发布时间:2022-05-13 17:53:30
While many modern forms of communication like phone calls, email, and letters, are extremely convenient, in my opinion, nothing beats speaking to another person face-to-face. Face-to-face conversation is the ultimate form of human communication because it is interactive, and allows a broader range of possibilities for communication inthe intricacies of tone of voice, body language, and can add the intimacy of touch.
The first and most obvious advantage that face-to-face communication has over a letter and email is thatthere is the ability for an interactive conversation. If the sender of a letter or an email does not write clearly, or therecipient does not understand part of the correspondence, then much time must be spent to clear up themisunderstanding. In a face-to-face conversation, misunderstandings are easily dealt with because of the immediateand interactive nature of a face-to-face conversation.
The argument might be made that telephones and instant messaging services like MSN and ICQ are equallyviable formats for interactive conversation, with the added benefit of being available over long distances. I wouldstill argue that face-to-face conversation is better because you can see the other person. Not all communication is verbal; the meaning of much of what we say depends on our body language and tone of voice. Joking and ironyare particularly difficult to express, identify, and enjoy without seeing the expression on someone's face, orwatching the movements of their body.
Finally, if the goal of communication is to maintain or deepen a relationship with someone, business partners,friends, husbands and wives, or parents and children, face-to-face communication offers the option ofcommunication by touch that is unavailable even if we could communicate by video. Trust and respect betweenbusinesses partners can be established with a firm handshake. No amount of body language can convey theexcitement of a high-five between friends, and no number of words can communicate the comforting embrace of aloved one. Touch is the first foundation of our human relationships, before spoken language, and it is only available when people communicate face to face.
There is no doubt that television has greatly changed people’s lives. After its invention, it became an almost indispensable part of most households within the space of just a few years. Nowadays, many families have two or even three television sets so that every member of the family can watch what he wants whenever he wants. In my opinion, this has significantly reduced the amount of time that family and friends spend communicating with each other.
Before the invention of television, people spent their leisure time in more active and social pursuits. They often played cards or other games, listened to the radio together or went out to see friends. But now television is widely available and it offers a variety of program choices that appeal to almost every interest. People no longer have to look to others for entertainment. Also, television can be like a sedative. Studies have shown that watching a great deal of television makes people more passive. Finally, people are simply watching increasing amounts of television. And with two or three TV sets in the house, there is no need for them to even watch it together.
Although television has reduced the amount of time that family and friends spend together, it doesn’t have to be this way. People can make the choice to turn off the TV and do something more active. Or, if they really want to watch TV, they can find a thought-provoking program that they would all like to watch and discuss afterwards.
The advancement of technology has introduced countless forms of communication. Cell phones, text messaging and programs like Twitter make it easy to talk with anybody, anywhere. Although technology has made communicating very easy, these forms sometimes are too detached and can lead to many misunderstandings. I still think the best way to have a conversation with someone is face to face.
Instant messaging or text messaging are convenient forms of communication, but it is hard to discuss difficult topics over text or instant message. The style of language is so abbreviated that it is hard to tell a person’s tone or mood. For example, I was once chatting with my mother and I responded “OK” when she asked me a very serious question. I thought my response was fine, but the next day my mother called me very upset. She thought I was angry with her and had been worrying all day about how to talk to me. If we had been talking on the phone, she would have been able to hear that I was not angry.
E-mail is also another form of communication that is useful, but can be troublesome if you are discussing a difficult topic. Sometimes when people are angry, they write a quick and nasty e-mail. This has gotten a lot of people in trouble with their teachers or bosses. One time, my classmate was really upset about a grade she received on a test. She was so upset about it that she sent a very rude e-mail to the teacher. After about an hour, she calmed down and realized she had made a mistake. If she had called or gone to talk to the teacher about the test, she probably would not have used such angry language. Unfortunately, it is too easy to send an e-mail without thinking. The teacher was not pleased with her e-mail, and gave her a week’s detention.
Talking with somebody on the phone, or face to face, is the best way to solve a problem. When you are speaking with somebody, you can hear the mood in his voice, or see the expression on his face. Using these verbal and physical cues, you can understand his meaning more clearly. Conversations such as politics and relationships are most successful if done over the phone or face to face. This is why people do not propose marriage through e-mail and politicians do not write laws using text messaging. Using the phone also keeps you from getting into trouble by miscommunication or misunderstanding.
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