发布时间:2022-05-13 18:03:42
1. Cosmos 宇宙
Cosmology 宇宙学
Cosmologist 宇宙学家
例句:Philosopher and physicist Stephen Hawking is probably the world's most famous cosmologist.哲学家和物理学家史蒂芬霍金也许是全球著名的宇宙学家之一。
2. Asteroid n.小行星 adj.星状的
Asteroid belt 小行星带
例句:Many asteroids have been placed in groups and families based on their orbital characteristics. 人们根据轨道特征对许多小行星进行分类。
3. Axis n.轴;轴心国【纳粹德国、意大利王国和日本帝国】
英文释义:an imaginary line that passes through Earth’s center and its North and South Poles;the center around which something rotates
例句:The Earth rotates on an axis between the north and south poles.地球绕着南北两极之间的地轴自转。
4. Big Bang n.宇宙大爆炸【一种关于宇宙起源的学说】
英文释义:theory that an explosion created the universe many billions of years ago
5. Black hole n. 黑洞【宇宙中包括光线在内的一切事物都会被吸入的区域】
英文释义:an area in outer space into which everything near it, including light, is pulled.
6. Comet n.彗星
英文释义:an object in outer space that develops along, bright tail when it passes near the sun
Halley’s comet 哈雷彗星
7. Constellation n. 星座
英文释义:a group of stars that forms a particular pattern and has a name.
A star in the constellation of Orion猎户座的一颗恒星
Zodiac 黄道带,指太阳、月亮及行星所行经区域构成的假想带
Chinese Zodiac生肖
8. Dark matter n. 暗物质
英文释义:a type of matter that scientists think may exist that does not give off electromagnetic radiation but is quite abundant in the universe
9. Ellipse n.椭圆
英文释义:an elongated circle, or oval shape;shape of planetary orbits
例句:If this is an ellipse around the Earth,then this would be perigee and this would be apogee.
Elliptical machine椭圆机
10. Equinox n.春分,秋分,昼夜平分点
英文释义:one of the two times in a year when night and day are of equal length
例句:Why was the rising Sun due east one day after the equinox?
The spring equinox春分
11. Galaxy n.银河;星系
英文释义:a collection of stars, star systems,dust, and gas bound together by gravity
the Milky Way 银河
例句:There are three main types of galaxy: spiral,elliptical, and irregular
12. Light year n. 光年【约为94605亿千米】
英文释义:the distance that light travels in one year; about 9.46 trillion kilometers
13. Meteor 流星
英文释义:any of the small solid galactic bodies that enter the earth's atmosphere
Astronomers track large meteors using radar天文学家使用雷达跟踪大型流星
Luminous meteors极光
14. Nebula n.星云
英文释义:clouds of gas or dust in the universe that are made visible by the light of neighboring stars
例句:Light takes as long as 1500 years to reach Earth from the distant Horsehead Nebula 光需要1500年从马头星云传播到地球
15. Gravity n.重力;
英文释义:the force of attraction between all masses in the universe
例句:Because of the moon's smaller mass, its gravity is only one sixth of that on Earth.由于月球的质量较小,其重力仅为地球的六分之一
16. Orbit n./v.轨道;绕…作轨道运行
英文释义:the path of an object as it revolves around another object in space
例句:The satellite orbits the Earth every 48 hours. 这颗人造卫星每48小时绕地球运行一周
17. Rotation n.自转;旋转
英文释义:the spinning motion of a planet on its axis
例句:The Earth's rotation takes 24 hours. 地球自转需要24小时
18. solar eclipse 日蚀
英文释义:when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth
lunareclipse 月蚀
英文释义:when the Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon and casts a shadow on the Moon
19. Solstice n.至;至点
来自于古拉丁语“point at which the sun seems to stand still”字面意思即太阳停止的地方。
英文释义:the time that Earth’s poles point at their greatest angle toward or away from the Sun
Summer solstice 夏至
Winter solstice冬至
20. Tide n.海潮;潮汐
英文释义:the periodic rise and fall of the sea level under the gravitational pull of the Moon
Time and tide wait for no man.“岁月不待人”
Turn the tide 扭转局势;力挽狂澜
1】 sought sought fought sought fought sought fought
2】 minks sinks minkes minks sinks sinks sink
3】 phrase phase phase phrase phase phase phase
4】 chrome chrome chronic chrome chronic chrome
5】 bright light brought bright right bring bright
6】 discovery discover discovery recovery recover discuss
7】 whale whale wheel whale whaling white
8】 nature nurture natural nature nurse nature
9】 mammal animal mammal mammon mammoth mammal
10】 visionvisual vision virtual vision visional
时间:_____秒。正确:_____个。 在横线上标出左边单词出现的次数。
1】 whirl whirr whim whirl whim whirr whirl ______
2】 altaralter alter alter altar altar after altar ______
3】 course coarse course course coarse coarse ______
4】 whirl whirr whim whirr whim whirr whim ______
5】 breath breathe breathe breathe breath breath ______
6 course coarse course course coarse coarse ______
7】 radar reader read radar reader radar ______
8】 perceive perception perceive perceive perception perceptive ______
9】 navigate navigate negative navigate navigation navigate ______
10】 adapt adapt adopt adaption accept adapt ______
【二】 快速短语识别:用下划线标出出现的所有第一个词组。请在15秒内完成。
1 industrial world
water per person population explosion food production electricity world industrial world water policies industrial world innovative layoutindustrial process falling behind violence world soil quality industrial revolution continue to raise international tensions
2 economic benefit
economy benefit economic growth economic development economy policy
electricity service economical engine effective solution economic benefit
efficient beginner effective skills economic benefit economical design
economic benefit economically fit economic activities
mistaken - misconceptions misunderstand misuse misspell mischance change - view define modify access contain dominant involve - revolve intake follow contain invite invoice tiny - very swift very strong very small very sharp very quick speaking two language – contemporary texts bilingual rhythmic hearty
6. destroy - destruct decide rebuild construct
7. gigantic - excited foolish dangerous huge tiny particular
8. local - abroad board import domestic transport
9. vanish - to paint to disappear to defeat to suffer to decline
10. gloomyfoolish sad timid open poetic slender
11. purchase -to double something to succeed to buy something to lend something
12. hazard - a danger a storm a battle a fire a pound a pool
13. demanding job- precious task difficult job individual job related job
14. habitat - a place to live a habit to follow a person to inform
15. distinguished - eminent heritage poisonous contrast extend
答案:misconception, modify, contain, very small, bilingual, destruct, huge, domestic, to disappear, sad, to buy something, a danger, difficult job, a place to live, eminent
因为科氏力能使气流转弯,但赤道地区没有科氏力,所以虽然赤道地区很热,但仍无法形成台风,必须在纬度5度以上,才有足够的科氏力。 在横渡大西洋前往圣萨尔瓦多的时候,哥伦布发现蔚蓝色的海洋中,有一道深蓝色的河流自东向西流动着。这时,帆船快速地随波漂流。哥伦布在日记中写道:“我注意到海水明显地自东向西流动,好像上帝驱使的一样。”
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