
发布时间:2022-05-13 17:24:18



Pseudoscience refers to the activity of inserting misleading claims appeared as scientific facts into advertisement in order to lure customers to buy certain products or services.

In the lecture, the professor gives an example of brain games. There were companies claiming on the internet that the games they developed would make people smarter, and they announced that certain experts already made thorough research on the effectiveness of these brain games. As a result, lots of customers bought these games because they trusted these claims. However, later these claims turned out to be fake, and the research done by the so-called experts were indeed insufficient, and thus not convincing.


The reading is about an academic topic known as value analysis which refers to a strategy that a business will try everything to lower the cost and make more profits.

And in the lecture the professor gives an example to explain this. According to the lecture, a camera company produced pocket camera. The camera sold quite good and the company got tremendous profits. However, when selling the camera, the company also did a survey and found that customers did not care too much about the case. So they thought it was a wasted of resources to make the case from fur and they exchanged it with nylon. As a result, the cost was lowered but the camera was also a hit.


The definition of holiday paradox is that if people are unfamiliar with the surrounding environment, they will feel time passes by quickly. Yet, if they get familiar with the circumstance, they will feel like time has slowed down. The professor gives us his own example. When he and his wife were travelling to Italy, at first, naturally they didn’t know the new environment in the foreign country. So they were very curious, and spent the whole day exploring the exotic land. At that time, they felt like time passed by too quickly. However, they went back to Italy again later. And this time, since they already got some knowledge of the place, it only took them one day to visit museums and many other places. They were amazed that they could visit so many places in one day, thus they even felt like the time passed by slowly.


对于考过多次托福的你,每每瞄到成绩单上口语独立题limited, 学术题limited,心情依然是百味杂陈。要拿到更好的分数,还是要重新收拾心情,提升基本功,梳理做题的要点和技巧。针对独立题和校园题,口语组的其他老师已经给出了不少的独到的见解了。今天由我来给大家讲讲学术题不能不谈的一些东西。

以T4为例,要答好T4, 以下这几方面是基本的做题步骤。首先阅读要精准的定位到含义句,并能够在规定时间内把含义句记录在稿纸上,听力要在听懂的基础上把一些重要的关键词记录下来,同时要关注到听力lecture的时态,准备时要尽量快的在30秒内把阅读和听力的关键点在脑子里过一遍,接着是60秒的表达时间。好,那今天我们要讲解的重点就是T4听力步骤时要注意的一些细节。







时态也不能小看,在英语中动词的发生是用时态来表示的,如果时态错了,意思可能就相差十万八千里。所以我们在做T4【以及T6】的听力时,也要对时态给出更多的关注。过去时是非常容易被我们忽略的一种时态,这里介绍一个三步走的方法。我们在做T4【T6】听力时,首先要敏感的听懂过去时,其次要把动词的过去时时态写对,如gruaded【graduated】, felt, did, went, thought【thought】, thkd【thanked】等, 你在稿纸上记下来动词的过去时形态,第三步才能在60秒钟说对过去时!






