发布时间:2022-05-13 17:44:27
Reading: Student Letter, 建议学校应该在宿舍楼里放tea and coffee station, 因为节省时间又便宜
Listening: Woman agrees, 因为早上起不来,时间很紧,没有时间特意去买早餐。只有学校餐厅有茶喝咖啡,宿舍提供的话会更方便。然后是因为咖啡厅太贵,这样更省钱一些。
Sample Answer【Simple Version】:
In this reading passage, the student proposes that the university should set some coffee and tea station in student dorms cuz that can be so time efficient and also saves students a lot of money.
In the conversation, the woman can’t agree more with this proposal for two reasons. The first reason is that it’s really hard for students to get up early in the morning and they are always in a rush and they don't have time for breakfast. It can be a whole lot easier for them to grab a nice cup of coffee in their dorm buildings and they don't have to go all the way to the dining hall. What’s more, it can also save them a lot of money from buying coffee and tea by doing so. Things in the coffee shop in our campus are always more expensive.
教授准备取消engineer tutorials,因找不到volunteer,学生看起来也没有提升,男生说可以让phd去做tutor,他们qualified,正好他们每学期也必须要做一次tutorial。他俩都觉得很有用,尤其工程课上的阅读部分。
The professor plans to discontinue the engineering tutorials for lack of volunteers and no clear evidence for improvements from the students. The boy disagrees with the proposal as he thinks that PhD students are qualified enough to be the tutors, and they gotta have the tutorial this semester, which could be helpful to the students, especially for the reading section in the engineering class.
因为学生人数越来越多,学校想把local skating rink 改成学生宿舍,觉得location很便利,只有几公里。男生不同意,因为他觉得许多学生都喜欢这个滑冰场,许多人在上大学之前甚至都没有玩儿过,而且滑冰场的位置不适合做宿舍,宿舍应该建在离教室近的地方。
The school decides to transform the local skating rink into student dormitory buildings since the number of students is increasing and the location is convenient. However, the man is opposed to this decision. First, he says that many students like to have fun around the rink, and that lots of students never had a chance to skate before college. Second, he thinks that the location of the rink is not suitable for building dormitory buildings cuz it's too far from campus, which means it'll be inconvenient for students to join on-campus activities. Instead, the buildings should be built near classrooms.
1. 听力对话中谁先表达观点,谁就是关键人物。就像相声中的两个角色,一个为主角,一个是配角,我们只要记关键人物的看法就可以了。
2. 如果听力中出现了the fact is, you know, you see, for instance等词汇,说明之后是例子需要注意。比如TPO 3中有这么一句“I mean, …let's say maybe on a very cold morning…”提示词之后学生举了个例子,是我们要复述的重要内容。
3. 数字一定要记清楚,同时要记住后面的名词和形容词。这个是考生比较容易忽略的地方。
4. 听力中只记事实,不记猜测。如果讲话人提出一个假设“If…,”我们可以不用关注相关内容,泛听即可。
5. 听力中多记形容词,副词,名词。即以有实义的词为主。
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