发布时间:2022-05-13 17:55:54
? It is impossible to be completely honest with your friends.
It is universally acknowledged that honesty is one of the most important human virtues. Nearly all the relationships are based on honesty and trust among people. However, white lies are acceptable under some circumstances, in a bid to realize certain purposes.
Not thoroughly being honest to our friends can relieve us from deeper grief sometimes. I still remember the day when I had to leave the Netherlands because my exchange period came to an end. That was gut-wrenching, since I had to say goodbye to all of my friends there and leave a part of my memory I treasured most behind. Long before my departure, Phoebe, my best friend there, asked me several times about my exact time of leaving, because she wanted to see me off. But what I thought was leaving alone without telling anyone. For me, it was much sadder to just see my best friends-especially the ones who spent the most time with me and brought me a lot of happiness-leave me at the airport. So I kept telling her that I had not yet decided when to leave, although I had already booked the ticket. I cannot say whether it was appropriate or not, but I did this because I didn't want to hurt both of us. Just as a famous writer Shiqiu Liang once said, “if you love your friend, don't see him off at the airport. That will hurt both you and him; pick him up at the airport when he comes to visit you next time instead, that is the best way.”
In other time, besides, there is just no need to tell the truth to friends because it will ruin their confidence and initiative sometimes. Economics of the European Union was a course that attracts large number of exchange students. It required us to give presentations on the given papers every week during the tutorials. Since we came from different countries and had totally different knowledge backgrounds of European Union, some of us ran into problems when understanding several parts of the course. This would directly relate to the quality of our presentations, since these papers were the extension of what we learned during the lectures. Lucas, who came from Brazil and worked very hard not only during class but in his free time, got stuck at some points. Obviously, he did not do well in the presentation and even madesome opposite conclusions on financial infrastructure. But everyone saw his efforts and determination. After his presentation, we all gathered around him and congratulated him, telling him that he did a very good job and the presentation was a success. For us, it was better to hide the truth and encourage him, which might exert some positive impact on him and made him confident.
As a consequence, telling white lies to friends sometimes is appropriate and necessary.
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