发布时间:2022-05-13 17:46:12
1. 人物类
Describe a person you admire.
Describe the famous person you admire most.
Describe a person who had a positive impact on you.
Describe a person who you would like to talk with.
Describe a special friend in your childhood.
Describe an elder person that you respect.
Describe your favorite performer or musician.
What are some important characteristics of a good leader?
而看过以上的这些话题内容后,大家也就不难看出,托福口语Task1中人物类话题一般也是可以分为两种类型:常人类和名人类。所谓常人类,也就是让考生描述的是可能是自己身边的人,比如你最喜欢的老师,给你印象最深的朋友,你身边给你影响最为深刻的人。比如:What do you think is ONE of the most important characteristics that a good teacher should have? Include specific reasons and details in your explanation.而名人类的话题也就是,让大家陈述出一个自己最喜欢的明星,最喜欢的作家等等。
托福口语Task1 人物类范例:
Describe a person who had a positive impact on you.
The person I want to describe is my grandfather. He is a medium height man. He is smartly dressed with a big pair of glasses. He is a retired history teacher. I was raised up by my grandparents because my parents were very busy workingwhen I was a little kid. My grandfather was methodical in teaching. He tirelessly taught me a lot of historic stories and knowledge to educate me and build my good personality. I liked to listen to his stories like patriotism or greatinventors. I showed great interest on history because of him and he had positive impact on me.
Task 1
Independent speaking
1. 用电脑帮别人找书
①It is time-saving and effort-saving, cuz I just need to click the mouse, browse the page, type the key words then find books by using computers.
②It is a decent way for me to get information from internet in my spare time.
2. 给小朋友读书
①Cultivating children is my biggest passion in life, reading books to them can leave lasting impression.
②Reading books to children also offers me a sense of achievement cuz I can be a patient teacher to guide them.
3. 整理书架上的书
①Arrange books can benefit others who want to find them instantly, which can boost work efficiency.
②The library will be clean and tidy, hence citizens may feel refreshed and invigorated.
此题考察事件类题目中喜欢哪种类型的活动题型, 注意此题是跟TPO题目相似。
As for me,I guess I will choose to read to kids. When I was younger, I really lovedreading fairy tales. Every night, I would beg my mom to read bedtime storiesfor me. It was the warmest moment of the day and brought me a lot of warmmemories that I would never forget. So I really want to share the happiness ofreading with other kids. Besides, I think this work will benefit me from thelong run. When I build a family, I will have my own children. Without anyexperience, it could be challenging, since I don’t know how to get along with kids. But readingto kids can provide me an opportunity to know them.