
发布时间:2022-05-13 17:31:06



China is very famous for its food in the world. There are many kinds of food in China. They'reCantonese food, Sichuan food, Shanghai food, Hunan food and so on. Generally speaking, Cantonesefood is a bit light, Sichuan food is veryhot, Shanghai food is rather oily, and Hunan dishes are veryspicy, having a strong and hot taste. Mapo Bean curd, steamed fish sweet and sour pork ribs, springroll and many Chinese dishes are very delicious. In the north of China,people eat a lot of noodles anddumplings. In the south of China, people eat a lot of rice and seafood. Chinese food is good in color,flavor and taste. So I like it very much


1. Place 2. Person 3. Activity 4. Object

其他都能以 Expand Horizons / Kind&Friendly / Make Friends &Relaxing 的内容套题,今天我们会讲到一个Specific的内容「 食物 」

Do you often eat food from other countries or cultures?

Yes ! I often eat Vietnamese or Thai Food. I’m pretty adventurous 【大胆尝试】 and I love trying new things. Last week I had Mexican food for the first time. I ordered a veggie burrito. It was spicy 【辛辣的】, but delicious!

Secondly,thanks to globalisation, I thinks most people like to have a taste of different types of cuisine【菜肴】, in a cosmopolitan city like Shanghai, people commonly have Italian food and American food and I enjoy sampling【品尝】 food from different countries. So that, I can keep my friends and colleagues posted【更新信息】 and they will share their favourite restaurants in return【作为报答】.

“以上托福独立口语话题内容45秒为答题标准,结构清楚两大论点,每论点都以:第一正面回题+Topic Sentence;第二个人经历example;第三细节。”


Japanese food:Sushi寿司 , Sashimi生鱼片, Ramen拉面, Shabu Shabu涮涮锅

Mexican food : Burrito 面饼卷 , Taco 炸玉米饼, Nachos 烤干酪辣味玉米片, Quesadilla 墨西哥薄饼

Korean food: Bibimbap 韩式拌饭, Kimchi泡菜, Galbi韩式烧肉, Bulgogi韩式烧烤牛肉

Italian food: Pasta 意大利面, Lasagna千层面, Pizza披萨, Polenta意式玉米饼

单词 =veggie 是 vegetarian 【素食】的缩写; veggies 【通常是复数】vegetables 【蔬菜】的缩写。

*We got some veggie burgers for the barbecue because some of our friends don’t eat beef.

*Veggies is good to digestion system in human body.

短语 =thanks to 【 due to , because of 】 ;由于; 拜...所赐

*Thanks to your laziness, we now have to stay up all night to write the group assignment.

短语 =so-called 所谓的

I had to wait twenty minutes for my so-called fast food!


You might hesitate about what to choose before the bewildered dozens of food. As far as I am concerned, my choice, however, is always dumplings for its uniqueness and charm. I love eating dumplings, especially ones cooked by my mum.

As for the very first reason, it is apparently because it is the symbol of Chinese food. It is so amazing that you can learn a lot about the traditional Chinese culture through eating dumplings. What’s more, it is because of its flavor. It’s really delicious. Some dumplings are made of pork and beef, and others are made of sea food. You can almost taste all kinds of delicious food through eating dumplings. When we are talking about dumplings, it is impossible not to mention that it is also the symbol of reunion in China. So whenever I eat dumplings, I think of my family.



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement that schools should ban all junk food, such as hamburgers, soda, and sugary snack from school property.

Some people prefer to prepare meals at home, others like to eat out in restaurants. Which do you prefer? Explain in details and examples.

Your friend has bad eating habit. What suggestions would you like to give the friend.

Some people prefer to eat at fast restaurants, other prefer to eat at regular restaurants. Which do you prefer? Explain your answer in details.

For better understanding of nutrition and health, the school decides, the school decides to open a cooking class; do you think it is a reasonable decision?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement that schools should ban all junk, such as hamburgers, soda, and sugary snacks from school property.

The university dining hall is changing its food service to include more healthy food with lower calories. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of this change?

Talk about the things you do that keep you healthy. Give examples and details in your explanation.

健康饮食的重要性 :

鼓励健康饮食习惯:encourage healthy eating habits ,

保持体形:keep fit,

集中注意力:concentrate/focus on; 容易分散注意力:get easily distracted

营养:nutrient, 特定的维生素:certain vitamins;


Greasy junk food lacks certain vitamins for the healthy development of the children, and students without sufficient healthy food might suffer from lack of concentration on their study and they get easily distracted, thus school shouldencourage healthy eating habit.

垃圾食品:junk food, French fries, hamburgers;

高热量:with high carbs, 油腻:greasy;

儿童肥胖:child obesity;


It is really important for the school to encourage healthy eating habits, and junk food like French fries and hamburgers alike should be banned in schools. Too much junk food with high carbs leads to childhood obesity.

健康食品 :

海鲜类: salmon, tuna, shrimp

水果类:fruits such as berries, apples, cherries, pineapple, oranges, frozen grapes, watermelon, cantaloupe,

蔬菜类:Vegetables - broccoli, carrots, cherry tomatoes, potatoes and sweet potatoes

高蛋白质低热量:high in protein low carbs

非常好的结合:a wonderful combination


School should offer students a variety of healthy food and snack ranging from vegetables to different kinds of fruit. Like broccoli, carrots, cherry tomatoes, and apples, cherries, pineapple are also good choices. They are low in carbs,

and vitamin rich.


Hopefully, with proper education, students can make appropriate eating choices.


Since students are getting the proper nutrients, they will concentrate better on their study and also they will be more fit.





