发布时间:2022-05-13 17:53:45
托福阅读指代题常见的提问方式:The word X in the passage refers to...指代题在看完代词所在句子之后往前句找指代对象。把答案带入原句检查是否违反语法规则,以及句子是否表达通畅。
例一:It has been suggested that Pakicetus fed on fish in shallow water and was not yetadapted for life in the open ocean. It probably bred and gave birth on land.
The word “It” in the passage refers to
【A】 Pakicetus
【B】 fish
【C】 life
【D】 ocean
例二:The popular is replacing the folk in industrialized countries and in many developingnations, Folk-made objects give way to their popular equivalent, usually because thepopular item is more quickly or cheaply produced, is easier or time saving to use, or lendsmore prestige to the owner.
The word "their" in line 26 refer to
【A】 folk
【B】 nations
【C】 countries
【D】 objects
例三:It quickly proved a financial success as well. The prosperity of the Erie encouragedthe state to enlarge its canal system by building several branches.
The word "its" in line 22 refers to
【A】 Prosperity
【B】 Erie
【C】 System
【D】 State
例四:When the jets strike the highly rarefied gas that percales intergalactic space, thefast-moving electrons lose their highly directional motion and form vast clouds ofradio-emitting gas.
The word "their" in line 22 refers to
【A】 speeds
【B】 directions
【C】 electrons
【D】 clouds
指代题Reference questions 【 0 to 2 questions per set 】
1. 把四个选项代入原文阅读翻译,翻译不同的就是错误答案。
2. 代词的传递规则--同一个事物可以在后面的数句话中用不同代词或同一个进行同一个概念上的表达。做题时按照顺序从后往前"追溯本源",或者说,“就近原则”。
3. 如果一句话中有两个并列的及物动词,第二个及物动词后面的代词宾语经常指代前一个动词的名词宾语。例:I sometimes play this game, and my sister plays it too. 句中的play是及物动词,后面play的代词宾语it与前面play的名词宾语game指代同一内容。
4. 主从复合句的指代:主从复合句中的第二句的代词主语经常指代第一句中的名词主语。如果主从复合句中的一个句子使用被动语态,包含被动语态的句子中的主语常指代另一句中的宾语。例:The tiny delicate skeletons are usually scattered by scavengers or destroyed by weathering before they be fossilized. Before后面引导的是一句典型的时间状语从句,从句中的代词主语they指的就是主句中的名词主语skeletons。
5. 所有格指代词经常指代它前面位置上最接近的名词,但是要注意两个条件:
例:Our school is here while theirs is here.句中theirs指的就是前一句话中的贺新名词school。
6. 平行结构——平行结构中的两个部分的两个代词经常指代同一对象:前一句的名词主语
Some/most/many/such/each…/others; not only…but also…/the former…the later.
例:We can use it to change matter from one physical or chemical form to another. 句中用的是典型的平行结构:one … another… ,因此another指的就是one后面的内容,即physical or chemical form。
8. 宾语从句【of which …, in which…, from which…】的关系代词指代现行词,from there结构中的there指代前面最接近的地点名词。
Energy is the real currency of the world. We depend on energy to grow our food, to keep us alive, and to warm and cool our bodies and the buildings where we live and work. We also use it to move people and other objects as well as to change matter from one physical or chemical form to another.
The word another in the passage refers to
• currency
• energy
• matter
• form
如果各位的语法够好,这道题其实都不需要太读懂都能做【当然,这也只是部分题型】,我们来关注下这个结构change matter from one physical or chemical form to another. 其实这个就是change from A to B, 把A变做B,所以“A”部分对应原文的one physical or chemical form,B则对应another,所以another应该是form
“Roots anchor the plant in one of the two ways or sometimes by a combination of the two. The first is by occupying a large volume of shallow soil around the plant‘s base with a fibrous root system, one consisting of many thin, profusely branched roots. Since these kinds of roots grow relatively close to the soil surface, they effectively control soil erosion. Grass roots are especially well suited to this purpose...."
The phrase this purpose in the passage refers to
○ combining two root systems
○ feeding the plant
○ preventing soil erosion
○ leaching nutrient
这道题就需要考生的理解了,第一步考生得先认识purpose,题干问“这个目的”是什么,我们按照指代题往前找的思路,看到这么一句话Since these kinds of roots grow relatively close to the soil surface, they effectively control soil erosion. 这个句话就需要大家读懂get到“这个目的”是什么,读懂句子就能看出这个题应该选C。
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