发布时间:2022-05-13 17:33:08
近年来托福口语第一道题中频繁出现“三选一”的题型;与传统task 1题目不同的是,这类题型限制了一个话题下考生的选择,因此需要我们平时更多的素材积累和练习准备,这其中真题的训练尤为重要。
1.March 18th, 2015
If you are about to make a donation to a community, which one would you prefer:city library, animal rescue center or environmental organization?
参考思路:选择"City library";Reason 1:library collection is inadequate, Reason 2:more teenagers will have access to resources.
Sample:If possible, I would like to donate part of my savings to city library. To begin with, I think, in the city where I live and learn the library collection is so inadequate that when students or others are working on advanced researches, they are not able to find any resources available, so donating money for the library to buy more periodicals or references will be my first option when it comes to philanthropy. Additionally, some facilities in the library such as the computers should be updated. Nowadays teenagers are more likely to use computers to search materials, so after spending money on those equipment youngsters will easily gain access to resources, which will help them with their academic performance.
2.March 29th, 2016
If you are a teacher of a tutor group and you are going to take students to a study trip, where would you take them to:a science museum, a local farm, or a theatre performance?
参考思路:选择"a theatre performance",Reason 1:students can learn better with their interests, Reason 2:it can help students enlighten their creativity.
Sample:If I were a teacher and had the chance to organize a study trip, I would definitely take my students to a theatre performance and here are my reasons. First, nowadays most students are interested in the acting and show stuff because of the influence of TV and movies, so they will feel excited and learn something about plays better this way. In contrast to that, museums and farms sound relatively more boring to them. Second, I'm going to choose one splendid performance instead of those cheap soap operas so that the kids can be inspired. I will also arrange them to perform by themselves when we are back. This, I believe, will help them enlighten their creativity.
Your university will sponsor one of the following activities for students, an outdoor camp night, a music festival to experience the local culture or a computer game contest in the dorm. Which do you think is the best and why? 2015-09-17CN t 【晚上夜游,音乐节 ,学校电脑游戏大赛】
Which class would you choose to attend if it is free: 1. improve the skill of public presentation, 2. how to start a small business 3. Improve photographic skill? 2014-01-11NA task1
翻译成中文: 有一个免费课参加,你会选择哪个?1. 提升演讲技能,2. 如何做一个小型企业3. 提升摄影技巧的课
I need to learn English, which is very important because it'll help me get a good job in international trade, which I'm studying right now.
I work in a software company as a computer programmer, which is quite a challenging job because our clients usually want us to write programs in a short period of time.
Watching films, especially comedy, is my favorite pastime although 【or, but】 I don't like films with a lot of violence or horror films.
I don't ride my bicycle very often because 【or, since】 it's faster to take the bus to university although 【or, but】 I do use it on the weekends when I have no classes.
Yes, Chinese people do like growing flowers but since 【or, but because】 many people live in apartments in cities it's not easy to grow flowers although people who have a balcony, especially retired people, sometimes grow flowers on their balcony.
Well, not really, no, because although 【or, even though or, despite the fact that】 the apartments are all modern and clean, there are very few places for children to play outside.
I'm interested in sport but, besides that 【or, as well as that】, there are many other things that I'm interested in, such as 【or, like or for example or for instance】 computers and music.
Three years ago, my father gave me some good advice, which was very useful because it saved me from making a very unsuitable career choice.
When I was in Second Year of high school, I had a math's teacher named Mr. Wang who really changed my life by inspiring me to love mathematics.
To tell you the truth, I don't play much sport nor do I walk much because I drive my car everywhere, even to my office, which is near my home although I sometimes play table tennis, which I'm quite good at. I know I'd have more energy if I did more exercise but I just don't seem to find the time for exercise because I'm too busy with my work.
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