
发布时间:2022-05-13 17:34:58


1. Describe a place you have never been to but like to gosomeday. 【你最想去的地方】

I would prefer to go to a seashore townsomeday. When I was a child,the sea I watched on TV gave me a nice memory, since then I have a desire to goto the seashore some day. I consider the life near the seashore is comfortable,forthe sky there is blue and always full of sunshine,seabirds are singing and the ocean breeze is blowing. I’m willing to swim inthe sea or just lie on the beach for a rest, which I could never enjoy inmetropolis. Moreover, I could taste sea foodsuch as lobsters and crabs. Therefore, if I can goto a seashore town someday, it must be awonderful memory in my life.

2. If your friends from other country are going to visityour country, where do you suggest them to go?【可以展现国家特色,也可以谈谈其他方面】

I would like them to go to a seashoretown in my country. I believe they can’t find seashoreas wonderful as the seashore I want them to go. The life near the seashore iscomfortable, for the sky there is blue and always full of sunshine, seabirdsare singing and the ocean breeze is blowing. They can swim in the sea and lieon the beach for a rest, which they could never enjoy in their country. Moreover, they could taste sea food that onlyproduce in that seashore such as local lobsters, crabs and fish. So if they cango to a seashore town someday, it must be a goodmemory in their life.

3. Features of cafe or restaurant you like?【喜欢具有什么特点的餐厅/场所】

Well,I prefer a cafe or a restaurant that is quietand clean. First of all, a quiet placeis good for me to enjoy a comfortable meal and I won’t be bothered by a noisysurrounding. And I am able to have a conversation or a talk with friends if itis quiet near by, that we won’t have to shout to each other. Second, a clean place to eat could make me have agood appetite and I could eat more when the tables and plates are clean. Iconsider a clean restaurant can be also excellent in making food. So in conclusion, Ilike a restaurant or a cafe has the features of clean and quiet.

4. Keep or not the old building in the city?【是否该保留古老建筑】

I'hold the opinion that we should keep most of the old buildings in the city.

I admit that some of theold buildings are a bit dilapidated right now. But the issue is bigger thanthat. If we destroy the old buildings, we will be destroying an important pieceof the history. The buildings many experienced many events and famouscelebrities might live in it. They are the memory of the things in the past.And it wouldn't be all that difficult to fix them up either. However, there are some old buildings which haveless value could be torn down for the city development.

5. 描述你经常去的地方。【公园、景点】

The place Iusually go to is a seashore park in my city. When I was a child,

my parents always bring me there and I hada lot of enjoyments. Then I grew up, but I still consider it a wonderful place.The life near the seashore is reallycomfortable, for the sky there is blue and always full of sunshine,seabirds are singing and the ocean breeze is blowing. I swam in the sea and lieon the beach for a rest. Moreover, I tastedsea food such as lobsters, crabs and fish there. Themoment I have at sea shore is reallyimpressive, and because of this, I would like to go there.

6. 说说最喜欢的一个房间/空间,可以是自己家的或者是其他地方。

Well, one of my important places is my room.First of all, I have a lot of enjoyment in myroom. I enjoy using computer in myroom. Ihave a lot of fun playing computer games and chat online with my e-pals. I alsoread magazines and other publics and sometimes cut down the pictures on them tothe wall, these make my room a place full of enjoyment. Second, I study and read books. These make me moreknowledgeable and experienced. So you see, Iobtain enjoyment and gain ability in my room. Basingon these factors I say that I enjoy the time spend in my room and I like it somuch.



托福口语地点类话题虽然提问的方式有很多,但是总体来说,可以分为三类,一类是对大地点的考察,比如在TPO7中的题目让考生选择自己曾经去旅行过的地方Talk about a place you enjoyed going to or visiting when you were a child.;另一类是对小地点的考察,比如在官方指南Practice Test 1 Task 1中,让考生选择自己经常取得地方进行论述Choose a place you go to often that is important to you and explain why it is important.中的often to go就限定了这是对小地点的考察。还有一类也是考生最难回答的就是对自然景观的考察比如Where would you like to live, mountain, forest, beach or desert?点击托福口语地点类真题查看更多信息。


不管托福口语考试中地点类的题目怎样出题,考生如果想在这类题目中取得高分,就一定要积累一些在这类话题中经常出现的词汇,比如museum博物馆;railway station 火车站 ;shop 商店;book store书店;gift shop礼品店;library 图书馆;police station 警察局;fire station消防队;university 大学;botanic garden 植物园。对于这些词汇,考生一定要做到熟悉,并掌握相关的用法。点击托福口语词汇大全-地点类查看相关信息





说到韩国旅行可能大家有很多可以说的,比如说首尔塔N-Seoul tower,在那里面有着浪漫的爱情锁桥;去一去每个地方的大学,于是来到了为韩国政商界输入人才众多,也是亲信们事件爆发地的梨花女子大学-Ewha Womans University ;虽然韩国可吃的东西不是很多,但是每个地方还是要吃些传统的美食,比如说韩国泡菜【Kim chi】,大酱汤【Doenjang soup】 ,石锅拌饭【Bibimbap】,啤酒和炸鸡【beer and fried chicken】,紫菜包饭【Korean sushi】。




Describe the advantages of living abroad. Please include specific reasons and examples in your response.


Some people prefer to live in different places throughout their lives. Others prefer to stay and live in one place. Which do you prefer and why? Please include reasons and details in your response.


Sample response1:

To some extent living abroad may have some advantages, the most important thing is that people may gain the chance to experience new things, such as new sceneries, new climate, new people or friends. 【列举的思路】

As for me, the most exciting one is that I can taste new delicious foods. I am a food lover and I wanna taste the foods from all over the world. If living in our neighbor Korea for some years, I may taste the authentic bibimbap, Doenjang soup, the authentic Korean sushi, Kim chi and so on. 【列举的思路】All these may well satisfy my appetite and I may have the better knowledge about the eating culture in Korea. Thank you.

Sample response2:

Honestly speaking, I prefer to live in different places throughout my life.

Firstly, I have the chance to taste various foods. If I stay in Korea for some years, I may taste the authentic bibimbap, Doenjang soup【列举的思路】; if I stay in Thailand for some years, the local food, you know, the curry crab or the curry chicken【列举的思路】 will satisfy my appetite. The different foods in different countries make me feel fabulous.

And also, this will broaden my horizon. For example, if I stay in my own country for my whole life, I may appreciate limited things. If I stay【对比对照的思路】 in other countries, like the America for some years, I may admire the view of Niagara Falls and learn their culture. Then my life will be more diverse.





