发布时间:2022-05-13 17:42:01
2017年4月15日新托福阅读题解析:大陆漂移Continental Drift分别说了4个不同的scientist在大陆漂移学说方面做出的学术研究。首先是一个人发现了同样extinct的物种在不同大陆的fossil,他认为是因为那个时候有大陆桥【continental bridge】。第二个人认为大陆是由更大的陆地板块分裂而来的,因为那个时候月球进入了地球的引力范围,所以产生潮汐力使得大陆板块分裂,他的证据是一个海底的mountain chain。第三个人写了一本monumental的著作,提出了本来是个supercontinent然后分裂的说法,其证据有二:一是和当时的海岸线吻合,二是fossil体现出的古生物特征吻合。最后一个人支持前一个人的理论并且发现了一个有力的证据:一种淡水生物,在南非和古巴均有,而这种生物不可能在海水中游了这么远去寻找另一个环境中条件差不多的淡水。最后,即使有这么多证据,当时很多地质学家还是不愿意接受这一理论。
20170225托福考试阅读三篇文章是:The Chaco Roads【查科文明的道路】,Essentials of Chinese Art【中国艺术的基本组成要素】,和Iron and Steel in the United States in the Nineteenth Century【19世纪美国的钢铁业】。第二篇文章话题第一次涉及,全文词汇、长难句、语言抽象性都达到了爆表级别,待会重点讲解。
考句1。A few long-term characteristics stand out, although, as important as these culturally distinctive elements were in the history of Chinese art, they still leave out much of significance and interest.难点:长难句中作者重心的把握,以及由此显示出的作者态度;大段插入语割裂前后语义;插入语中本身又存在倒装;词组的灵活使用。解析:考生首先要知道as引导的句子如果发生倒装,那么此时的as表示“虽然”引导让步,所以原句中插在although后面的插入句恢复正常语序为“as these culturally distinctive elements were as important in the history of Chinese art”,这其中的第一个as=although,第二个as=so【做副词修饰形容词】,所以这个句子也等同于“although these culturally distinctive elements were so important in the history of Chinese art”。于是整句话大结构变成“A few long-term characteristics…,although, although these culturally distinctive elements were so important in the history of Chinese art, they still…”,让步中又有让步,这是这句话最大的看点。整句话意思是:虽然这些【中国】文化特点在中国艺术史上是如此的重要,但是它们仍然没有引起许多重视和兴趣,但即便如此【没有引起重视和兴趣】,这些长期存在的中国文化特点还是闪亮而出【stand out】。
考句2。Several lesser roadways from Chaco Canyon’s great houses of Pueblo Bonito and Chetro Ketl ascendChaco’s north wall to converge on Pueblo Alto. From there, the road travels 13 degree northeast for about 3 kilometers before heading directly north for nearly 48 kilometers across open country to Kutz Canyon, where it vanishes.难点设置:对生词的考查和对道路细节描写的准确理解/真正理解。解析:这两句话中就考了3个词汇题:ascend,converge,vanishes。合起来两句话的意思准确理解为:几条从Chaco峡谷里的大房子Pueblo Bonito 和大房子Chetro Ketl延伸出来的狭窄小路向上攀升,攀上了Chaco峡谷的北缘,然后这几条小路汇聚于Pueblo Alto变成一条道路。从Pueblo Alto,这条路以北偏东13度的角度向北推进3千米,然后直直向正北推进了几乎48千米穿越了广袤地区最终到达了Kutz峡谷,在Kutz峡谷这条路就突然消失了。
相对而言, 总结表格题的出现频率要高于对比表格题,这是由它们自身特点,出题方式和原文是否具备对比对照关系这三方面的因素决定的。
The Atlantic Cod Fishery
Off the northeastern shore of North America, from the island of Newfoundland in Canada south to new England in the United States, there is a series of shallow areas called banks. Several large banks off Newfoundland are together called Grand Banks, huge shoals on the edge of North American continental shelf, where the warm waters of the Gulf Stream meet the cold waters of Labrador Current. As the currents brush each other, they stir up mineral from the ocean floor, providing nutrients for plankton and tiny shrimp-like creatures called krill, which feed on the plankton. Herring and other small fish rise to the surface to eat the krill. Groundfish, such as the Atlantic cod, live in the ocean’s bottom layer, congregating in the shallow waters where they prey on krill and small fish. This rich environment has produced cod by the millions and once had a greater density of cod than anywhere else on Earth.
Beginning in the eleventh century, boats from the ports of north western Europe arrived to fish the Grand Banks. For the next eight centuries, the entire Newfoundland economy taking fish back to European markets. Cod laid out to dry on wooden “flakes” was a common sight in the fishing villages dotting the coast. Settlers in the region used to think the only sea creature worth talking about was cod, and in the local speech the word “fish” became synonymous with cod. Newfoundland’s national dish was a pudding whose main ingredient was cod.
By the nineteenth century, the Newfoundland fishery was largely controlled by merchants based in the capital at St. John’s. They marketed the catch supplied by the fishers working out of more than 600 villages around the long coastline. In return, the merchants provided fishing equipment, clothing, and all the food that could not be grown in the island’s thin, rocky soil. This system kept the fishers in a continuous state of debt and dependence on the merchants.
By whatever means,a lake is constantly gaining water and losing water:its water does not just sit there,or,anyway,not for long.This raises the matter of a lake’s residence time.The residence time is the average length of time that any particular molecule of water remains in the lake,and it is calculated by dividing the volume of water in the lake by the rate at which water leaves the lake.The residence time is an average;the time spent in the lake by a given molecule【if we could follow its fate】would depend on the route it took:it might flow through as part of the fastest,most direct current,or it might circle in a backwater for an indefinitely long time.
It can be inferred from paragraph 4 that the length of time a given molecule of water remains in a lake
A.depends entirely upon the average speed of a lake's currents B.can be measured by the volume of the lake alone C.can be greater or lesser than the residence time
D.is similar to the length of time all other molecules remain in that lake
首先审题,我们知道推理对象为the length of time a given molecule of water remains in a lake,然后通过定位,找到原文包含推理对象的句子,即原文最后一句话的后半句,“The residence time is an average;the time spent in the lake by a given molecule【if we could follow its fate】would depend on the route it took:it might flow through as part of the fastest,most direct current,or it might circle in a backwater for an indefinitely long
time.”本句话以分号分成了前后两个分句,因此前一个分句也需要分析。前一个分句,即“The residence time is an average,停留时间是平均的”,这个信息点需要记住,接下来再把后半句看完。后半句,即“the time spent in the lake by a given molecule would depend on the route it took,一分子的水停留在湖里的时间取决于它所走的路线”,隐含意思即水停留在湖里的时间是不固定的,走的路线是直线,则停留时间短,走的路线是循环的,则停留时间就长。结合前一个分句,可得出结论,一分子的水停留在湖里的时间可能比residence time长,也可能比它短,故答案为C。
然后我们找的是要被代入原文那句话中的关联词,这有很多,比方说一旦看到“因为”,前面讲的就可能是原因,因为这个结果后面有一个情况;再比如你看到THUS,通常表示结果,那么正确选项在第一个空和第二个空的可能性不是很大,在第三个空和第四个空的可能性比较大,因为它表示结果,基本都在比较靠后的位置;比如我们看到in contrast,跟前面正好是相反的,所以说这些关键词特别重要,从一定意义上来讲是我们做这种题型成败的关键。
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