托福Tpo25口语Task 2

发布时间:2022-05-13 17:27:30

托福口语一二题,先topic sentence说主旨,不要兜圈子。然后说分论点,一般2个比较合适,否则会展开得不够。

托福tpo25口语task 2题目


Some people do not enjoy shopping and shop only when they have a specific purchase to make. Others like to go shopping for pleasure whether or not they have something to buy. Which do you prefer and why?

托福tpo25口语task 2答案解析:


Some people do not enjoy shopping and shop only when they have a specific purchase to make. Others like to go shopping for pleasure whether or not they have something to buy. Which do you prefer and why?


1】 Describe your favorite place to shop.

2】 Talk about the disadvantages of shopping online.


A: Shopping with specific purchase to make:

J.省时间,可以把节约下来的时间花在其他事情上【save time—spend time on other activities】;男生不喜欢逛街,

L.有目的的去逛街往往无法一次性买到自己想要的东西【can’t find the exact same thing as you wished】

B: Shopping for pleasure

J.1】 逛街是一件有意思的事【a lot of fun】

J.2】 多逛逛可以货比三家,找到最合适的价格【compare the prices of the same product in different stores—find the most reasonable price】

L.浪费时间【time consuming】

托福tpo25口语task 2范文一:

I prefer go shopping when I need to buy something. First of all, it would save money. Being a student, I only have 1000 yuan budget every month. If I go shopping often without any specific purposes, I would waste my pocket money simplybecause of the cost that is not that necessary. Second, it would save time. I’m often swamped by the schoolwork, like, lately, I have to finish the papers on media development, presentations of cinema management and team discussionabout the human right movement. If I go shopping without certain needs and just hang around, I would waste the precious time for study or rest.

托福tpo25口语task 2范文二:

I suppose that I'm a unique person because people often say that boys don't like to buying, something for pleasure. But for me, I like to buy lots of food when I have difficulties and struggles in my life, such as when I got a very lowscore in the final exam, at that time I will buy some foods in the supermarket or the shopping malls, I will feel a lot of pleasure and I will enjoy about it. I will pick up some money to buy some food in a short time. Sometimes I cangrab it in a hard way, sometimes when I borrow those food that I don't need, I will feel a lot of pleasure and accomplishment.



1Describe the disadvantages of shopping online. Please include details and examples in your explanation.

Task1 – What are the possible disadvantages of shopping on line?



Well, there are lots of drags shopping online, the most noteworthy one is that you cannot try the product in person, cuz you can only check the pictures or videos of a product online, and after placing the order, you might find they fall short of your expectation, thus you have to return it, and that will cost you lots of time. Besides that, online stores have a bad reputation for crappy stuff, like fake iphones, or they even sell refurbished iphones as new ones, and lots of people got ripped off buying these stuff online.


Although thought convenient to many people, shopping online could mean quite a lot of trouble. First, as a matter of fact, we can’t really feel and examine the product we are seeing. The result could turn out okay, also it could turn out far worse than our expectation. And instead of enjoying the moment of receiving a package in the morning, it could lead to the trouble of negotiating with the on-line store, sending back the package, and getting refund, etc. Hence, shopping on line could be as inconvenient as one can imagine. Besides, it’s easy to get addicted when there’re always sales and promotions on line. Some people think it saves money, but to my experience, a lot of my friends just end up buying tons of stuff that they don’t even need. So sometimes it’s just better to step in a real supermarket or department store.





