发布时间:2022-05-13 17:54:17
1. Describe a book that you think is the most useful and explain why it is the most useful. Include reasons and examples to support your response.【05. 11.19考题】
Sample answer:
The book that I think is the most useful is OG, Official Guide for new TOEFL. I‘m a book lover and have lots and lots of collections. But OG is of the greatest use ‘cause I’m taking TOEFL Test, which is a must for a student who is gonna finish his or her overseas study in America. Not only does it give the brief introduction of the test, but it also provides test candidates with practical tips. On the other hand, some basics of English language are offered following the main parts, which is very helpful for those who don‘’‘’t have a good command of English. Most of all, it helps me get well prepared for TOEFL iBT and improve my performance on the four skills as well. This definitely leads to the academic success in my future study. That‘’‘’s why I think OG is the most useful book for me.
2. Which do you like to read, magazines, novels or poems? And why? 【06. 2.3; 06. 10.28; 07. 1.6考题】
Sample answer:
I prefer magazines to fictions or poems, especially monthly magazines ‘cause they are like colorful flowers in a garden.They are good in some way and fill current trends and demands in different ways.
My definition of a good magazine is one that doesn‘’‘’t just stick to the same writers and trends. The presentation, theme, and subjects should vary to grab the interest of readers. And a magazine should be a place where new writers can blossom. I would like to see more magazine stories and features on the new generation of writers and I hope to read more about new trends and new ideas. I read five or six magazines per month and I buy two magazines regularly---fashion and beauty magazines, ‘cause they are worth reading for their entertainment news and fashion and beauty tips. Sometimes the personality profiles【个人档案/简介】 of successful business icons【这里指“人物”】 are also fun to read.
3. Describe the most efficient transportation in your country. 【06. 4.8; 06. 12.15考题】
Sample answer:
The most effective means of transport, I‘’‘’d say, is bicycle, an indispensable companion of most Chinese even though the private cars are on the rise. Each Chinese family possesses at least one bicycle and it is especially popular among college students. Compared with cars, bicycle still has some advantages. First, it is very convenient due to its small size. It does not need special parking space and can be parked almost everywhere. Second, driven by man power, it doesn‘’‘’t need fuel, so it has nothing to do with air pollution and energy crisis. Third, most people can afford a bicycle, but not a more advanced car. With so many advantages, bicycle will remain to be the most effective means of transport in China in the following years.
4. Describe one of the most important inventions in the last 100 years. 【06. 4.28; 07.3.10考题】
Sample answer:
Some people might think computer is one of the most important inventions in the last century. But I‘d say television. Since the invention of TV, human history has started a new page. First, TV allows people to learn about what’s going on in the world. With such information, they are able to get a better understanding of the world they live in. What‘s more, TV provides a lot of interesting programs that many people enjoy after a long day’‘s work. Its visual effect makes people feel less stressed and more relaxed. Most important of all, Television has a great influence on the way people think and talk.
5. If you get a chance to choose a job, what will you do? 【06. 7.29; 06. 11.18; 08.3.2考题】
Sample answer:
If I could freely choose any job, I would choose a job where I could do something constructive and beneficial for ordinary people. Definitely it would be something helping people.
Teaching of course is sort of that kind of job---- if you do it properly you can certainly help people. Traditionally in China teachers have been very respected; we have a saying a teacher for a day is a father for life.
Nowadays, attitudes are changing, and perhaps people are more realistic. But my dream isn’t changing. I wouldn‘’‘’t be helping them materially but I could give them a lot of pleasure and lighten their days.
I love teaching and I want it to be my whole life‘s career ‘cause I feel I really am contributing something to people’s lives, to help them.
在回答Task 1的时候要首先讲明主题句,然后列出三点理由,举一个例子论证即可,例子尽量具体。Task2要用主题句表明倾向,然后叙述两点理由,最后可以做一个总结句。Task3可以使用三段式模板,但是要注意把握时间,阅读段落和听力段落描述时间比例约为1:2。Task4先概括文章段落大意,听力段落重点描述,如果阅读段落中有提到的内容,但在听力段落中没有提到,可以不说。Task5对于前半部分的问题描述可以使用模板快速回答,描述个人意见时可以选择一条或两条理由,只要描述足够充分就可以。Task6答题时最为重要的是描述清楚事情的起因和结果以及主要特征,描述过程中不要遗漏重点信息,也不要出现描述错误的情况。
托福口语考试是模仿交流的考试,所以一定不要给人一种你在背书的感觉。答题时要当成普通聊天,也可以加一些口头语,比如“you know”、“I mean”等等。这样的口头词语可以在你突然卡顿的时候,给你短暂的思考时间,也会让你的回答听起来更加流利和顺畅。回答期间尽量不要突然停住不说话,流利度很重要。
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Celebrities are good models for young people.
第二种可以使用一些native speaker的input,比如喜欢看体育的同学可以去下载一个app,叫做ESPN。喜欢使用social media的同学,可以去试试一个网站叫做BuzzFeed,大家可以读读上面的文章,或者是听新闻,都可以从中得到更多的词汇词组和表达,还有些同学喜欢看美剧,刷美剧也是个很好的方式。
针对同学们的发音问题,我们就给出第2个Tips,那就是correct your pronunciation。我给出了两种纠正发音的方式,第一种是比较传统的,根据词典的发音去练习每一个单词、词组、表达的发音,一个一个的纠正,然后一个一个的修改。第二种方式则是我个人比较推荐的,也是比较活泼的一种方式,就是跟native speaker比较和模仿,并且纠正我们的错误,那么这样的方式让我们可以利用shadowing跟读来实现。
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