发布时间:2022-05-13 17:54:10
编辑 editor [5editE]
编剧 playwright [5pleirait], screenwriter [5skri:n7raitE]
裁缝 tailor [5teilE]
出纳员 cashier [kA5FiE]
出租汽车司机 taxi driver
厨师 cook [kuk]
厨师长【大厨师】 chef [Fef]
船长 captain [5kAptin]
打字员 typist [5taipist]
导演 director [di5rektE]
导游 tourist guide
电工 electrician [i7lek5triFEn]
调酒师 bartender [5bB:tendE]
短期工作 temporary job
法官 judge [dVQdV]
翻译 translator [trAns5leitE]
歌手 singer [5siNE]
个体户 individual enterprise
工程师 engineer [7endVi5niE]
公务员 civil servant
海员 seaman [5si:mEn]
护士 nurse [nE:s]
话务员【接线生】 operator [5CpEreitE]
会计 accountant [E5kauntEnt]
机械师【技工,机修工】 mechanic
计算机系统分析员 computer systems analyst
记者 journalist [5dVE:nElist]
兼职 part-time job
建筑师 architect [5B:kitekt ]
警察 policeman [pE5li:smEn]
婚姻状况 marriage status
单身 bachelordom [7bAtFElE5dEm]
单身的 single [5siN^El]
单身男子 bachelor [5bAtFElE]
单身女士,未婚妇女,老处女【带贬义】 spinster [5spinstE]
已婚的 married [5mArid]
离婚的 divorced [di5vC:st]
离婚后单身 remain unmarried
守寡 widowhood [5widEuhud]
寡妇 widow [5widEu]
鳏夫 widower [5widEuE]
和睦的 harmonious [hB:5mEuniEs]
未婚妻 fiancée [fi5B:nsei]
未婚夫 fiance [fi5B:nsei]
婚礼 wedding [5wediN]
婚礼,订婚 engagement [in5geidVmEnt]
订婚了的 engaged [in5^eidVd]
婚姻破裂 marriage breakdown
婚姻状况 marital status
蜜月 honeymoon [5hQnimu:n]
同居 cohabitation [kEu7hAbi5teiFEn]
再婚 remarry [7ri:5mAri ]
大麦 barley [5bB:li ]
饺子 dumpling [5dQmpliN] Jiaozi
面粉 flour [flauE]
米饭 rice [rais]
小麦 wheat [wi:t]
主食 staple food
包子 steamed stuffed bun
馒头 steamed bread
汤圆 sweet dumpling
粽子 Zongzi
面条 noodle [5nu:dl]
玉米 corn [ kC:n ], maize [meiz], mealie [5mi:li ]
高梁 broomcorn, grain sorghum, kaoliang
杂锦冷盘 assorted appetizer
老火汤 double-stewed soup
麻辣牛肉 spiced beef
烧松子鱼 whole fried fish with pinenuts
干烧大虾 fried prawns
烤鸭 roast duck
炒饭 stir-fried rice
粥 congee [5kCndV i:], porridge [5pCridV]
锅巴 rice crust
窝头 steamed corn-bread
五仁汤圆 sweet dumpling with assorted nust
混沌 hundun, dumpling
月饼 moon cake
春卷 fried spring roll
馒头 steamed bun 【mantou】
年糕 New Year cake
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