发布时间:2022-05-13 17:48:53
学校的硬件设施 :
gym :
哑铃do some dumbbell, 室内跑道 run on the indoor track, 在场地上打球 play some sport on the court, 水上运动do some aquatic activities, 邮箱运动如瑜伽、游泳、在跑步机上跑步aerobics like yoga, swimming, running on a treadmill
A gym is the place where students can have fun and relax themselves, for many students it can be the first choices when it comes to how to spend their spare time. There are lots of fun activities you can do in the gym like, play some sports on the court, do some aerobics like yoga, swimming, and running on a treadmill,and stuff like that.
作用:保持体型Keep fit, 有趣 have fun,放松 relax,引导学生健康、活跃的生活方式 lead a healthy and active lifestyle
In a nutshell, it is really important for a university to own a nice recreation center【gym 的同义词】,for it helps to promote a healthy, active lifestyle.
实验室laboratory :
做实验conduct research, 把理论应用于实际apply theory in practice, 直观的理解概念understand concepts intuitively【直观的】,培养学生的创造力 develop students' creativity;
实验室是好学校的重要组成部分, 然后展开实验室的作用【即以上内容】。
Great labs are a big part of a good university, students can use the lab to apply theory into practice and conduct researches in their fields, moreover, by doing experiments students can understand the concepts better and develop their creativity.
一个学校的软实力 :
名声reputation :
Reputation of a university has no direct impact on its students, and it is kind of meaningless.
教员faculty :
跟audit class联系在一起;
Auditing class is the best to know the university better, since faculty members are an indispensable part of the university. Their knowledge,teaching skills and even the way they teach the class represent the university. The values they uphold in the class are the ones that are cherished by the university.
地点location :
比如大都市metropolis, 多文化的multicultural, 方便的convenient, 公共交通 public transportation, 商店shops, 酒吧和餐馆 bars and restaurant,充满活力 full of dynamics; 当然也可以跟social里面的broaden your horizon and enrich your experience结合在一起。
大学的大小size :
“大”的好处 :
多元化diverse student body, 俱乐部和社团lots of clubs and societies, 完备的设施well established facilities, 著名的教授lots of famous professors, 活动很多various activities;
个人而言, 我喜欢较大的大学,学生团体会比较多元, 国际学生很多,他们组织好多社会活动。
Personally, I would say I like to attend a big university. A big university tends to have a diverse student body, there might be lots of international students like me, and they organize all kinds of social activities.
Also, a big university is likely to have very well established facilities like multi-functional libraries, recreation centers and research facilities. These are big parts of a colorful university life.
If universities are given financial support to develop researches, which of the following fields do you think the universities should pursue:
1. To predict weather more accurately
2. To develop an effective method to clean rivers and ocean
3. To develop outer space researches.
oney on researching the effective methods to clean the water resources, because people’s lives depend on it. Right now, the water pollution is a serious problem facing the globe. The drinkable water is polluted by factory wastes and the ocean is polluted by the oil rigs. This is an emergency needs to be dealt with immediately, so the university should make full use of the money and educate the students the importance of protecting the water resources and those sea animals. If we still sit there and doing nothing, I think the last drop of water we can see will be human’s tear.
Should school require its students to participate in 40-hour-long community work?.
Task 1 :
Some schools require students to finish forty hours of community service each year. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of doing this.
Task1: Do you agree or disagree with the statement that school should ask each student to do 40 hours of community service per year.
Task 1:Agree or disagree: school should ask each student to do 40 hours of community service per year.
Well, I think doing community service can help students gain a strong sense of belonging to the community and get a sense of achievement. I would like to talk about my personal experience, last year, I taught math in a poverty stricken area for a month, the experience makes me appreciate life more and not take things for granted. Also, I feel like I am needed by the community and I have something to offer back to society, that gives my life a sense of purpose. However, requiring students to do 40 hours of community service might throw them off their busy school schedule. They might have less time working their schoolwork, like presentations, group projects, and preparing for exams and stuff like that.【新东方孟炎】
Task2. Do you agree or disagree that the success of a school depends on experienced teachers?
Task2 - Do you agree or disagree that experienced teachers is a deciding factor to the success of a school?
I agree with the statement that experienced teachers are important. First, students choose a school mostly because they value the education they are about to get in the next 3-4 years. And on a great level, the education process depend on teachers. Experienced teachers are qualified, not because of the degrees and titles they have, but the years of dealing with students and programs. They know about and understand the knowledge of their own fields, so they get what students need for academic and career reasons. So in this way, experienced teachers are more capable of teaching successful students-hence help building a successful school. Second and naturally, experienced teachers are mostly representatives of the school. They can draw the attention of potential talented students and make for a better chance for the school to succeed.
开头点题的句子叫做Topic Sentence, 简称TS。
基本论证最有效率的结构从来都是总分总,取决于最后的时间多少可以选择结尾是否“总”结。开头说明观点或主旨,不仅仅可以给听者回答明确的印象,还可以提醒自己回答的中心。通常我们把开头点题的句子叫做Topic Sentence, 简称TS。
接下来就可以展现回答主体了,这个时候可以简单过度在TS后说明,and I have/there are two reasons。通常情况下主体部分阐述两个理由为对考生来说最有利的理由数量。虽然不排除一个理由和能力较好的同学可以说好三个理由的效果,两个理由无论从结构上还是效果上都是最理想的。一是两个理由不像一个理由略微单薄,另外45s内我们可以把两个理由有条理的说出来并且有细节和例子支持,不像三个理由平均下来每个理由可以阐述的时间几乎不太可能被充分的论证。所以主体部分可以由两个大点支撑:first reason and second reason.
所以主体部分可以由两个大点支撑:first reason and second reason.
My first reason is…/ To start with…. / First of all …/Firstly…
Also…/Further…/Moreover…/Another reason is …
关于每一个理由的展开,大体上有两种常用结构,即说理和细节,说理和举例。通常情况下每一个理由三到四句话,大约50到70词是非常合适的长度。遇到没有话说的情况,推荐采取举例子的方式,for example I have a cousin/ for instancethere was one time when … 基于自身的情况,几乎所有话题都可以有例子可以举。
如果剩余4到5s, 可以将TS重复一遍,或最好选用其他方式转换成同义句重复一遍。Therefore/above is why TS.
TS and I have/there are two reasons.
My first reason is…/ To start with…. / First of all …/Firstly…
Also…/Further…/Moreover…/Another reason is …
Therefore/Above is why TS.