
发布时间:2022-05-13 17:25:51



Thanks to the efforts of mass medias, modern citizens are increasingly aware of the severity of environment problems. Facing the worsening conditions on earth, people have adopted various methods to protect the environment, such as giving up driving, recycling objects and buying local organic food. In my mind, the last one is the simplest but most effective solution that we common people can take to preserve environment.

In the first place, for the cultivation of organic food, farmers are strictly restrained to use fertilizers and pesticides which contribute a lot to pollution. It is true that fertilizers and pesticides can help farmers increase yields and reduce costs. In the long term, however, many chemical elements are left in soil and drain to local water system, like underground water and rivers. The accumulation of those chemical elements is detrimental to local ecosystem, as some small animals, such as fish and frog, may take in and store them in their body. In addition, while killing harmful insects, pesticides are also poisonous to birds who prey on them. So, it is fair to say that if more people buy local organic food, there will be fewer fertilizers and pesticides applied, and therefore less pressure on the environment.

In the second place, to decrease the market share of food transported from places far away is to reduce energy consumption, especially gasoline and electricity. We have to notice that the rapid economic development and population growth is burning up our natural resources. The improvement of living standards also exacerbates energy crisis. If local food is actually enough to satisfy people’s needs, the long distance transportation of food is absolutely unnecessary but a waste of energy. Even worse, some kinds of food have to be carefully stored under certain temperature or be frozen. Then, the transportation cost is even higher. For example, fresh tropical fruits transported by air to cities in the northern areas are usually sold at a high price which includes the cost of transportation. Therefore, when we buy local food, we are actually save energy.

In the third place, walking and bicycling to work or study place and recycling old objects are not feasible or effective in conserving environment. For some citizens, driving to the office or school is the only choice, as there is no convenient access to public transportation and walking and cycling will cost too much time on the road. In addition, although it is a good habit to recycle old objects, this may generate other problems. For instance, there must be enough space in the room for the storage of old subjects, which is quite inconvenient for people renting a small flat.

To sum up, individuals can contribute a lot to environment preservation. Among all the methods discussed above, the purchase of local organic food is the best option.



高分句架:The earth is our home and we have the duty to _____.

2.The gas provokes respiratory problems among children and elderly people. 这种气味在儿童和老年人当中引发了呼吸道问题。

3.The nations of the world have never agreed on how to halt【to cause to stop】 the destruction of rain forests or save endangered species. But when it came to saving the ozone layer, which screens out the sun’s harmful destruction rays, they knew just what to do.


高分句架:The nations of the world have never agreed on _____. But when it came to _____, they knew just what to do .

4.Deforestation result in the increase in global temperature and unpleasant change of climate.


5.Scientists and experts are working together to find ways to prevent harmful gases from getting into the air.

科学家和专家们正在协作,试图找出防止有害气体进入空气中的办法。 高分句架:Scientists and experts are working together to find ways to _____.


高分句架:The only way to _____, almost every scientist agrees , is to _____.

7.By increasing conservation and energy efficiency and aggressively using these clean energy technologies, we can reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by significantly amounts in the coming years.


8.For now the world has a more urgent mission: to stop the planet from overhearing, and do it in a hurry.



1.While you probably think about planting trees for Arbor Day, you may not know justhow much of an impact tree planting can have on your lawn and energy consumption as well as the environment.

Trees can provide shade for your home and lawn as well as a barrier against cold winter winds. They also filter water and air to reduce soil erosion and greenhouse gases. And did you know that trees have also been shown to reduce stress? Manyurban residents find themselves calmer and happier when they are around trees.

2.Energy-saving benefits of planting trees

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, a young, healthy tree can provide a net cooling effect equivalent to ten room-sized air conditioners operating for 20 hours a day! While it will take a few years for a newly planted sapling to reach the point where it can cast shade on your home, it’s a relatively low-cost investment, and you’ll find it’s worth the wait.

Dr. E. Greg McPherson of the Center for Urban Forest Research says that a new tree planted on the western side of your home will reduce your energy bill by about three percent in five years and by close to 12 percent in 15 years. Plus, shade isn’t the only way planting trees can reduce your family’s energy consumption. Trees located on the north and northwest sides of your home can block frigid winter winds and lower your heating bill.

3.Benefit of trees on the environment

While planting trees can certainly have a positive impact on your energy bill, sustainable gardening can also positively impact the environment. Trees absorb greenhouse gases like nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, ozone, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. They also convert carbon dioxide to oxygen through photosynthesis.Wondering how that relates to you? Just one tree can clean about 330 pounds of carbon dioxide from the air each year, according to the U.S. Forest Service, which provides enough oxygen for a family of four!





