发布时间:2022-05-13 17:53:30
首先,考生们要树立起信心,其实托福口语中的人物类话题是非常好拿分的,因为说通俗一点,托福口语是按点给分。也就是说,考生只要回答的在“点”上,就有分。那么,什么叫在“点”上呢?我们拿Describe a famous person who has influenced you much.一题来作为例子。
amicable, amiable, benign 友好友善的,亲切的,aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的,dynamic 生机勃勃的,enthusiastic 热心的,faithful 守信的,忠诚的,frank 坦率的,forceful 【性格】坚强的,honest 诚实的,humorous 幽默的,independent 有主见的,industrious 勤奋的,trustworthy 可信赖的,sincere 真诚的,motivated 有动力的,responsible 负责任的,determined 坚定的,persevere 坚持不懈的,cooperative 合作的,strong-willed 意志坚定的
托福口语中的人物类话题还有一种常考题型,就是三选一。题目中给出三个选项,让考生选出认为最重要或最喜欢的一个,进行阐述和解释。例如,Which do you think is the most important one to you: family, friends or colleagues? Explain why. Please include details and examples in your response. 这是非常典型的三选一考题,考生只需选取其一说明原因和事例即可。但往往最为难考生的就是如何阐述原因。很多考生选择family,但原因是什么却很难想到,他们觉得家人重要就是重要,没有为什么。这当然无可厚非,但考生要知道的是,如果回答不出为什么,甚至有考生回答no reason,结果一般是不理想的。其实仔细想想,家庭、朋友等的重要性并不难说,只是我们同学不善于总结和发现,所以在这里老师就为大家总结了一些考生们可用的素材:
1. Family provides a sense of belonging. It gives identity and provides support and security.
2. Your family is made up of the people you care about and the people who care about you.
3. Family counts. It’s where you start. It shapes you and nurtures you.
4. The family members support one another, trust one another, care for each other when things get tough, and share their resources.
5. Families are a source of emotional support and comfort, warmth and nurturing, protection and security.
6. Family instils discipline and helps children learn and internalize codes of conduct that will serve them for the rest of their lives.
7. The family instructs children and gives guidance about personal values and social behavior.
8. Family relationships provide children with a critical sense of being valued and with a vital network of historical linkages and social support.
9. Family is a place where each member feels that he or she is special and is encouraged to pursue his or her own dreams; it is a place where everyone’s individuality is permitted to flourish.
1. Friendship provides a critical buffer against stress and helps to protect against psychological and psychiatric problems.
2. Difficulty in making and keeping friends leads to feelings of low self-esteem and these feelings usually continue into adulthood.
3. Friendship is a wonderful thing and is vitally important for personal growth and success.
4. A good friendship is one where you accept and forgive faults, understand moods, and don’t feel hurt if a friend doesn’t feel like seeing you.
5. When you are happy, friendship is just like adding flowers on the brocade; when you are sad, friendship is a dose of consolation; if you are in trouble, friends will surround you and remove the barriers for you; if you have a hard nut to crack, you can turn to friends for help.
6. Friendship isn’t almighty, but no one can live happily without it.
托福独立口语题目:Describe a character in a book, film, or poem, explain why you like him or her. Please use specific details.
1. 学到了很多东西比如珍惜友情
2. 永不放弃、追随梦想
Well,Personally I would like to talk about the main character in the movie Harry Potter. Actually, the character’s name is Harry Potter. I learn lots of important lessons from him and the movie is very enlightening and educational. First off, we should cherish friendship since friends are big part of our lives. As the saying goes: “A friend in need is a friend indeed." Additionally, I learned the importance of never giving up. Even though we might have many setback and faced a lot of barriers in our life, however we should never give up, instead we should be motivated to achieve our goals and hold fast to our dreams.
learn lots of important lessons:学习很多重要的教训
enlightening and educational:启发性的和教育性的
cherish friendship:珍惜友谊
A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情
never giving up:永不放弃
faced a lot of barriers:面对着很多的障碍
be motivated to achieve our goals:有实现目标的动力
hold fast to our dreams:坚持我们的梦想
经典美国总统篇- 1. George Washington
Describe a person you admire
这道题相信咱们考托的学生非常熟悉吧,描述一个你赞美的人,但每当我听到这道题的答案时:爸爸,妈妈,叔叔,婶婶,奶奶,爷爷,内容呢?无非就是善良,耐心,warm-hearted, 甚至有学生我敬仰的原因是扶老太太过马路,好吧,说爸爸妈妈这样做倒也罢了,你竟然说佩服爷爷扶一个老奶奶过马路,估计爷爷光是想想就已经醉了
----他就是美国总统 Coming—George Washington 乔治.华盛顿
来看看华盛顿先森都做过那些令人敬仰的事情吧,我们好从当中选择一个Reason, 作为我们的Reason1
1. 华盛顿是是美国的’国父’,且华盛顿是美国的首任总统
2. 1775-1783年美国独立战争’总司令’
3. 1776年主导发表’独立宣言’
1. 诚实-樱桃树
The first reason that I admire GW is because of his honesty.
I learned a story about GW. he is a person who is not disposed to cheat, and he believes that the humans quality should deem truth as an essential value. Moreover, I also learned from him that admitting the mistake is not a bad thing, others will forgive you because of your honesty.
2. Not-Greedy
1. 总统是由人民选出来的【军方出身不适合涉及政治】
2. 总统任期不超过两届,不然会对美国民主造成威胁【反例请参照我们的好盆友朝鲜民国-金氏家族思密达】。
Second, GW told us that people should barely put ourselves and our needs on the forefront, when it comes to getting others needs met. He usually listen to the necessities of others. What is more, his life goal is not to get more and more of something he wants, but to focus on how to help others to get it.
1. Describe a friend in your childhood.
2. Describe a family member.
3. Do you think teachers should make class fun?
4. Describe a person you admire
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