发布时间:2022-05-13 17:55:02
If you could travel back in time to meet a famous person from history, what person would you like to meet? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.
If I could travel back in time to meet a famous person, I would most like to meet and speak withSiddhartha Gautama: The Buddha. If by "enlightenment" one means a complete understanding ofthe universe, then Buddha, having achieved "enlightenment", would be fully capable of answeringall questions relating to the origins, condition, and destiny of the universe.
Perhaps the first thing I would like to discuss, upon meeting Buddha, would be the eventssurrounding the birth of the universe. How and why did the universe come into being? Arecontemporary physicists correct in assuming that all matter emerged spontaneously from a singlepoint beyond time and space? The Big Bang! And does this theory compliment or contradict thetheories of other great religious thinkers who claimed that all life emerged from a primordialsource. The "void"
Following our discussion of the origins of the universe, I would like to ask Buddha a number ofquestions concerning the "human condition." Why are Mankind, the planet Earth and the universestructured the way they are? What is the purpose of life? Why does existence contain such drasticopposites: love and hate, good and evil, joy and suffering?
Having gained an understanding of both the universe and the human condition, I would then liketo move on to a discussion of Mankind's destiny. What is then ultimate fate of the universe, and inturn, life? Is it true, as some great thinkers have suggested, that the universe and everything in itreturn to the void from which it emerged? And what about God? Is God a personal entity, as somereligions claim? Or is God the impersonal source of all that exists? The impersonal source of thevoid!
Throughout history, intelligent men and women have thought deeply about God, fate, destiny, andthe origins of the universe. The opportunity to have these questions answered by one who lived inthe not too distant past, would truly be a remarkable experience.
If you could meet a famous entertainer or athlete, who would that be, and why? Use specificreasons and examples to support your choice.
Everyone dreams to be handsome, rich and happy. Famous actors and actresses, pop stars orathletes are so popular because they realized the dreams many ordinary people have. If I couldmeet a famous entertainer or athlete, this person will be Julia Roberts.
Julia Roberts is a very talented actress. She can play many characters and each one is new anddifferent. She seems to become the person she is portraying and gives a 100% to the performance.Pretty Women is my favorite because it was the first Julia movie that I saw and it was her bigbreak. I still watch the movie to this day and enjoy it. Steel Magnolias is 2nd. Julia was in thecompany of a very talented cast and held her own. It’s a classic, something you always enjoywatching.
I loved Nottinghill because the movie was full of many emotions. It made you feel happy afterseeing it. I enjoy all of her movies. I see them even if the critics dish the movie. If she is in amovie I know her performance will be worth seeing. Her Oscar was very worthy of her as she wasof it. Her Oscar was a long time coming. I'm sure we can all look forward to many more greatfilms to come and her always Oscar winning performance. Julia Roberts is not only beautiful, butshe executes the characters she plays so well, that she can almost bring us to tears… almost.If I had a chance to meet Julia, I would also thank her for always thinking of the poor and theneeded. After the disaster in New York and Pennsylvania, her face looked the sincerest of all ofthe stars. Also, I heard on the news that Julia gave $2 million as a tribute. Recently, you pleadedat US congress for money on a children’s disease. Thank Julia for helping with such a kind heartespecially during a time when so many have lost so much! I know that they appreciate yoursupport and thoughtfulness, Julia.
Such is Julia Roberts, a pretty woman and America’s sweet heart, and she is the star that I definitely want to meet the most.
If you could ask a famous person one question, what would you ask? Why? Use specificreasons and details to support your answer.
If I could ask a famous person one question, I would like to ask the world famous scientist LiSiguang if our city could build a statue or monument to honor him. Because I think that hedefinitely deserves to be honored in some methods for his great achievements and building a
statue or monument to honor him is appropriate. Besides, to honor him will stimulate our childrento model this famous scientist and push themselves to study hard. But I have to ask his permission.The famous geologist Zhao Siguang had made great achievements in geology. One of his famousdiscoveries is that he renewed the continental drift theory in China. By applying his new theoryinto practical use, protectors have been exploring a lot of crude oil wells and precious mineralsites in china. These discoveries have been promoting our industries greatly and therefore madehim famous both in our country and in the world. we need to honor him for these achievements.There are a lot of ways to honor a famous scientist like Li Siguang, such as to establish an extraholiday, to name a street after his name besides building a statue or monument. However,
establishing a new holiday will involve a series of legislative process and there is already a streetthat is called after his name in our city. The left choice is to build a statue or monument to honorhim. Besides, he was born in our city. My city is his hometown. So, I think nothing can be moreappropriate to honor him than to build a statue or monument.
After the statue or monument having been built, our later generations of the city can model himmore easily. Our children are usually to know this famous geologist from books and magazines, orhearing his name from their teachers. It is a little more difficult for our children to adore himbecause all the stories about the famous people are seemed to be similar to one another. Frombuilding a statue or monument to honor him, children can look up to him anytime and know thathe was born in the city and just standing over there. This will stimulate them to study hard andhope themselves to be as famous as him in the future.
Overall, if I had the opportunity to ask a famous person one question, I would really want to knowif our city could build a statue or monument to honor Li Siguang. We really should honor him forhis achievements and his potential positive effect upon our children. However, he is too modest aperson. So, I have to ask him about this question and hope that he will say “yes” to me.
Some people prefer to live in places that have the same weather or climate all year long. Otherslike to live in areas where the weather changes several times a year. Which do you prefer? Usespecific reasons and examples to support your choice.
There is no denying the fact that whether to choose a place that have the same weather all yearlong, or a place where the weather changes several times a year is a popular topic which is muchtalked about. Although it seems that normally we cannot tell which one outweigh the otherbetween these two kinds of places, they deserve some close examination.
If three criteria were taken into account, I would prefer living in areas where the weather changesseveral times a year to living in places that have the same weather or climate all year long. Thereare no less than three advantages in this as rendered below.
First, varied weather or climate broadens the range of our pastimes. For example, we can goswimming in summer and go skiing in winter. If the place we live in has only hot weather all yearlong, like Singapore, most of us can never go skiing in our lives.
Secondly, the change of climate gives us opportunities to wear many kinds of clothes. Some say itis a waste of money to buy clothes depending on seasons. However, wearing various clothes,looking at others’ fashion, and feeling the change of seasons is very interesting for me.
Thirdly, changing of seasons is good for our health. When winter comes our body’s metabolismslows down, and when summer comes it speeds up, so that our body can maintain a good rhythm.Also snows in the winter can kill a lot of bacteria and bad insects, so that in the spring our chanceof being infected to a disease is decreased and we can enjoy nice atmosphere and sceneries.
For these reasons, I prefer to live in areas that have several changes of weather. Only these threereasons can make a person draw the conclusion that living in areas that have season changes isbetter, not to mention there are more.
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