发布时间:2022-05-13 17:48:35
Some students prefer to work on class assignments by themselves. Others believe it is better to work in a group. Which do you prefer? Explain why.
1. Work alone
【1.1】 Saves time, you can start or finish whenever you like, no joking around with other students
【1.2】 Quite, better concentration
【1.3】 Efficiency, only work on the problems that concern you
2. Work with a group
【2.1】 Learn to become a team player
【2.2】 Opens one’s mind, learn from each other about new ideas and opinions
【2.3】 Build up public speaking skill and confidence
I prefer to work on class assignments in a group. First of all, when having discussions with a study group, I get a better understanding of the subject matter. And people are usually more focused when participating in a discussion, I myself tend to put things off or get lazy when working alone. Second, I can gain other perspectives when studying with a group. For example, I think it’s amazing sometimes there are so many different ways to solve a single problem. When studying by myself, my thoughts are very limited. But when working with a group, I can learn how to think differently from listening to other group members.
I prefer to work on assignments individually. There are two reasons. The first is that I like to be in a quiet place while studying. If I study in a group, I will always be interrupted by group members who talk about irrelevant things.
Then it’s possible that I can’t even finish the assignments. Once, I attended a group discussion. Many people were not even discussing. They were just talking about NBA games. When it ended, I got nothing from it. The second reason is that I’d like to think independently. Studying individually gives me enough time to develop my own ideas. When studying in a group, I will always be distracted by other’s opinions and thoughts. So sometimes many assignments are not done by myself but by other group members. Like last week, I worked in a group to solve math problems. It turned out that many problems were solved by others not by myself. I felt very unhappy about it.
需要备注的是:独立题并不是仅仅发音好,说出了45秒看似流畅的内容就是高分,还一定要关注并满足语言质量language quality和话题展开topic development两个考核点哦,所以切忌牵强的逻辑关联、切忌low B 的语言表述。
首先,回顾Task2 两种题型:
1. 对比比较 prefer A or B
2. 支持反对 agree or disagree
众所周知,45秒的独立题里,2-3个分论点足矣,每个点分别展开10-15秒,给出充分的details and examples, 就是一个well-proportioned response比例恰当、内容充实的答案。
Which do you prefer: e-books or paper books?
1. 纯粹为了答题方便,喜欢将话题进行关联,惯用套路
2. 追随内心呼唤,喜欢对题干本身进行认真思考,拒绝套路
A+1:环保 Environmentally-friendly
A+2:便携 Portable and save space
A+3:省钱 Save money or more economical
A+1:纸质书对眼睛好,无辐射 paper-book reading has no radiation, is more comfortable and better for our eyes
A+2:纸质书有触感,体验更佳 the feeling of turning real pages and smelling the printing ink is simply magical
A+3: 纸质书更容易做笔记,更有利于理解和学习 it is much easier to take notes on the margin of paper books, which is good for my comprehension and study.
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