发布时间:2022-05-13 17:48:17
托福口语第六题的套路大多为现象----举例式,概念----应用式, 过程---作用式。因此,在托福口语第六题开始听英文内容是,大家应该迅速的判断听力内容术语三个模式中的哪一种。
In this lecture, the professor is talking about 【topic】.
He describes two types of 【topic】.
First, A. The example he gives to further explain A is 【Ex.1】.
He says that 【use one to two sentences to describe Ex.1】.
Second, B. The example the professor gives to describe B is 【Ex.2】
He says that 【use one to two sentences to describe Ex.2】
What is you favorite place for reading?
Answer 1:
I think my favorite place for reading is the library. First because in the library, many students are reading and you will read with them. Second because in the library, you can get many books easily, so you can get to the information
quickly. En …so I like to read in the library.
Answer 2:
Unlike many people, my favorite place for reading is the park. I just like the atmosphere. Reading is tiring, and when I feel tired, I can look up from the book and see people jogging on the path and boating on the lake. Then I feelrelaxed. Still, when your eyes feel tired, there are many green trees and lawns to give them a good rest. In the park, you can see many old people taking their beloved birds and dogs for a walk. This gives me inspirations. Indeed, I like to read in parks rather than in libraries or classrooms.
听力的内容一般是关于学术方面内容的节选,所涉及的范围比较广泛,可能是社科,物理,人类学等,听力材料的长度大概为 1~2 分钟。考生在听和说的时候没有任何的背景知识可以参考,这个就是难点啊。
通常情况下,教授会给出一个概念的定义,例如, the coin , natural selection 等,或者一个事件的梗概,或者介绍一种现象来开始,之后会就自己前面提出的概念,故事或者现象展开论述。在后面这个部分中,一些例子会被引进来证实和说明前面所提到的定义。说的部分会要求考生概括听力部分的主要内容并听力部分的观点和事例进行详细论证,典型问法为: Usingpoints and examples from the talk, explain XX 【某种现象或定义】presented by the professor。
Now listen to part of a lecture in a psychology class.
Narrator: The professor describes the children’s psychology between eight years old and a half to ten years old, including the analysis of the differences between motherly love and fatherly love. Summarize the main points in the professor’s lecture.
Today I’d like to talk about the love between child and parents.【这个开篇句子点名整个文章的主题:love between child and parents.】 For most children before the age from eight and a half to ten, the problem is almost exclusively that of being loved-of being loved for what one is. The child up to this age does not yet love: he responds gratefully and joyfully to being loved. At this point of the child’s development a new factor enters into the picture: that of producing love by one’s own activity. For the first time,. The child thinks of giving something to the maturing of love. Eventually the child may now be an adolescent and has overcome his egocentricity; the other person is not any more primarily a means to the satisfaction of his own needs. The needs of the other person are as important as his own –in fact, they have become more important. To give has become more satisfactory and more joyous than to receive. To love has become more important even than being loved. In order to understand this shift from mother to father, we must consider the essential difference in quality between motherly and fatherly love. We have already spoken about motherly love. Motherly love by its very nature is unconditional. Mother loves the new-born infant because it is her child, not because the child has fulfilled any specific condition, or lived up to any specific expectation. The relationship to father is quite different. Mother is the home we come from. She is nature, soil, the ocean; But while father does not represent the natural world, he represents the other pole of pole of human existence. He represents the world of thought, of law and the order, of discipline, and of travel and adventure. Father is the one who teaches the child, who shows him the road into the world. Closely related to this function is one which is connected with socioeconomic development. When private property came into existence, and when private property could be inherited by one of the sons, father began to look for that son to whom he could leave his property. Naturally , that was the one whom father thought best fitted to become his successor, the son who was most like him and consequently whom he likes the most .
第二段: 主要记录句子为:Essential difference in quality between motherly and fatherly love,Motherly love by its very nature is unconditional。其他的信息点可以记录也可以用心记。
第三段:主要记录的句子为:Father does not represent any such natural home, he has little connection with the child in the first years of its life, and his importance for the child in this period can not be compared with that of mother. He represents the world of thought, of law and the order, of discipline, and of travel and adventure.
当然考试的时候考生不可能记录的这么完美。考生只要能把主要意思记录,例如, “natural home, thought, law 和 order, discipline, travel and adventure”等写下来就好了。
When a child reaches the age of around eight to ten, for the first time in his life the idea of love is changed from being loved into loving. As he grows into an adolescent eventually, he has overcome his egocentricity.
For him now, to give has become more satisfactory and more joyous than to receive, to love has become more important even than being loved. There are essential differences in quality between motherly love and fatherly love. Motherly love is by nature unconditional. Mother loves a child not because the child has met any specific condition, or has lived up to any specific expectation. But the relationship to father is quite different .Father doesn’t represent the natural world. He represents the world of thought, law and order, of discipline, and of travel and adventure.
解析:先概括文章大意:When a child reaches the age of around eight to ten,for the first time in his life the idea of love is changed from being loved into loving. 之后用细节来支持自己的这个论点具体这里就不赘述了。复述的内容基本上和原听力材料一样。
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