reading? 】【06. 11.10, 07. 6.30, 07.10. 27考题】

Sample answer:

Some people prefer e-reading because it's fast and convenient. But in my opinion traditional reading is better for three reasons.

First, paper reading doesn't have as much bad effect on our eyes as computer reading. Second, the printed word gives more comfort, enjoyment or personal touch than electronic text. I like the feeling of turning the page and taking notes on the book. Though computers are changing the reading habits, the long tradition of printed word may yet not be. Most people still read printed books, magazines and newspapers to get their information.

Therefore, I prefer traditional reading to e-reading.





