发布时间:2022-05-13 17:44:44
Purpose of festivals and celebrationsQ: Why do you think festivals are important events in the working year?Answer:Yeah. It’s very important for two reasons.For the country, it’s a time to remember our cultural origin and our historical past.The whole country celebrates our root and it’s very inspiring.We become so proud of our past.I guess that’s why festivals are important.For the individual, festivals give us a chance for relaxation as we often have a few days off. It’s a time of fun, meeting friends, entertainment.So after that we feel like a new man.In a sense, holidays restore our balance between work and leisure.That’s also why we need festivals for China.
Q: Would you agree that the original significance of festival is often lost today?
构思:节日的初衷: 庆祝传统, 承上启下, 结束也是开始现在的节日: 人们繁忙,感觉不到开始和结束的意义, 过完节,马上就再次投入到工作中, 有些单位甚至连节假日都加班. 人们也不在那么感动传统,倒是好好的利用节日放松了一下, 吃吃喝喝,购物,节日从tradition象 consumption过渡.更像是给了人们一个借口: 1. 放下工作 2. 奢侈享受 3. 见见好久不见的重要的人.这么讲的话, 节日也挺好的.
Answer:I think the original significance for festivals are to celebrate our tradition.It’s an end to the old year and the beginning of a new year. So it’s a connecting day.But today, people are so busy, they’re under so much pressure and they no longer feel the transition between the old and the new year. Some companies even ask their employees to come in on holidays. So many people begin to feel that festivals are just as common as the other days.People no longer take the opportunities of festivals to honor their tradition,but go shopping, go to restaurant to entertain instead.So I think tradition is out, consumption is in.Festivals provide people such an excuse to put down their work, to spend money and be extravagant 【奢侈的】, and to meet people that they don’t have time for during the working year.So in this sense, even the original significance is lost, festivals are still exciting.
托福口语素材整理——主要传统节日: carnival狂欢节【狂欢节是一个大斋节前的节日,人们狂欢作乐并宴饮。狂欢节的日期根据复活节的日期推定,但必须是2月的星期一】;Christmas圣诞节【纪念耶稣基督诞生的节日, 12月25日】;Easter Sunday 【耶稣】复活节 【3月21日或其后月满之后的第一个星期天】;Father’s Day父亲节【每年6月的第三个星期日】;Mother’s Day 母亲节【在美国为五月的第二个星期日】;Thanksgiving Day 【基督教】 感恩节【11月的最后一个星期四】;Valentine's Day情人节【2月14日】;Lantern Festival元宵节;Mid-AutumnFestival中秋节;New Year's day元旦;Spring Festival春节;etc.
其它托福口语话题词汇: Christmas cake / card / present / pudding / stocking / tree, Christmas Eve / time,colored lights, compliments, customs, fireplace, gifts, goodwill, habits, ham, privacy, ribbons【缎带,丝带】, rose, Santa Claus, shocking, tradition, Turkey, wreaths【花环,花冠】,etc.
常用短语: appropriate dress, break 【follow, keep up】 a custom 破坏、【遵从,遵守】习俗;celebrate Christmas, cultural differences, culture shock, Eastern and Western societies, go“Dutch”, manners and customs风俗习惯; proper behavior, religious customs, social customs, theThanksgiving feast, etc.
常用句型: 1. Custom required our dressing for dinner. 礼俗要求我们参加宴会穿礼服。
2. It is an old custom that men tip their hats when greeting somebody.
3. It is the custom for the Chinese to take off their shoes when they get into a hall.
4. It is the custom to dye eggs at Easter.
5. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
6. So many countries, so many customs. 有多少国家,就有多少习俗;百里不同风。
7. Social custom vary greatly from country to country.
8. The celebration of Christmas is a custom.
9. Turkey and ham are traditional dishes for Christmas.
10. When in Rome do as the Romans.
Which one of the following activities would you like to do most?
1. Dancing2. Playing soccer 3. Cycling
I would definitelychoose to play soccer. I find it very relaxing when I play soccer, it helps meto release my tension and depression that I got from both my life and study.Apart from that, kicking around soccer is a very good way to keep healthy and stayin good shape. It helps me to build up some muscles and become athletic, it isalso good for my cardio vascular system. Lastly, I get a chance to meet newfriends and broaden my social network when playing soccer, getting to knowdifferent people is a very thrilling experience for me.
The one that I personally admire the most is a character named Alan Shore in a TV series called Boston Legal. Maybe you have heard about it. This character has changed my definition of what a perfect man is and what characteristics one should hopefully possess. He is decent, a man of his word, one of the very few that I regard as having a strong sense of justice. Yet he is not bound up by the rules and knows when to break them to achieve the ultimate good. And he is interesting and eloquent, all the things that I desire to have.
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