发布时间:2022-05-13 17:42:52
托福口语考试时间分配:TASK 1&2
第一部分【1-2题】:准备时间15秒,答题时间45秒。如第1、2中的题目属于日常话题,这两道题本身难度比较小,所以特别需要注意的就是托福口语时间的分配问题,在这45秒钟里,一般用5~6秒完成topic sentence, 接下来的40秒应以每一个detail或者example不超过3~4句话的规律完成该话题,也就是说大致20秒完成一个detail或example的表述。如果考生能在考前进行充分的准备,锻炼自己的口语思维,积累常用的details或examples,考试时就会从容许多。
托福口语考试时间分配:TASK 3&4
第二部分【3-4题】:准备时间30秒,答题60秒。它们分别是情景题和学术题。在阅读的时候要注意记录主题和支撑的观点。同时在TASK 3&4的听力进行中,要主要把握其重点环节,也就是人物的观点,以及他支持或反对的理由。另外,在表述过程中,结构一定要清楚,在练习时不妨使用计时软件,多锻炼几次才能在规定时间内把要点说全说清楚。
托福口语考试时间分配:TASK 5&6
1. 时间把握很重要
2. 素材和模板积累
3. 答题语速适中,清晰可辨
口语考试最重要的一点是要把口语考试当成正常聊天。考生在答题时可以加一些feeling words,用得好的话,可以使你准备的内容更加自然。如:
Um, well, you know, I mean, like
Why do I like it?
The difference between country life and city life?【比较类】
That’s a tricky /tough one
I’m not sure, um…
I don’t really know, um…
I don’t know much about this, but…
I haven’t thought about It before, but I suppose
Let me think about it
Let me see
Hang on a second
What else
Sorry, I wanted to say a very good word, but I forget
这些词或句可以帮你回顾,你所准备的内容。如果在答题过程中忘记自己所准备的内容,可以使用“well, you know, I mean…”使用这些词也会使你的口语更加地道。在使用这些句子的时候最好不要在句子中间停顿,保持句子的流利连贯。
题目回答时要举出三点原因,first reason, second reason, third reason考生需要对每一个原因展开描述,丰富的内容是口语高分的关键,但很多考生还不知如何展开描述。
1. 体验式句型。使用以“when”开头得句型展开。如:
I really like to go to the seaside.
Well, when I lie down the beach, I feel relaxed 【I feel refreshed】.
When I go to the seaside, I can enjoy the sunlight, you know, which makes me relaxed, and it help me release my pressure.
2. 多米诺。 6 ”W”句型展开。“我+动词+名词 + who + when + where + why” 如:
I usually play basketball.
I usually play basketball with my classmates during my weekends at the gym to get some exercise.
I usually go to the seaside with my friends during my holiday, and the seaside is near my home to relax.
3. 过去经历:回顾过去,展望未来
“I remember when I was a kid…I did something, something happened. I thought it was…so I started to…”如:
I don’t like the dog 【animal】.
I remember when I was a child, my neighbor had a dog. It always bark with me and it tried to bite me, so I thought it was dangerous. I started to hate animals.
I remember when I was a kid, my father bought me a pet dog named little black, it was so cute. The dog always shake its tail to me and play with me. So I started to love animals from that time.
4. 完成时态:I started to do something, when I was a child. So I have been doing
something for many years.
I always wanted to do something. 从过去发生到现在一直进行或对现在有影响。
5. 描述现状。环保类,问题解决类。如:
Nowadays, lots of people like read the e-book
Nowadays, lots of people drive their private cars to work, which cause different kinds of pollution.
6. 意识流。在平时练习时要习惯去展开联想。
新托福口语的第六道题,通常被考生视为难度最大的一道,就是因为它的考察形式--总结听到的1-2分钟的学术讲座。难点体现在两个方面:1. 纯粹的听力内容使听力较弱的考生无所适从;2. 学术讲座的专业性太强,如果考生不熟悉讲座的方向,会听得云里雾里。或者,会围绕着一个科学现象展开,继而给出产生此现象的原因以及影响。因此,常见的提问方式如下:
1. Using points and examples from the talk, explain the two definitions of money presented by the professor.
2. Using points and examples from the talk, explain the two types of motivation.
3. Using the examples from the talk, explain how persuasive strategies are used in advertising.
4. Using the research described by the professor, explain what scientists have learned about the mathematical abilities of babies.
Task 6的讲座通常为90-120秒,有些话题可能持续的时间更长,会超过2分钟。在讲座中,教授通常会先介绍一个概念或现象,然后一般情况下,会用两个例子或者两个下级分类来进行深入的解释。而有关于一个实验过程的讲座可能会描述一个过程的两个步骤。在讲述一件事件的讲座中,教授可能会描述一个事件的前因后果。在关于某科学社会理论的讲座中,教授则会举出一些例子来说明这一理论在日常生活中起的作用及对人们日常生活产生的影响。
由于第六道题目是纯粹的听力讲座而没有阅读材料,那么讲座中的主要内容通常情况下是会在第一句话中体现出来的。有时候教授会非常直接明显地点明话题,例如:Today we’ll talk about how companies determine the initial prices for their products. 然后教授会讲述主要概念涉及的过程或者基本原理及举例。
讲座结束后,考生将听到并在电脑屏幕上看到题目。如上文所示,第六题的题目会要求考生解释讲座所讨论的核心概念。由于此部分没有阅读内容,相较于Task 3和Task 4, 考生只有20秒的准备时间,在此期间,考生可依据自己的笔记进行思考和准备。在听到“哔”的提示声后,考生将有60秒的时间作答。
So, let’s talk about money. What is money? Well, typically people think of coins and paper “bills” as money... but that’s using a somewhat narrow definition of the term.
A broad definition is this: money is anything that people can use to make purchases with. Since many things can be used to make purchases, money can have many different forms. Certainly, coins and bills are one form of money. People exchange goods and services for coins or paper bills, and they use this money ... these bills ... to obtain other goods and services. For example, you might give a taxi driver five dollars to purchase a ride in his taxi. And he in turn gives the five dollars to a farmer to buy some vegetables...
But, as I said, coins and bills aren’t the only form of money under this broad definition. Some societies make use of a barter system. Basically, in a barter system people exchange goods and services directly for other goods and services. The taxi driver, for example, might give a ride to a farmer in exchange for some vegetables. Since the vegetables are used to pay for a service, by our broad definition the vegetables are used in barter as a form of money.
Now, as I mentioned, there’s also a second ... a narrower definition of money. In the United States only coins and bills are legal tender—meaning that by law, a seller must accept them as payment. The taxi driver must accept coins or bills as payment for a taxi ride. OK? But in the U.S., the taxi driver is not required to accept vegetables in exchange for a ride. So a narrower definition of money might be whatever is legal tender in a society, whatever has to be accepted as payment.
Using points and examples from the talk, explain the two definitions of money presented by the professor.
在此讲座中,教授在第一句话中就直接地指出讲座的中心内容—Money, 随后的内容围绕着对Money的定义展开。整个讲座讲述了Money的两种定义,一种是广义的,一种是狭义的。教授首先讲述了广义的钱的定义,并以出租车和菜农的两个具体的例子来解释广义钱的定义内容。随后讲述了狭义的钱的定义,同样,在给出了定义之后,教授依然用出租车和菜农的例子来进行解释。
-- A broad definition is this: money is anything that people can use to make purchases with.
-- Coins and bills are one form of money.
-- In a barter system people exchange goods and services directly for other goods and services.
-- So a narrower definition of money might be whatever is legal tender in a society, whatever has to be accepted as payment.
-- In the United States only coins and bills are legal tender-meaning that by law, a seller must accept them as payment.
The professor talks about two definitions of money, a broad one and a narrow one. By the broad definition, money is everything with which we can make purchases. For example, coins and bills can be money, because we can use them to buy goods such as vegetables and pay for services such as taxi. But in a barter system, vegetables can be money, because farmers can give drivers vegetables in exchange for a drive. By the narrow definition, in a society, the legal tender is money. For instance, in the US, drivers and farmers must accept dollars as payment. People can use dollars to pay for taxi and buy vegetables because dollar is the legal tender in the US. So, dollar in the form of coin and bill is money.
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