发布时间:2022-05-13 17:33:00
二选一是task2的常见题型,会给出2个选择,问考生更喜欢哪一种,并给出理由。提示词包括“prefer,which one is better, or”等等。是非类和二选一类一样,一直是task2的传统题型,特点是会给出一个观点,问考生同不同意这个观点。提示词通常为“Do you agree or disagree……”。
新托福口语Task2题目:Task 2
Some students like to choose university with a high reputation but no scholarship, others preferto choose a university with scholarship but less reputable. Which one do youlike to choose?
Well, personally,I would prefer to study in a less well known university with a scholarship. Tobegin with, the university tuition can be really expensive, and getting scholarshipcan help me to relieve my financial pressure. Consequently, I can concentrateon my study. Additionally, most of the time, one needs to be research assistantor teaching assistant upon receiving the scholarship. These teaching andresearch experience will be very helpful for my future, like when I plan toapply for a graduate school and even future jobs, and I will get a better toachieve my dreams in the future.
Sample Answer:
Personally speaking, I will definitely choose the university which is well-known for its academic program, though it is expensive.
For one thing, as we all know, the reputation and education standard of a certain university can decide the future opportunities for the graduates to find satisfying job. If we attend a relatively brilliant university, we could find occupations easily with high salary when pursuing careers in the future. Can you imagine the students graduating from Harvard or Stanford have difficulties in finding ideal jobs in their future?
For another, the ultimate purpose for us to attend the university is to improve all-round qualities through high level of education. The education level can influence people’s future capability and horizon in many aspects. By contrast, you could choose a low-cost education with so-called attractive scholarships currently. However, in the long run, your future development would be confined and your potential has no means to be motivated.
Independent speaking
Some managers tend to supervise workers’ tasks closely or frequently, while others tend to supervise their workers’tasks rarely or causally. Which is better for the management?
这是T2中常考的Preference题型,只需做出选择并给出合理解释,切忌不可给出模棱两可的选择。此题无论选择哪种, 只要给出合理的解释即可,可采用推理与事实论证的方法进行细节扩充。
1. Closely or frequently
① Employers can guarantee the quality of tasks cuz a bunch of workers will lack of self-control ability.
② Boost relationship between managers and workers cuz this method means they have more opportunities to exchange ideas or opinions without concealment.
2. Rarely or casually
①Boost relationship between managers and workers cuz this method means employees are trustworthy, hence efforts are intensified to finish tasks perfectly.
② Managers can pay more attention to other stuff like products’ quality and operational procedures.
1】 I personally think that checking worker’s task closely or frequently is a better way because in this way the quality of work can be better ensured while if managers check workers’ task rarely or casually, employees’
performance might be awful. For example, in my uncle’s manufacturing company, um……he goes there every two days to check how the work’s going, workers in his company are very diligent and hard-working because they know their boss are watching them and is very serious about the task they are doing. However, in my father’s company, jobs are not well done and the company is losing money because my father only goes there once a month and sometimes even rarely than that and the workers often play out during work time. um……So I think checking tasks closely or frequently is a better choice.
2】 Personally, I think employees should be given more freedom and flexibility. To begin with, they tend to be more creative and innovative when they enjoy a lot of flexibility at work. They feel that they are not under constantsupervision of their bosses, thus they can come up with new idea, designs and more effective business solutions to their customers and clients. As we can see, if workers will enjoy some flexibilities like flexible working hours, playing their own music at work or enjoying other sorts of freedom, they will be more productive. Additionally, research shows that employees who have a relaxing working atmosphere might be more willing to work long hours.
此题是有关老板监督员工工作频率的偏好题,一般会用到的方法就是对比、举例法、推理解释法。希望考生们对活动类话题进行总结并引起足够的重视。值得注意的是,此题与2017.8.26下午场 Task2 类似。
Independent speaking
When giving feedbacks to students, some teachers would like to talk to their students in person, while some teachers would give written comments to students. Which do you prefer and why?
这是T2中常考的Preference题型,只需做出选择并给出合理解释,切忌不可给出模棱两可的选择。此题无论选择哪种, 只要给出合理的解释即可,可采用推理与事实论证的方法进行细节扩充。
In person
① Professors and students will have interaction when they exchanging ideas without concealment face to face, which can leave lasting impression on students.
② Face-to-face talk may contain more emotion cuz students can feel sincere and other stuff by staring at professor, which can avoid misunderstanding.
Written comments
①This method may contain more emotion cuz professor can write down more details and point out student’s shortcomings indirectly, which leaves lasting impression on students.
② Students can maintain these real materials for a long time.
Task2是关于老师应该口头反馈还是书面反馈学生的情况。口头的好处是直接不会产生歧义,并且能当场看到学生的反应。【give direct feedback to students and avoid ambiguity. Also can observe students reaction and know their thoughts in communication】书面的好处是能够短时间内对许多同学进行反馈,效率高而且反馈的内容有记录方便之后跟进。【efficient because teacher can write the feedback about a lot of students in a short period of time. Also the written work can be traced later and helps to keep a complete record of the students performance.】
I would say it is better to provide face to face feedbackto students. First off, when talking face to face, students can see professor’sbody language and facial expression,which are very important to convey emotions. Students can understand theirprofessors’ comments more clearly and intuitively. However, there is noemotional elements if professors give written comments. Students might not evenread the professors’ comments in a timely manner. Thus, they will have no clue howwell they did on the project.
I think it really depends on how many students the teacher is in charge of. I mean, if a teacher only has to give feedbacks to a few students, then face-to-face communication is a better approach because this gives each student individual attention and support, students can raise questions and get answers immediately. However, when a teacher has a large number of students, talking to them one by one would make the job impossible to finish, I think it’s ok to send feedback emails to students, they also help students know where they need to improve.
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