发布时间:2022-05-13 17:37:15
有好奇心的 curious [5kjuEriEs]
老实 clean hands, veracity [vE5rAsiti]
工作勤奋 diligent [5dilidVEnt], hardworking [5hB:d5wE:kiN]
坦率的 frank [frANk]
友好的 friendly [5frendli]
风趣的 full of humor
温柔体贴的 gentle and understanding
诚实 honest [5Cnist]
独立的 independent [7indi5pendEnt]
勤劳的 industrious [in5dQstriEs]
聪明的 intelligent [in5telidVEnt], smart [smB:t]
博学的 learned [5lE:nid]
慈祥 kind [kaind]; nice [nais]
有礼貌的 polite [pE5lait]
严厉的 strict [strikt]
不守纪律的 unruly [Qn5ru:li]
正直的 upright [5Qprait]
多才多艺的 versatile [5vE:sEtail], gifted [5^iftid]
好客的 hospitable [5hCspitEbl]
豪爽的 expansive [iks5pAnsiv], forthright [5fC:Wrait], great-hearted
自闭的 withdrawn [wiT5drC:n]
傲气的 haughty [5hC:ti]
市侩的 snobbish [5snCbiF]
清高的 high-hearted
开放的 open-minded
宽容的 tolerant [5tClErEnt], good-tempered
时髦的 stylish [5stailiF], modish [5mEudiF], fashionable [5fAFEnEbl]
怀旧的 nostalgic [nC5stAldVik], reminiscent [7remi5nisEnt], retrospective
自卑的 self-contemptuous
有同情心的 sympathetic [7simpE5Wetik]
上进的 aspirant [E5spaiErEnt]
勤劳的 laborious [lE5bC:riEs], industrious [in5dQstriEs]
懒惰的 indolent [5indElEnt], slothful [5slEuWfEl], sluggish [5slQ^iF], sluttish
[5slQtiF], idle [5aidl]
依赖性强的 dependent [di5pendEnt], reliant [ri5laiEnt]
体贴的 considerate [kEn5sidErit], thoughtful [5WC:tfEl]
好胜的 emulative [5emjulEtiv]
心胸狭隘的 narrow-minded person
文雅的 gentle [5dVentl]
不可捉摸的人 enigmatic figure
手巧的人 handy person
行为古怪的 eccentric [ik5sentrik]
a. 听读观点一致版:
In the reading material, we learn that the college/university is considering _____________.
In the listening material, the man/woman agrees with 【thinks ... is right】___________. One reason he/she gives is that _____________. Another reason is that _____________. He/ She also thinks 【points out/ has found】 that_____________. 【有空的话】Therefore, he/she likes the idea.
In the reading material, the college/university is considering _____________. . p& |9 p* }4 Y' }+ ]
In the listening material, we clearly learn that the man/woman doesn't like the idea of/that ______________ 【of +V-ing. ; that + clause】 One reason he/she gives is that _______________.
Another reason is that ___________________. He/She also thinks 【points out/has found】 that ___________. 【如果有的话】
Therefore, he/she disagrees with that opinion.
注: 我这里把他们作为典型提供一个思路,同学们要根据不同的内容对第一句进行适当的调整。
Question: Talk about a book youhave read that was important to you for some reason.
Explain why the book was important to you. Give specificdetails and examples toexplain your answer.
1. TS: General Introduction ofthe book 【Name, author, time you read thebook】
2. Give a simple account of the book.
3. Key Word:Important
【3.1】 Interesting: draws you in.
【3.2】 knowledge youhave learnt
【3.3】 enlightenment you have gained
4. Conclusion:emphasize the IMPORTANCE
1.TS: General Introduction of the book 【Name of the book,how/where didyou get the book】
2. Give a simple account of the process ofgetting the book.
3. Key Word: Important
【3.1】 It was a souvenirgiven by an important person
【3.2】 It was very difficult to get thebook 【e.g. Limited edition】
【3.3】 You got the book from a specialevent as a reward.
4. Conclusion: emphasize the IMPORTANCE
Recently, I read a book named Keep theaspidistra flying written by George
Orwell. The book influences me a lot because the story hassomething that
touches my heart. The story talks about a man who wants tobe a poet and who abandons many well-paying jobs to pursue his dream of being a poet. I havea similar experience of quitting a very good job in order to be awriter. Also, the man in the story is lack of money because he works as a bookstoreassistant and thus has a very low salary. He lives in a shabby apartment andsometimes have no money to buy food. Again, I've got similar experience. I oncelived in a cramped apartment alone and had no money. Thebook is important to me because it touches me and gives me encouragement to persist.
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