发布时间:2022-05-13 17:37:13
12月5日托福口语Task1 – which of the following professions should be paid a higher salary?
Nurse, police officer or teacher, choose one and explain why??
Which one of the following jobs deserves a higher salary? Teacher, policeman or nurse?
In my opinion, the police officers should be paid more as they play a really important role to a city. By what I mean, a city cannot be so stable and well-ordered without police officer’s effort. They successfully stop those illegal behaviors like robbery, burglary and even speeding. Also, they help maintain the order of the community. Like you can call the police when your neighbor is so noisy that disturb your normal life, they will immediately mediate the situation, they never fails to address common complaints like that. That’s basically why I think the police officers should be paid the highest salary among the three professions.
12月5日托福口语Task 1
Personally speaking, I think policemen should get paid more money than the others for two reasons. Firstly, policemen face higher risks when at work. Police officers today are confronted with all sorts of problems, from petty theft to horrifying homicides. When we read newspapers or watch TV today, we can see police officers get hurt or even get killed in a lot of extreme cases. Just last month, 3 French policemen were fatally wounded in the terrorist attack. So it’s only fair and naturally policemen get paid more. Plus, policemen usually work way much harder. My neighbor used to be a policeman before he retired. It seemed like he was always at work. He always arrived home late and sometimes he was on call for 48 hours in a row. That’s why I think policemen deserve a higher salary.
Talk about one of your special ways to study.
11月21日托福口语解析Task 1
One of my special ways to study is to make wise use of my smart phone. It may sound crazy to study using a smart phone at first, but here are some reasons you may find convincing. Firstly, it significantly increased my study efficiency. Before when I was in class, I needed to spend a lot of time taking notes, not only was it tiresome, it also made me miss a lot of important information my teacher had to say. Now I bring my smart phone with me to class, and every time I need to take notes, I simply take a picture of the screen in front. It helped me better focus on what the teacher is saying and it's so much more time-saving. Besides that, I also started a study group using WeChat, my classmates and I share class notes and our ideas for group projects there all the time. So using my smart phone has been a pretty unique and efficient way to help me study.
Task1 – Which of the activities should be given the high performances rewards? 1】volunteer works? 2】 athletic 3】 academic.
Sample answer:
I think the university should reward the students who participate in volunteer works and encourage more students to take part in those meaningful activities. For starters, those volunteer works like tutoring, taking care of seniors and cleaning the gardens benefit the society a lot. The volunteers help address community needs and make the community a better place to live in. What’s more, some of the volunteer works are conducted in such a harsh environment that the students should be given some reward as an encouragement. For example, one memorable volunteer work that I did was to volunteer as a teacher in a mountainous region in the northwest of China. It is definitely a poverty stricken region. I can still remember that we drank muddy water from right from the faucet, to say nothing about the food we ate.
Task2 – Some schools open computer course, some open new language course. Which one is more useful for student?
Sample answer:
In my opinion, the computer course would benefit students more. No one could deny that most students in the modern society rely on computer a lot to deal with academic tasks or enjoy recreations. For me, I write most of the paper on the computer and hand them in online directly, which saves me a lot of time because I don’t need to bother to print them out. I check the campus email at least twice a day to follow up the current affairs without stepping out. By attending the computer courses, we are able to take more advantages of the computer. For me, I am not so familiar with some functions about the office software when using for academic use. I hope these classed can simplify and facilitate our use of computers.
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