发布时间:2022-05-13 17:52:30
在实际的托福考试中,在Section 1 , Part A的指示之前,主考官先会发下记载试题的booklet【小册】和answer sheet【答案纸】。此时,会有一速度较慢的英文指示。
Attention.Please We are going to give listen to these each a test .Read the directions on the back of the test book.Do not open your test book until Itell you to do so.【12秒】Now, from the front cover, take out thefolded answer sheet .Then close your test book and keep it closed【15秒】Unfold your answer sheet .On the front of your test bookin the box at the top,print with a pencil your full name, puttingyour family name first.【21秒】In the other box marked“signa-ture”,write your name,as if you were signing a business letter.
【20秒】Now take everything from your desk except your testbook,answer sheet,pencils and erasers. You can not use notepaper.You can not mark your answers in the test book or answersheet .You will get credit only for the answers on your answersheet .Check to make sure all your answers are dark enough tocover the letter within the oval completely. You must not beable to see the letter.if you make a mistake,be sure to erasethe oval completely. Try your best to answer each question.
There is no penalty for guessing.Make the best choice you can.【10秒】The test has three sections.Section One has three parts.You cannot omit any section or part.Each section is timed dif-ferently. During the time limit for each section,you‘ must workon that section only. You must not go back and work on aprevious section.You can not start the next section until youare told .If you finish a part or section before your time is up,You must stay seated.Raise your hand if you find somethingwrong·with the test book or answer sheet.【15秒】Now on your.answer sheet,find the spaces for Section One. The test will be-gin in just a minute.Listen carefully to the directions.”【大意】「注意,请听以下的说明。下面我们将进行测验。请看test book後面的注意事项。在我没有告诉各位打开test book之前,请不要打开,现在,请由封面上取出摺叠的答案纸,并阖上test book,然後将答案纸摆开。在封面右上的格子里按姓氏、名字,以印刷体书写,在另一个注有”signature"的格子里以书写体签名,就像在商业书信上签名一样。现在,桌上除了testbook、答案纸、笔、橡皮之外,其馀一律收起。不准使用计算纸。testbook和答案纸不准作任何记号。
只有答案纸准确的答案才被承认,检查看看是否将答案的椭圆形涂黑,完全盖住字母;并尽力答完每一个题目,答错亦不倒扣。本测验有3个Section; section一分为3部分,必须全部答完。每个section所定的时间不一,在规定的时问内只做规定的section,不要回头做前面的section 听到做下一个section的指示之後,再开始做下一个sec-tion。在时限前做完题目时,请坐在原位。对test book或答案纸有疑问时请举手询问。请看答案纸的section 1.,测验马上要开始了。注意听指示。去看一下 新托福听力考前速记技巧?
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