发布时间:2022-05-13 17:58:00
托福阅读最后一道主旨题怎么做?托福阅读最后一道大题是六选三,即从六个选项中选取三个,加上给出的句子,合成对全文的概括。正确选项的特征是"the most important ideas in the passage",是文章的核心信息;错误选项的典型特征是文章细节。
Paragraph 1 Research has shown that certain minerals are required by plants for normal growth and development.
Paragraph 2 Mineral deficiencies can often be detected by specific symptoms such as chlorosis 【loss of chlorophyll resulting in yellow or white leaf issue】, necrosis 【isolated dead patches】, anthocyanin formation 【development of deep red pigmentation of leaves or stem】, stunted growth, and development of woody tissue in an herbaceous plant.
Paragraph 3 Much of the research on nutrient deficiencies is based on growing plants hydroponically, that is, in soilless liquid nutrient solutions.
Paragraph 4 While mineral deficiencies can limit the growth of plants, an overabundance of certain minerals can be toxic and can also limit growth.
Paragraph 5 Scientists have known for some time that certain plants, called hyper accumulators, can concentrate minerals at levels a hundredfold or greater than normal.
Paragraph 6 Only recently have investigators considered using these plants to clean up soil and waste sites that have been contaminated by toxic levels of heavy metals - an environmentally friendly approach known as phytoremediation.
Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some answer choices do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.
Plants need to absorb certain minerals from the soil in adequate quantities for normal growth and development.
1. Some plants are able to accumulate extremely high levels of certain minerals and thus can be used to clean up soils contaminated with toxic levels of these minerals.
2. Though beneficial with lower levels, high levels of salts, other minerals, and heavy metals can be harmful to plants.
3. When plants do not absorb sufficient amounts of essential minerals, characteristic abnormalities result.
4. Because high concentrations of sodium chloride and other salts limit growth in most plants, much research has been done in an effort to develop salt-tolerant agricultural crops.
5. Some plants can tolerate comparatively low levels of certain minerals, but such plants are of little use for recycling nutrients back into depleted soils.
6. Mineral deficiencies in many plants can be cured by misting their roots with a nutrient solution or by transferring the plants to a soilless nutrient solution.
1. 托福词汇阅读更偏向专业性质的,主要是由于托福考试目的是看考生的英语水平可不可以计划证它在大学中顺利学习专业知识,所以考察的内容更是偏重在学术上,但是阅读文章同样是从大学课本的简易内容中选取。所以在背单词的时候对于学术词
3. 托福阅读要求有6以上的词汇量,同时还要去记忆相对常用的专业词汇,但一定别将精力都放到死抠生僻的专业词汇上,由于那并非是托福阅读考察的内容。因此托福阅读词汇备考要有针性,既不能轻视,也不能乱背一通不加选择的背。找到备考重点,托福阅读就可能拿到满意的分数。
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