
发布时间:2022-05-13 17:40:51
Unless we live in a remote area, we all have neighbors. We are not usually able to choose our neighbors. We can only hope that those wholive near us will be people we can get along with. However, in my opinion, that is the minimum requirement of a good neighbor.The best neighbors should not only be able to live side by side without quarreling, but also help each other. The first requirement of a good neighbor is that he does not disturb others in the neighborhood. For example, he should not be too noisy or block others' parking spaces.Second, a good neighbor should cooperate in the care of the neighborhood. Everyone should work together to keep the place clean.Third, neighbors should watch out for each other' s security by reporting suspicious people who may be trying to steal something and dangerous conditions such as a broken slide on the playground. Finally,the best neighbors help each other when they are in trouble. Recently,my neighborhood was affected by a strong typhoon. It caused a lot of damage, but all my neighbors showed their concern for each other by sharing food, water and candles, and helping in any way they could.Some people say that "Good fences make good neighbors." But I believe that kindness is repaid with kindness. Also, when we showrespect for people it is more likely that they will do the same for us.Therefore, if we want to have good neighbors we first have to be good neighbors.佛山英语培训资深老师认为,托福范文必须琢磨透才能真正起到作用,所以佛山英语培训为您提供关于邻居的托福作文范文的翻译,希望给各位学子有所启发。除非住在偏远的地区,否则我们都会有邻居。我们通常无法自己选择邻居,只能希望住在附近的是容易相处的人。然而,我认为容易相处是作为一个好邻居需具备的基本的要求。比较好的邻居,不只是住在一起时不会吵架,而且还能互相帮助。







