发布时间:2022-05-13 17:35:02
托福口语TPO36 Task5【听力+题目】:Time Conflict
Listen to a conversation between two studentsdiscussing plans for the weekend.
M : Hey Samantha ! I heard there's a big ski tripplanned for this weekend.
W : Right! The ski club's going up to MountHenderson this weekend.
M . That'II be fun.
W : I know, but I kind of have a problem. My cousin called and she's coming here this weekend. She has some kind of conference in town on Saturday and anyway, she wants to get togetherfor dinner Saturday night.
M : So what'd you tell her?
W : Oh course I couldn't really say no and anyway, I' m looking forward to seeing her. She's alot of fun . It' s just that.
M : Now you have to figure out how to see her and go on the ski trip.
W : Exactly,How can I do both ? Got any ideas ?
M : Well, you could explain to her that you already made plans to go on the ski trip. Ask her ifshe'd be willing to come to town on Friday instead of Saturday. That way you two could gettogether before her conference starts.
W : Hmm ... I' m sure she'd be willing to come on Friday if I asked her to. Then we could goout to dinner Friday night instead of Saturday night.
M : And you could go skiing on Saturday like you planned.
W: Yea , the only problem is that I'm a little worried about offending her. You know, asking herto come early so I don't have to change my plans.
M : Well, you did make plans to go skiing first.
W: True.
M : But, I do have another idea: you could just go for part of the ski trip.
W : What do you mean?
M : Well, instead of going on Saturday with the rest of the group, why don't you just drive upto Mount Henderson on Sunday? That way you get to spend Saturday night with your cousinand you could meet the group and go skiing on Sunday.
W : Wow ! That's another good idea. It's just that I'm not sure it's worth it to go up onSunday. I'd only get a couple hours of skiing in and then it'd be time to come back.
Using the examples from the professor’s lecture, explain how snails survive in hot and dry climate
TPO 36 Task 1
What advice would you give to a child just starting school? Why do you think this advice will be helpful to the child? Use details and examples to explain your answer.
Preparation Time: 15 seconds
Response Time: 45 seconds
The advice I want to give to a child starting school is to read as much as possible. One reason is reading can help a kid to develop good comprehension skill. Especially some thesis on particular subjects. They will be good for young students to acquire the skill of logic thinking. Another reason is it will give a child big potential benefits if he has good reading habits. With every day’s knowledge intake, he will own profound knowledge storage when he grow up. Reading has so much good influence on a child’s future development so I strongly urge young students to read more.
Task 3
TPO 36 Task 3
Allow Laptops in Class
Though most of us own laptop computer, we are currently not allowed to use them during class. I think this policy should be changed. Since most of us type faster than we write by hand, taking notes on a computer would be quicker and easier, so we could pay more attention to professor's lectures. Also, since laptop computers have internet access, professors could direct students to view Web sites with useful information while lectures are going on. They could look up useful facts and background information on a topic or view different photographs or illustrations of something the professor is describing. This would help students gain a more complete understanding of lecture topics.
Sincerely Jodie Smith
The man expresses his opinion of the proposal the student makes in the letter. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.
Preparation Time: 30 seconds
Response Time: 60 seconds
The letter supposes that students should be allowed to use laptops in class. One reason it gives is students can type faster than write by hand when they need to take notes, so they can put more attention on what professor is teaching. The second reason in the letter is students can look for multimedia information in class with a laptop and gain a more comprehensive understanding of their topic. But the man in the track disagree with this letter. He thinks that on the one hand, most students will use laptops to email friends, surf the Internet or play games instead of taking notes. Thus will lead to their distraction. On the other hand, he proposes that not everyone has a laptop, so if it becomes necessary for students to look at pictures on their computer, some students will not be able to do it. It is not fair to them.
托福口语TPO36 Task6听力+题目
托福口语TPO36 Task6【听力+题目】:A Lecture in a Biology Class
Listen to part of a lecture in a Biology class
So, we know animals in many climates have todevelop strategies; ways to protect themselves whenthe weather becomes especially hot and dry in thesummers. Lets start talking about how one smallcreature, a snail, can do this. Now, as you know, asnail is a very small creature with a soft, moist body, most of which is protected by a hard shell. A snail isa good example of an animal that has developed certain strategies for coping with hightemperatures and draught, or lack of water. First, to avoid the heat when the sun comes out, snails move into the shelter of vegetation ... you know, plants or leaves, to get out of the sunand into the shade.Now, of course the ground can become very hot in the sun. It absorbs andradiates heat, so snails will move up off of the ground to places where it is cooler. They mayattach themselves to a wall or a tree where it is cooler than on the ground. Now, it's not justheat that snails need to worry about . They also need to avoid drying out due to lack of water, so during a really warm, dry day or during the summer months , snails secrete a sticky, slimysubstance made up of calcium and it covers the opening of their shell; covers and closes it up . This keeps the moisture inside the shell and prevents the snail from drying out. Snails canstay inside their shells closed up like this for a long time, even several months if it# s a reallydry summer. Their bodies, well everything slows down and so they don't need food. They cansurvive on what food they've stored up, but when it rains and water is available again, thesnail opens up its shell to get some.
Using the examples from the professor’s lecture, explain how snails survive in hot and dry climate.