发布时间:2022-05-13 18:03:04
If friends from another country were going to spend time in your country, what city or place would you suggest they visit? Using details and examples, explain why.
1. Problem/ difficulty/ challenge
【1.1】 Failed exam; relationship problems
2. Who, and who this person helped you
【2.1】 Talk/ spend time together/ buy books to prepare for make up exam
3. What was the result
One time when I suddenly got a mission to play dulcimer at an opening performance in a nationwide dulcimer competition, I felt the anxiety overwhelming me. Time was limited and it was a nightmare. Just at that moment, my old brother Michael told me that the difficulties people encounter in life are just like those undesirable courses at school that keep coming and fading away, but the experience we obtain from them may last forever. Then he spent sleepless nights to prepare three songs for me, at last, I gave a fantastic performance. You know, this is very important to me, because I know there is nothing impossible.
I still remember when I took the TOEFL exam for the first time, my mark was awful, I totally lost confident in doing a good job on the test. My dad was the person that helped me through the tough time. First, instead of blaming or punishing me, he spent a lot of time to find out what my problems were and how I could improve. Next, he bought me many useful books to prepare for the test. There were many sample questions and useful sample responses in the books. Also, there were practice tests in the books that I could use to sharpen my skills. Because of his support, I’m confident that I can do a better job this time around.
When I was in the third summer vacation in the college, I found a job in downtown. I lived on campus at that time but the campus is very far away from downtown so I got to find a place to live nearby. There was one friend who studied in another college located near downtown. He called me to live with him in his dorm since all his roommates were gone. He introduced me to his campus and told me where to eat, where to buy necessities and where to work out. I didn’t have to pay anything for this housing service. Also, living in his dorm saved me a lot of time. I shorten the travel time from 2 hours to 20 minutes.
所以根据你的时间。可以先基础训练>>强化训练基础训练我建议你用新概念英语1-4. 基本上从2开始就行。1都是初中生的水平。建议你把上面的对话看懂看会知道在某种情况下发生的时候正规的段子应该是怎么样的。我个人感觉作文和托福口语的很多说法还是差挺大的。建议这套书是因为有这么一个说法:如果会上面所有的段子和句式就基本和老外沟通无障碍。
很多考过新托福的童鞋们都知道,在新托福考试中,口语部分包含两个部分:阅读和听力。是否能够做好阅读和听力两个项目的笔记是考生在口语部分中取得高分的关键。那么如何才能更好更成功的做笔记呢,我就以我考过两次的经验来说一说。要做好的Note,正确有效的Note taking skills是必须要掌握的。
第一题:为非限制性问题。但一定和学校or日常生活有关,要答 thereason & detail,注意一定要有具体的细节支持。
第1、2题:题目在一开始就会出现在屏幕上,所以不要理会电脑中读什么,用最快的速度将题目扫一眼【中间可以挤出30秒的时间准备】 答题时间均为45’
两者的观点一致-In the listening passage, the man expresses his opinionabout the Office, he believes that…】点题句
两者的观点不一致-In the listening passage, the man and the woman…】as the reading passage indicates
特例:要你说出相对于listening, reading中哪些没有【Inaddition to the reading passage, we also find in the listening that…】 这类题要多说些reading部分,大约20~25’
第四题:学术类。Reading & Listening的关系要么是承接要么是驳斥。听完后70% 让你说出一个Lecture中的例子来解释…,即细节解释【In this lecture, the professor gives two examples to illustrate theprinciple of…中间用However, in the readingpassage…】
第五题:为学校生活类问题,有人会提出解决方案,让后让你重复他们的问题和观点,最后说Your Opinion & Why?一两句就可以。
这也是唯一一个问Your Opinion的题,而3、4、6题都只是让你重复。但有些题目仅要求描述,而不解释或不需要给出Your Opinion,要听清20’准备 【In thelistening passage, the man and the woman discuss a problem. The man was…If Iwere the man, I wouldchoose the second opinion.】
第六题:为学术话题,讲一个Lecture,让你重复professor的观点或者解释一下理论。【开头句:In the listening passage, the professorintroduces…】
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